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Belle Amie

VIP Member
My heating kicks in at 5c 🤦🏼‍♀️ the house has been about 11c for the last few days. Thanks to the builder, he got it down to 6c today 🫠
I don’t think I’ve got baby’s room higher than 16 in weeks and that’s cause the electric heater lives in here now. Ours kicks in at 9c for the rest of the house 😩
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Just catching up, but having grown up in the rural countryside and now living in London, it does make me laugh when Londoners get out their wellies at the first sign of snow even when it almost immediately melts on the roads and pavements! Thank goodness everyone in this corner of London has 4x4s too - heaven knows how they’d navigate the roads otherwise! 🙄😂
Good god yes. I’ve always lived in London but the 4x4s get me. The amount of range rovers on our street. Bloody central London. I don’t even remember the last time I took my car out of the garage.
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xoxo GG

VIP Member
Gone to bed with the right hump 😂😂

Serious note though… and I just need someone to tell me it’s fine, before I full on panic…
I was watching a series on Netflix the other day, and the character had a bad rash on her boob by her armpit. Turns out to be cancer, quite bad. Anyway, I’ve got rashes under both armpits, and have just killed myself off. Someone tell me it’s normal 😭

What deodorant do you use? I always get this with the pink mitchum roll on x
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I’ve just bought baby girl this tracksuit from next it’s super cute! They do some plain ones too that are very Zara
I looooove it; we have it in purple too I think it’s my all time favourite outfit and I’m not even sure why it’s just so cute
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Will there be much time difference when you can give her them?
They don't tend to have to be so many hours between so we did one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner.
But if we were out or couldn't, we'd alter it and do one breakfast, one lunch, and then before she goes to bed.
Or breakfast, whenever we got back and then right before bed.

Changed it around a bit 😊
She has to have them 4x a day so it’s a bit tricky trying to evenly space them out through the day

I didn’t know they were kept in the fridge, I never have done 🙈
Perhaps it’s just these ones, but the pharmacist made a point of telling me so I assume it’s for a reason 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
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I'm glad I'm not alone. Tbf, she's been doing it ever since she turned 11 months. Past thinking it's a phase and she's just a bellend if I'm totally honest 😂
I think they say it starts a bit later but I’m sure there’s been a few on this thread who have mentioned very similar behaviour at about that age, and I’ve always thought it was a night terror

Can someone give me inspo for batch cooking that isn’t mince based (cottage pie/lasagne/spag vol/chilli) because apart from Mac and cheese I’m drawing a blank
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I feel I’ve asked a similar question millions of times, but I’m on night 5 of sleeping on the floor of the baby’s room because she can’t sleep in our bed anymore (no curtains with street lighter, bloody loves the dogs and thinks it’s playtime at 1am) but she’s ill so wants me close by. Am buying a small double for her room but what is the actual difference between a toddler bed and a normal bed? Is it just the height? Or just a money making ploy so you have to continually buy new stuff?
Longer, taller and wider I believe
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I like next too but I find the sizes are way off, they’re good for baby grows etc but actual outfits and clothes, my girl was 4 in sep, my mum got her a coat last year for her bday age 3 and it’s still huge on her. And she’s got a skirt that’s age 1.5yrs that still fits her🤣
I completely agree tbh! I have another tracksuit from there that’s 6-9m and it’s riding up her belly so small 😂 but her sleepsuits from next in 6-9 still fit fine! I find H&M quite big sizes
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Chatty Member
I have dragged me self out to playgroup that we usually go to. It is for 0-5yr olds and every fucking week this 5 year old hits my 14 month old/snatches things off him/launches things and bashes other kids. I am absolutely sick of him because we have came back and my son now has a split eye brow and going to have to sit in a&e to get it glued because the lad chucked a wooden block off his head. 😩the Mum lets him stomp about the baby area in trainers squashing everyones fingers whilst saying ‘he is boisterous’👊
That is so not on! I would say something to whoever runs it and ask them to make a polite reminder. I would be livid!
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Hey girls, sorry for late reply, thank you all for the lovely comments and for checking on us. He got a bed on the neuro ward last night, waiting for lumbar puncture results as they think he’s got a brain infection and they want to rule out meningitis. He’s had a couple of feeds through the tube and he’s on oxygen. It was awful getting the cannula in for the IV but he is settled for now xx
Big hugs. If you need an ear to rant/offload, mine is always open. Hope you little guy is on the mend soon
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Baby elf is doing exactly the same and I haven't bought him any shoes yet. I'll probably try to hold off untill he does actually walk -mainly for money/Christmas looming/shit SMP pay reasons 🤣
🤣🤣vinted usually have brand new ones half the price. He only has a pair of trainers but when I put them on he won’t put his feet on the floor🤣
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My friend lives in Canada and gets 18months mat leave! Don’t feel bad for taking as much as you’re able to.

