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the guy rang me at 2am😐
Safe to say he's been warned if he looses it again, he will be in the canal xox

Jokes snoop.
Or am I?
Wow. Hope it didn’t wake any babies up 🤦🏼‍♀️ what is with these kids and losing things! Get some string and keep it round his neck 😂
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I think my baby is broken. It’s absolutely Baltic in our house tonight, I’m in joggers, thick socks and an oodie under the duvet. She’s in bed with me in pjs and a vest, absolutely refuses to go under the duvet and screams if I try and tuck her in. She’s so warm as well, like a little radiator - not a fever, I think she was just a lizard in a past life. Takes after her dad who tried to sleep with the window open when we were skiing a few years ago🤣
Ps not sure if anyone has tried to breastfeed in an oodie before but 0/10 recommend, logistically very difficult 🤣🤣
Mine is the same, kicks every single blanket off him.
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I still have nightmares about the lactulose they gave me in the hospital I honestly didn’t know what it was at first they kept bringing it with paracetamol and oramorph so I thought it was more painkillers and just kept taking it. I still have visions of me waddling down the corridor to NICU as fast as I could walk still in pain whilst trying not to shit myself. And then having to wait at the door until someone buzzed me in ahhh x
Its the devils stuff. I was given a massive bottle after having my first and I took a bit too much a few times and had a couple of accidents 🥴

You wouldn't think I'd already had a child asking this question but here goes - what do you do with your moving babies when you have jobs to do?

Baby Power cannot be left for even a second as he's such a danger to himself (and others!) and he gets so upset if I put him in something like the travel cot or the high chair.
It's just so hard and stressful trying to cook etc!
I'm having a similar issue 🤣 my first was not like this she would usually kind of stay wherever she was put and play with her toys. Not babyelf. He is a complete terror.

If its something I need to do upstairs he goes in his cot with some toys and things and he just plays in his little prison until I'm done. If I'm downstairs I literally just give him snacks everytime I need do anything 🤣 he eats ALOT of breadsticks
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Is this not standard?! We have to give them THREE bowls of piss measuring more than 200ml before they’ll let us leave 🙈😱
Not sure if it's just a catheter thing.
I had to do it. Although not 3. Just the one.
Last time she wanted 2 because she wasn't happy with the first.
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Not good 😢 we’re back in hospital. He seemed ok this morning albeit taking a lot less milk but having wet nappies. He had 2oz at 7, then 1 and 10 then wouldn’t take anything at 1. I went to change his nappy and noticed his feet were blueish and freezing and so we’re his hands. His legs were all mottled so I panicked and came back to hospital. It was bedlam in A&E, I think the strep a thing has scared a lot of people so no one is taking any chances and rightly so. But they took him straight through. They’ve admitted him and put an NG tube in. They also think he’s got a hole in his heart which is a complete shock 😢 thank you for thinking of us. I’ll keep you all posted x
Oh poor baby, I hope he's on the mend soon. Lots of love to you all ❤
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Yeah I remembe
Yes!! My first section I was threatened by the midwife that she would put my catheter back in if I didn’t wee soon. Like I was doing it on purpose. I was desperate, drinking loads, but every time I managed to get myself to the toilet nothing would bloody come out! I was running my hand under the tap and everything to try and encourage it 🤣 honestly thought I was broken for life and i would never wee again!
Omg for about 3 days after my section I had to run the tap on full and really concentrate before I could wee… I didn’t realise it was a real thing!
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I’m not spending my snow day at home cooking so I’ve mini Waka a picky lunch which I’ve never thought of before. so chuffed with myself might start a weaning page 🤣
That's our lunches every day too!
So much easier. I just throw on whatever I've got!
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This is me 😂 I’m such a messy eater my bridesmaids bought me an adult bib for my wedding day so I wouldn’t spoil my dress!

Boring question of the day - can anyone recommend any decent nappies for overnight? Currently using Tesco nappy pants but Baby Cupcake keeps waking up soaked.

