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VIP Member
Ladies do you have any advice on reflux babies? My little one has refused to settle today after a feed from 9am-12 and tonight since 7 😔 I’ve been looking online at signs of reflux and she pretty much ticks all the boxes. I’m honestly pulling my hair out, can’t deal with the constant crying unless she’s on my chest
We had success for a brief while with carobel, its a powder that thickens the formula to help keep milk and acid reflux down, not sure how it works if you’re breast feeding though sorry.

It stopped working for us after 2/3 weeks though and we had to get infant gaviscon prescribed and it was a life saver. you will get mixed reviews about Gaviscon as most will say it just caused constiption but for us it never did luckily.

Speak to your GP And don’t let them fob you off, most don’t know much about infant reflux and always says its colic.

Other tips is having the upright a lot. We have the nuna leaf seat which has also been great, I wouldn’t suggest a vibrating seat though, more of a swing/rocker type.

Hope you find a solution for your little one quickly ❤


VIP Member
Thanks all, no the appointment is just jabs, the other checks were done by GP at the 6 week appointment.

Oh right so should I give calpol just before? Was planning on giving it just after?


VIP Member
Did anyone's babies have the 4 month sleep regression? Keep reading on Instagram about it from these sleep consultants and absolutely dreading it. LO is 3 month and sleeps generally well at night at the moment!
Mine is 6 1/2 months and we didnt find so far that nighttime sleep is affected, it’s the day time naps! Girl just has to practice her skills! 🤣


VIP Member
I used Aldi’s incontinence pants and they were brill. I had a sample of either always discrete or the tena black ones and they were almost too discrete so I didn’t take them so could t say for sure. Like you say, I’m sure they absorb liquid well but the pp bleed is thicker. I’d take them and expect to use them but take a few maternity pads for back up. You could double up that way too.
I ordered some of the sample always & tenas too, I got the biggest ones they had and they were just too tight after I had my baby. I did have a C-section though and was full of fluid so maybe that didn’t help? But I preferred huge baggy knickers & stick on maternity pads. I asked for some of the pads the hospital provide so I could save my packets for home, I went through quite a few of them.


VIP Member
Any tips on dealing with my 6 week old's baby acne? It's all across her cheeks but her skin there feels rough and dry, not oily. A bit flaky towards her ears now too as well. I gently clean her face every day with cooled boiled water but not sure what else I could be doing or whether a gentle baby moisturiser or oil would make it worse.


VIP Member
Sorry if this is a really stupid question but FTM here, but when do you start tummy time like on a play mat etc? I put him on his front when I law him on my chest, just wondering so I can know when to buy a play mat for him.
Also FTM so not the expert, I started putting her on the playmat when she was about a week but tbh could just use a rug or a throw or something as she’s not interested in any of the cute playmat toys or anything! She does quite like looking in the little mirror though, the absolute poser


VIP Member
Does anyone know what tog the tommee tippee swaddle bags are? (Can't find online, cos it's almost like a t-shirt material it doesn't have a filling)
My room is roasting and thinking a sleepsuit and swaddle bag should be enough? This actually stresses me out 😭🤣


VIP Member
Anyone who has experienced teething baby’s before... do they become a bit more sicky?

he’s teething and when he was very young he would bring up milk after his feeds but hasn’t done it for a while and since he’s been teething he’s been bringing Milk up after every feed. Even if he’s had a real good burp, up to an hour later it comes out of no where. I don’t mind and he doesn’t seem phased but just wondered if it was linked?


VIP Member
Thanks hun but what a waste of time! He justbszid unless it's smelling or oozing (infected) all I can do is wait. He said to gently massage where the scar tissue is, but that was all he said. But I'm in so much pain when I sit or walk. It's so sore and tender . It's getting me so down as I can't even take babyb for a walk. I feel like crying most days at the moment as the pain is really quite bad. I just want to go back to normal and be able to look after my baby without being in pain xx
mine got infected 3 days after I gave birth and then healed and then started opening again around 9 weeks pp and the only thing that worked was bathing it in salt water once a day it dried it out and healed really quickly mine was sore for about 3 months sorry to say but I’d a 4th degree tear as well but my perineum was sore for months 🙈🙈 I couldn’t walk for about 3 weeks and couldn’t even take my daughter a walk in the pram until about 5 weeks pp


Well-known member
Oh really? Hopefully its just a phase then.

I changed from a 1 to a size 2 on sunday as I thought that was causing the issues, she fed fine with one bottle on that teat but then started coughing and spluttering after that so went back to 1’s.

I used Mam ones occasionally with my first as it was easier but she would take any bottle really.