Forehead thermometers - the digital ones - mine seems to give a different reading every time, I usually do it about 3 times and the readings can vary MASSIVELY. Is this normal? Don’t feel like I can trust it at all! It’s a Braun one
I switched to an Infared one because those just never gave the same result
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Belle Amie

VIP Member
It’s not necessarily that it’s worse, we as a country just aren’t prepared for it. All their cars and roads are designed for snow. One snowflake and our goes to shit. Which is also why the country goes to shit when it’s above 30c (slight exaggeration maybe 😂) because we are not ready for the heat. Maybe one day 👀
I’m under my electric blanket, with Mr Bs dressing gown on, trying to work, but getting distracted. Have to go out and do the school run soon 😭
Builder is playing tunes while he’s sorting our bathroom though. Ooh… he’s just started singing. Entertainment sorted!!
I saw some guy say it’s because we have more moisture in the air than places that are used to this weather that it feels colder on our faces. Either way I hate this country but I wouldn’t live anywhere else what could I moan about then 😂
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First night in her new room wasn’t a complete disaster. She didn’t actually go to sleep til 11pm - I sat/laid on the floor next to her cot for hours while she stood up messing around until she wore herself out and let me lay her down. Did the whole her getting up/me laying her back down thing about 20 times but then she fell asleep.

She didn’t wake up again til 5am! She was really crying bless her, but Mr G went in and settled her and after about 10 mins she went back to sleep. She had another little cry about 20 mins after and I went in and did the same. Then nothing til 10 to 7 at which point I told Mr G to just bring her into our bed for a cuddle before we get up.

I’m full of false hope for bedtime now 😂
This is basically what we had to do.
Luckily we have the single bed in there so at least we don't have to lay on the floor 😂
But it does get less. And after about 6 months of doing it, she does actually let us leave the room now when she wakes up in the night whilst she's still awake.
Actually going to bed though, she has to be out of it for us to leave😂

Fingers crossed it continues for you!
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My son (14m) is incredibly lazy he would lounge about on the sofa all day if you let him and is the exact same when he comes to food. He will only eat pouches or feed him self things like mash/chicken korma/chilli/mince and dumplings with his hands. He absolutely cannot be arsed with anything he has to chew. He has no issues with chewing because I have seen him chew things he just chooses not to.

with that in mind we are now stuck in a rut of knowing he doesn’t eat enough so making sure he still has 9oz of oat milk 3x a day.

Is there anything I can do to make him eat finger foods? Before he got ill and had his final surgery he used to eat things like pizza fingers, cucumber sticks etc but now he would be absolutely disgusted. But that may be unrelated and just a coincidence.

Today I have been thinking about cutting out all milk so that he is definitely hungry and has to eat something but I don’t know if that is the total wrong approach.
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Gone to bed with the right hump 😂😂

Serious note though… and I just need someone to tell me it’s fine, before I full on panic…
I was watching a series on Netflix the other day, and the character had a bad rash on her boob by her armpit. Turns out to be cancer, quite bad. Anyway, I’ve got rashes under both armpits, and have just killed myself off. Someone tell me it’s normal 😭

that looks like a similar rash I had to deodorant. What are you using?
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Never mind he woke up after 10 minutes he’s exhausted though so it’s back to contact napping 🙃
I wish we got a good sleep from him after swimming the kid could swim the Atlantic and not be tired 😂
Oh blimey, really!?! They are all so bloody different aren't they. It's my only motivation for going swimming to be honest 🤣 She'll only contact nap normally, but after swimming I'll get a good 20 minute settee nap. Keep reminding myself this isn't forever!!! 🥴
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The anxiety is crazy… hating having a baby at this time of year going into winter and an older one at school exposed to germs…

Wondering if I’ve got some Postnatal anxiety. Baby is 8 weeks. Straight after I had him I was super anxious and midwife told me to refer myself to our well-being service which I did. Then i changed my mind cos it’s basically CBT over the phone which I didn’t think I’d find very useful plus felt like another stress to fit it in!

Anyone have any advice? I just keep jumping to the worst case scenario in my head for everything 🤪
No advice but just here to say feel ya❤I don’t want to go to playgroup because I have anxiety about step A so we are just staying in doors😩🙈
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