So much salad cream, soup and bread chat to catch up on but to summarise:
Salad cream - absolutely not.
soup - only without floaters.
Bread and butter with soup - 1000000%
Asda have just changed supplier and they are bullshit so not those, my son pisses like a race horse and sleeps 5pm-9am and we have just been testing morrisons and for the last 4 nights he has been dry. He wears 4+ ones but the proper nappies. Their pull ups have been fine throughout the day too.
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Belle Amie

VIP Member
It’s me with another question guys, one day I’ll come with advice 😂
Baby has 2 big poos this morning (KW had to make his escape on one again 🙄) but they were like cream in colour. He’s 8 months so weaning, he’s not ate much except a shit tonne of green yogurt Friday & Saturday should I be worried or can teething/dairy change the colour of poop

I can’t believe my life has come to writing about poop online 😂
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Has anyone got any nappy rash remedies? Apart from sudacrem and metanium? Have noticed baby girl has some on her little bum and in the crack, she’s never had it before but it looks sore and painful 😓🙈 it looks a bit like some skin has peeled off, is that normal?
Coconut oil or vaseline, both work like a charm in no time
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My 5yo won't go for a poo at school and comes home most days complaining that her tummy hurts. But will swear blind she doesn't need to go to the toilet!! Some times she will refuse to go for days and be in a lot of pain then when she goes shes okay again and the cycle starts all over again!
Why do they do this to themselves?! 4Me is usually fine about using the toilet, happily poos and tells us all about it 🙈 but i don’t remember her having been in a few days so im wondering if it could be a backed up issue.

not sure if it is the same for older children but when mine was 12 months he was very backed up but didn’t have any symptoms other than a sore belly and not him self. The GP gave him some lactulose and once he went to the toilet he was feeling better.

also maybe a UTI x
I’m wondering if trying lactulose would help. Thanks x
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Does anyones kids actually like vegetables or is it myth you see on insta and tv? If it’s not blended into something or hidden the twins won’t eat them 🤷‍♀️
thought I’d try some sweet corn and broccoli this evening and it’s all launched on the floor 🙃
Nah it’s a myth. I’ll be honest, even as an adult I only really like them hidden in stuff 😂
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Oh god, worst ever mum guilt today.

Baby o slept until 8.20 this morning, which almost never happens. She went to bed at 6.30 but she did wake up coughing a few times so I assumed she just hadn’t slept well.

Just gone to get her up and her bed is covered in sick 😭 it’s all over the mattress and in her hair, on her face and her sleeping bag. But you can’t see it on the monitor I assume because the night vision can’t pick up the colour of it.

She never cried or called out in the night so I assume she coughed so much she was sick and then slept in it 🥺 I feel so awful thinking of her trying to sleep in sick and extremely lucky that she didn’t choke 😩
Aww hun I know how you feel my two have both done this. My 5yo sat up in bed was sick and went straight to sleep. Didn’t realise till we checked on her before we went to bed. She’s been doing it since she was a baby. It’s terrifying though so I know how you feel xx

eta corrected my auto correct 🙄


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Baby now hasn't pooped in about 4 days, despite loads of breastmilk, lots of fibre and Movicol! Getting a bit worried, I think if he doesn't go by tomorrow morning I might have to phone the GP. .
It's so frustrating, we never had any issues at all until he started weaning and it's like his little digestive system just can't quite figure out how to handle solid food.
Is he weeing ok?

Belle Amie

VIP Member
Oh blimey, really!?! They are all so bloody different aren't they. It's my only motivation for going swimming to be honest 🤣 She'll only contact nap normally, but after swimming I'll get a good 20 minute settee nap. Keep reminding myself this isn't forever!!! 🥴
Exactly! he’ll sleep one day I just want him to sleep now so he’ll sleep in nursery or he’ll be an absolute demon 😂

wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
I mentioned about baby having diarrhea earlier but when should I worry about it? It started Friday afternoon. He's had 6 dirty nappies today, 3 in the last hour but the last couple were only small amounts. He seems totally fine in himself, drinking milk like usual, playing and napping fine. His nappies are less wet so we are trying to give him water as well as his milk. Is it worth ringing the GP tomorrow if it continues? I've got no clue what has caused it and it's the first time he's been like this. He's 7 months old.
Yeah I’d call, they may want to test a poo sample x