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I asked permission this morning, to book a bank shift. To bring money in 😂
Asked permission to do something other than mother tiny turds 😂🤦🏻‍♀️what has life become.
(V excited though, 16months of not working has broken me😂)
I asked if it’s ok to go and get my hair done this week, and if he’ll be home. While he told me last week that he’s going to get a haircut 🫠


VIP Member
Any ideas???

4yo has been complaining of a sore tummy for days. She hasn’t done much other than lie on the sofa after school, and is just really out of sorts. She said she has done a poo but I’m not sure when the last time was, but her tummy feels soft. She doesn’t have any other symptoms, apart from very tired.


VIP Member
This is so rubbish! Is his flight cancelled because of our end and Milan can actually cope with cold weather?
Mr B is in London on Wednesday for his Christmas party but we go away for the weekend on Friday, what’s the betting the train lines fail somewhere and he gets stuck on Thursday. We’re not made for extreme weather we can handle drizzle with a bit of wind 😂
Yeh delays everywhere! Madness how snow stops everything here. PJ day and Xmas movies I think for us

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Baby B’s top teeth have cut (praying this is why he slept awful last night) but one has come through with a yellow patch. Has anyone else seen this before? My mums googled it and it says it could be to do with jaundice, he had a little when he was born but not enough I’d expect it to effect his teeth
I’m going to call the dentist for an appointment on Monday & I’m at the doctors so I’ll mention it but just wondered if it’s normal


VIP Member
Question about antibiotics- obviously they have to be kept refrigerated, but we’ve got to go out later and she’ll be due a dose. I’ve got those insulated bags for bottles - if I pop them in one of those with an ice pack, will that be OK?
I didn’t know they were kept in the fridge, I never have done 🙈


Well-known member
How many dirty nappies a day was he having before this started?
What kind of milk is having?
And with him being 7 months, are you weaning yet? And if so, what as he had to eat lately? Could just his system responding to that.
Usually just one a day. He's formula fed and yes we are weaning but he didn't have anything Thursday or Friday as we were busy and didn't manage to fit it in. I can't remember what he had on weds but it wasn't anything new and he never eats very much.


VIP Member
Baby elf has alot of fromula too at almost 1, he has about 4 x 7oz bottles, 3 big meals a day and at least 2 snacks. (Plus bites of every single thing anyone else eats in this house which probably make up another meal honestly 🤣) But he usually has 2 of those bottles during the night 🙄🙄🙄
Once I've ran out of this current tub of formula I'm going to switch to cows milk.

I'm kind of thinking once you get to this age they eat what they need and as long as its offered if they want it they will have it 🤷🏼‍♀️ i dunno i can't remember what 5yo was like at this age so once again im completely winging it. And size wise I think its like us as adults we are all different shapes and sizes and I think the same applies to babies 😊

Can anyone give me some ideas on some good finger foods for baby elf to have for lunches? Things that do not require a million years prepping and cooking 🤣 He won't be spoon fed anymore he just hits the spoon and he seems really bored with what I'm currently giving him 🤣 i feel like I'm all out of inspiration. He has toast with various toppings, scrambled egg, pancakes crumpets and he loves berries.

To be honest I feel like I'm just a bit lack lustre on the parenting front at the moment. I keep making 5yo a sandwich for tea because its easier than trying to cook with baby elf into everything and she has a hot meal at lunch anyway. But i feel like I'm just not making any effort with anything for them but honestly im tired my patience is at 0 and baby elf just cannot be contained 🥴 until about 2 months ago I thought having 2 was going really well but recently I feel like I'm running around in circles and not achieving anything at all. I go back to work in 1 month so I really want to enjoy this last bit but I'm struggling to 😭 I just want to be on my own for 24 hours
Have you a slow cooker for dinners? Could make a big batch of something and it would take pressure off for you. You could also make a huge batch of super healthy pasta sauce and freeze in small portions to do them pasta for dinners.
One of the only lunches TMe eats is a quesadilla. Only takes two minutes so it’s super handy.

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Been trying to get the baby to sleep since 11 obviously he doesn’t sleep until 12:15 when we have swimming at 1.
Would you wake the baby at quarter to to leave or cancel and let them sleep? We missed last weeks lesson too so I’ll be losing £20 total but it’s his first nap of the day 🙃


VIP Member
Night 2 of baby in her own room - she fell asleep in there at 7, woke up at 9, then simply refused to go back to sleep 🫠 At midnight I gave up and just took her into my bed, reasoning with myself that she’s really not well so probably just wants some comfort. She still didn’t go to sleep until nearly 2am and then woke on and off kicking and hitting all night - she was actually calmer in the bloody cot!
Try again tonight, it will get easier. How old is she?

Can any girl parents tell me what kind of clothes you would want to receive for Xmas for a 1.5 year old? I was thinking a nice thick dress and tights but not sure if they are actually very practical. I have a boy so I have no choice but get a dino and tractor tshirt🤣shopping for girls seems like a total other ball game🤣the Primark here has a whole girls section and the boys is 2 tables full of bullshit 🤣
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Well-known member
It’s probably too bad for this atm but I have this and it’s a god send for when you’ve been holding a baby on one side. Gets all them knots out

Omg mr Waka won’t stop going on about the weather. My friends laugh at him because he’s like a doomsday weirdo. Made me watch the weather then read it out to me from the met website. I said mini Waka could have a blanket instead of her sleep bag tonight as when she comes in the bed at night with me she’s too hot. I got told I’m being too premature because of the weather. Ffs big fanny, she’ll literally be in bed with me in a couple of hours
I actually have one of these, if it's eased abit tomorrow I'll bring it with me to work , it should hopefully help.......OH has offered a massage but I really hope he realises how much pain I'm in and doesn't get any ideas 🙈


Can I ask why they advised you to start wearing at 17 weeks? My PHN told me to wait until as close to 6 months as possible 😕
She’ll be 17 weeks corrected but she’ll be over 6 months old from her birthday. She was 8 weeks early. I was confused too, I was imagining that I wouldn’t start weaning until she’s 6 months corrected


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You wouldn't think I'd already had a child asking this question but here goes - what do you do with your moving babies when you have jobs to do?

Baby Power cannot be left for even a second as he's such a danger to himself (and others!) and he gets so upset if I put him in something like the travel cot or the high chair.
It's just so hard and stressful trying to cook etc!
Cleaning done while baby naps
Cooking with them in the sling if they are being a terror
Small jobs accomplished by giving them a job as well eg I hang the washing up and he can pull the (extra bits of) washing off the bottom rungs/out of the machine. Creates more mess but allows jobs to be done


VIP Member
Thanks ladies, we usually have a mooch round sainsburys before singing hello to the sun, moon and corn (if you know, you know) so will pick some up today 😘
I haven’t tried the Sainsbury’s ones but I rate the feed and flow ones from Tesco aldi have gone off the boil recently. My child is like a stick insect today I’ve had to call in sick I feel so bad and oranges eyes keep sticking together and she is just really clingy like she’s basically sat on my shoulder x


VIP Member
Sooo turns out both my kids have Strep A 🙃 and I can’t get hold of the antibiotics because the pharmacies have run out
Hells bells, what a double shitter. Do you have it too or did they just check the kiddos?
I hope you can get your hands on some soon and you’ve been through the worst of it already 😪


VIP Member
Am I the only one who loved lactulose 😂
I had it in the hospital while I was in 3 days and nothing happened I think I was day 5 post birth I had my first poo I was terrified but lactulose saved my life

I still take it now cause I have issues one of them being I love the flavour 😂
The thickness of it makes me gag 😂
And then I make myself gag every time I go to take a sip 😂