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Motherhood is weird: struggled with baby this morning. Very unsettled, cluster feeding, both is us getting too hot and sweaty etc.

He has now been asleep for 3 hours and I’m just sitting here watching him and hoping he wakes soon. Partly because he needs a feed but partly because I miss him 🤦‍♀️- I blame the hormones!
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I went to baby yoga yesterday, I was completely knackered after it never mind the baby. Trying to hold your baby while squatting and balancing on one leg, fuck me 😂

3 more classes to go but it was good to get out the house.
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Totally agree, and the clue is in saying her every “need”. Babies just need stuff, it’s not want, just pure need. People our age have been conditioned way too much that we its bad to “spoil” babies, that they manipulate etc. My 4mo can’t get his hands in his mouth half the time, but Brenda up the road thinks he’s a master manipulator because he cries the stops when I pick him up. Maybe I’m just bloody great company 🤣
Ugh 😑 My partner is like this. When she was constantly wanting feeds every hour or 2 when a few weeks old he was like "No. You're just being naughty. You're not hungry"
Wtf are you talking about! She doesn't even control the acting hungry! It's all natural WHEN SHE IS HUNGRY 😑 She doesn't control it nor know what she's doing 😑
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Oh yeah, babies can sleep through fire alarms, the house being knocked down, hoovering, food processor… but breathe too loudly near them and they’re awake.
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Most memorable poonami - nappy off and legs up, going to wipe, she squirted it straight up the baggy sleeve of my dressing gown, I jumped and moved and she fired again everywhere else 😂🙈

Only thing I’ve found to get it out on occasion is not let it dry then fairy liquid. I guess it breaks down the fat/grease from the milk.
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Struggling so much with my 6 week old :( she’s really unsettled and I can’t put her down without her crying. She’ll fall asleep on me no problem but will wake up as soon as I try and put her in her Moses basket. She has loads of symptoms of silent reflux so we have been prescribed omeprazole (which is an absolute nightmare to give!), went for our 6 week check today with a different dr who said she doesn’t think it’s reflux and she’s just crying because she’s a baby 🤷‍♀️ she told me to leave her to cry… has anyone else done this with a baby so young?
I would also agree with it being "normal" it wasn't until around 3 months she started letting me put her down for a sleep. Not that they last long. Before that, 99% of sleep was on me or my partner.
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Hi everyone, I feel like I can finally move over to this thread now by baby girl is home and out of NICU. The times I stayed with her in hospital and last night (first night at home) we can’t put her down to sleep she’ll only sleep on us. I don’t know if one of the reasons is because her next to me crib feels cold to touch (even though the room temperature is correct) can anyone recommend a heat pad or something and has anyone used one before with success?
I don’t know if it’ll work for you but with my boy I’ve found that once he’s fallen asleep after a feed I hold him for a while (usually like 5-10 minutes) until I notice his mouth hang open slightly then I pop him in his next to me. I’m not sure if it’ll help at all but I think it works for us because he’s in a slightly deeper sleep. Don’t get me wrong, he has to have a wriggle around once I’ve put him down but I try not to interfere unless he needs me to
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He'd be getting a nappy in his face if he lived here 😂
every morning he always makes sure he says he has less sleep than me. But any time I go down there, no matter what the time, he's snoring his head off.
He was at 3am and he was just now.
But he'll say he's had like 2 hours sleep.

He came and woke me up at 2am wanting sex. Told him to fuck off 😂
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Oh no, the game of ‘how many goes does it take for you to stay down’ is not a fun one 😖 Hope she has settled for you!
She did thank you! Just wresting my Boob into little miss combi fed to try and avoid making a bottle 😆

On the subject of winding earlier this popped up on my explore page. Just tried the jigg and circle/rotate technique, not only did she burp, she 💩😆

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Sooooo I got a job the other day, which is amazing but means I’m back to work soon 🥺 only doing 3 days but my god it’s gonna kill me being away from my boy. Also had a few comments of “you need to sort nursery out cause everywhere is fully booked” so we’ve had a bit of a mad couple of days calling nurseries up and my GOD I can’t get over how much it varies 😰

He will be doing 2 days a month and the most expensive was 560(!!!!) a month and the cheapest was 315. (This is before tax free childcare so obv taking 20% off those numbers)
I actually viewed the cheapest one tonight and adored it but we’re viewing another one tomorrow just to make sure. It’s cheaper because it’s a lot closer to home whereas they all seem to be pricey nearer to where I’ll be working. I’m also really happy because it’s got an outstanding rating from ofsted😌
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This is the worst!! Especially now I’ve moved my LO onto goats milk which is £21 a bloody tin 😭 😭