As for dummies, think we have tried 3/4 different brands and she just refuses everything 😩
Which milk are you using? I know with say comfort milks they say use a vari flow teet?


VIP Member
18 days PP after episiotomy and forcep delivery..
And did the deed with the mister
I swear felt like the first time I was ever having sex with him again because I was so nervous 😂😂😂
Id a forceps delivery as well and an episiotomy but I’d a 4th degree tear as well I waited to 4 months as had trouble with healing but was scared shitless the first time but it was fine thankfully 😅 I’d heard for some people it can be really painful I think if I’d have done it earlier it would have been no way could I have done it at 18 days pp your brave 😂😂


VIP Member
That's exactly it! Before I gave birth I kept saying 'if it doesn't work out, I'll go to formula no problem' but of course the reality is the overwhelming guilt, thanks to all the hormones! You're doing so amazing, oh gosh so sorry to hear about your sons cut cheek! That is so awful, I really hope you're well, I can't imagine how tough birth trauma must be. I don't know if you can private message on Tattle but if it is possible, feel free anytime to message me for a vent or a chat if you need to 💗 xx
I tried to message you the other week to see how you were getting on but I don’t think you’ve got your messages open. I think you need to go into your privacy settings. But same here, my messages are always open! 😊x


VIP Member
My lower back pain is getting beyond a joke since having baby boy, hes now 4 weeks and honestly it feels like.somethint is popping in and out on my tail bone


VIP Member
Have they done any blood tests for the jaundice? My little one had it and they did bloods a few times over the course of a few days, her levels improved so she didn’t need to go under the lamps.
Is that the heel pricks? He had lots whilst in hospital but hasn't had any since being out x


VIP Member
Mums of baby’s that have weaned/started weaning,... talk to me about long sleeved bibs? My sister in law was showing me Bibado the other week, they look good but 20 quid a bib! We bought a long sleeved bib from IKEA the other day... are they any good? Or do I need to admit defeat? Let me know if there are any other good ones 😊


VIP Member
Just had a totally random thought, in baby’s room we’ve got a cotbed and currently the mattress is on the higher setting but at what point are you supposed to lower the mattress down? Is it when baby can sit up?


VIP Member
So I went for my GP appointment to talk about my PTSD & possible PND. From the minute I walked in she was rude & dismissive. I poured my heart out but was told that everything that happened to me was ‘standard birth’
If you can call having an emergency C-section at 35 weeks, under general anaesthesia, a post partum heammorhage losing nearly a litre of blood, a 2 day hospital stay in intensive care having blood transfusions, hadn’t met my baby for his first 48 hours, & went on to have further complications due to negligence from my consultant during the two lots of surgery I had, ‘standard’ then ok, perhaps I’m being irrational.
I’ve been referred to well-being and expect a 12 week wait, she will also write to my consultant who made the cock ups during surgery to see if I can be referred quicker.
tbh I’ve come away feeling worse, and that how I feel is completely irrelevant! She kept emphasising that my baby is fine & not spending weeks on end in NICU. I get that, of course I’m grateful but I’m reaching out cause I’m suffering now, it’s hit me really hard, I want some professional help cause I’m constantly fighting with my mind every single day!
Oh and to top things off, she also said ‘don’t let this put you off having another baby’ I replied ‘this baby was conceived by IVF, and it took a Long time to get to this point’ she replied with the usual ‘it could happen naturally for you, you never know’
Is that unprofessional or is it just me? 🙃 had she read my notes she would of seen that I’m infertile, Fallopian tubes blocked, PCOS, & riddled with endometriosis!
I cried the whole way home & struggling to get out of this bad mood she’s put me in!
I was few mins late, which I apologised for but I feel like maybe that was what annoyed her, and it was a bad start.
Thats an absolute disgrace. You would think as a woman she would be more understanding and have a bit more empathy. I would keep on at them, see if you can get to see a different GP and defiantly put a complaint in about that. Im so sorry that happened to you


VIP Member
Ah the joys of body image issues when being pregnant/after having a baby.
My mum is already having a go about me getting "back on track", I gave birth 9 days ago and she's already talking about exercise, the gym, eating healthy etc.
In all honesty I've barely been able to spend more than 10 minutes eating or cooking since Thomas was born.
I cried a lot during the pregnancy thinking mt partner would leave me after my body changes, and he told me 10000 times I was being silly and honestly I was because he tells me he loves me all the time and is just happy our little boy is here safely.
When it comes to the body image side of things just remember your body is doing something incredible and no matter what it has to do, stretching and growing etc, its all for an amazing reason
Oh wow, has your mum forgotten you’ve just been pregnant for the last 9 months, nurturing your baby and yourself? I’m sorry that she’s said those things to you, could your partner have a word with her at all?