Just catching up on the thread. I have a car crier too! Well, mostly when we stop at traffic lights which is an absolute nightmare when you live in a busy town centre 🤦‍♀️ car has to be moving for a good 20 mins before she’ll fall asleep and instantly wakes up as soon as the car journey ends😭
Haha the traffic lights thing 😂
I approach them on red so slowly so the cars still moving and if I have to stop... I let the car roll a tiny bit.. Pull it forwards.. Roll back.. Pull forwards. To keep a slight movement 😂 I must look like a right weirdo 😂

Or approaching traffic lights and me and my partner are both there going "No no no no don't change don't change. No no no" 😂😂
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Thought I’d mention that as I know some of you are struggling with newborns like me.

This heat pad has made a massive difference to settling baby after nightfeeds. I put it in his next to me crib while he is out of it being bathed/fed etc. It doesn’t get hot as such just nice and warm. He now doesn’t startle when I lie him back down. Obviously, he never comes into contact with it!

Also, been to my first ‘Hartbeeps’ class this morning. I’m not as overly social person but the class was excellent. Well worth a look if any of you are considering one.


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I have nothing productive to say other than I’m fucking tired today and I’m going to a party tomorrow and I am in no way ready for photos x
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Ugh am feeling so annoyed with myself about something slightly trivial and BF related which happened this morning!

Met some friends for brunch and barely lasted long enough to drink a coffee before leaving because I couldn’t really face feeding baby B in front of loads of people (including our mostly childless, male, awkward friends). We’d arranged to meet in a small group and when we arrived there were a few more people there than I’d expected and also they’d not saved us any seats, plus the cafe was completely packed with tables really close together. I’m all for feeding in public and will happily do so, I literally don’t care who sees my boobs but I really wasn’t in the mood for it today and now wish I hadn’t made an issue out of it. Not really sure my poor husband understands and I can’t really explain it to him!
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The resentment is real!! In all honesty, sometimes I find looking after a baby really boring, that’s the thing I’m struggling with the most as I find the days so long and I see my partner just carrying on as normal. I’ve had breakdowns over it and my partner would be like ‘you’re the one who wanted this’ ‘you’re on maternity leave you’re essentially getting paid to look after him’ 😬😬 I kicked off at him for keep saying that as nothing can prepare you especially as a FTM.

When my partner finishes work, luckily he works from home then I’ll give the baby to him until baby wants fed (which usually isn’t long!) My partner does the baths (3x per week) and all last feeds with expressed milk or formula.

I follow an influencer on Instagram called @ownitbabe I find her a lot more tolerable than other mummy influencers but she’s talked about resentment before and said her and her husband agreed that they would each have 1 hour of free time per day to do whatever they want baby free and the other one would obvs look after the baby. I’ve tried to adopt that and use my baby free time to go to the gym even though I def have mum guilt and rush my time in case he’s hungry!

Tbf my partner is great, he also does a lot of the evening meals as he’s a way better cook than me and has been sleeping on the sofa while I co-sleep with the baby, though I’m trying to get my baby back in the crib atm.
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I think as long as there are plenty of wet/dirty nappies you are fine... I just tell myself their body is growing and developing sooo quickly it must be exhausting for them!

saw an old friend earlier and she gifted us a few bits from Jojo Maman Bebe, oh my god the quality of the sleepsuit is gorgeous. im too tight to spend that kind of money haha i usually buy the multipack of white sleepsuits from m&s :LOL:
my husbands work sent us a sleep suit from the little white company and it’s gorgeous and such good quality. Most of the stuff I’ve bought is second hand off Depop to save money so gifted bits like this are such a treat!
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I’ve been out all day and tried to find your posts but can’t really see… how did call with GP go?
Not great 😂 Ended up being a nightmare. He didn't really have a clue bless him, he ended up having to call NICU and find out what we needed, and then prescribed the wrong formula. When it was finally prescribed we couldn't get any, anywhere as it isn't stocked in pharmacy's so needs ordering, thankfully we called NICU and explained and it transpired we were supposed to be given a tub of the formula on discharge for these exact reasons incase supply dropped off. So we now have formula as a back up whilst I work on my supply. I asked the GP if he could prescribe me domperidone, which was met with a firm no because he'd not prescribed it in years so wasn't sure if he could still prescribe it (despite the fact he would of had a copy of the BNF next to him😅). I've found now im not stressing about my supply as we can supplement with formula my supply has increased slightly by around 10ml which is a start. I was just overly panicked I'd end up with two starving babies 🙈
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