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Is 3 weeks post partum too early to have a period?!

My post partum bleeding had pretty much tailed off but yesterday and today its back to being bright red and clotty like a period 🤔 I'm exclusively breast feeding so I thought that kinda staved your periods off for a little while?


VIP Member
Anyone have experience of thrush in their little ones and how long it took to clear up? Need to call the Drs tomorrow to see if she needs anything for it
Oral thrush? Yep my little one had it, I can’t remember the name of the stuff we got but it was oral drops for 7 days... cleared up super quick!


VIP Member
Does anyone have any experience with infant gaviscon? My wee one has been put on it. She's breast fed so apparently I need to syringe it in, not sure whether I should just try and express or do a couple bottles of formula to make it easier on us 🤔
Anyone know how long it takes to work?
It is a huge pain to get in to a breastfed baby and can cause constipation. If reflux an issue? Quite often reflux in bf babies is a symptom of taking in too much air, and when the air comes up again it brings up sick, which mimics the reflux. Working on latch and ensuring good positioning at every feed may help you out. My son was put on gaviscon and I put it in expressed bottles (luckily he took them fine) but tbh it just constipated him and didn’t really solve the issue at all, just masked the problem (which was CMPA).

Maybe a stupid question but does anyone have any tips of like things I should be doing with baby to help her development? She’s 5 weeks old and is way more alert now, she likes looking in the mirror and tummy time, but is there any sensory activities etc I should be doing? I’ve tried googling but it’s such a minefield of info and you all have such great advice!
Talking, singing, chatting, reading to her are all the best interactions for now! She’s still learning to focus on things, and she’s programmed to focus on faces so yours will be just perfect!
You can get tummy time mats in high contrast (black and white) which are supposed to be fab for newbies
Also fold out high contract books which you can use during TT or just hold when you’re holding her

But just interacting with her is honestly the best for a newborn. If you can, get her outside to watch the trees (the movement of the leaves, and the shadows, is something they love!)


Well-known member
Has she pooped in the last few days? Is she breast or formula fed?
I read something recently about babies needing to squirm and grunt and groan, almost seeming like they are in pain, and that it’s normal but often mistaken for constipation in the early days. Basically their wee digestive system isn’t developed enough to just poop so they have to go through the whole rigmarole of grunts and squirms to get things moving. I found it really interesting as I noticed my latest baby definitely very squirmy and seemed uncomfortable in the early weeks.
She is formula fed and has pooped this morning. That’s really interesting! She is doing exactly what you said, grunting and squirming but also crying and throwing her arms everywhere 🤷‍♀️

My second had it quite bad where it was literally rock solid pellets coming out! She was crying in pain.

When she does go, is it solid?
After a while, their digestive system slows down a bit and they(formula fed) tend to go every couple of days.
If it's still soft when they go, it isn't usually a worry
Her poo has been quite solid this last week but then sometimes it’s softer. She’s been straining and grunting for the last half an hour but still no poo 🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
Any Kendamil users - how long did it take before you seen a difference? We switched from aptamil as she's quite a sicky baby/hard to wind/reflux and after reading reviews thought we'd try it. So far it's not helping at all, but I don't know if it takes time or instant?


VIP Member
Have you tried a few different holds on the side she won’t feed from? when No4 arrived he was having trouble feeding on the left, so I held him in rugby ball position and it definitely helped, I like to think it fooled him in to thinking it was the right 🤣
How old is baby now? Sometimes difficulty feeding on one side (a sustained difficulty) can be linked to torticollis, have you noticed any other signs of that?
I’ll definitely try switching it up to see if that helps! I think I’m probably to quick (especially in the night 😂) to put her back down at the first sign of her falling asleep, whereas I need to persevere a little more to make sure she’s feeding fully! She’s 5 weeks now but no I haven’t noticed any other signs of that!


VIP Member
Might be a stupid question but got 8 week jabs coming up soon and want to put baby in an outfit that I don't have to faff around with afterwards when I'm sure there'll be tears. How far up the thigh are the jabs given? Can I just put baby in loose short dungarees so the fabric can just be pushed up rather than having to take anything off? Also any other tips? Got infant calpol at the ready.


Well-known member
Any tips on dealing with my 6 week old's baby acne? It's all across her cheeks but her skin there feels rough and dry, not oily. A bit flaky towards her ears now too as well. I gently clean her face every day with cooled boiled water but not sure what else I could be doing or whether a gentle baby moisturiser or oil would make it worse.
Aveeno Baby Daily Care! My little one started to get it really bad last week and HV told me to clean with warm water and then put a bit of aveeno on. I can’t believe the difference it made within just a few hours!


VIP Member
It could be to do with targets in my trust but I was basically told to say it was affecting my mental health and it’s the only way to get anything done. I absolutely hate people who lie the get treatment but it wasn’t a lie, I was feeling like I’d failed at the most important thing my baby needed from me so I did and they took action.
The combination of negative affect on MH and the fact I was going to give up BF (which they definitely are targeting) meant they gave me the appointments they’d previously denied and cut the tie that they’d previously said wasn’t needed.
It may be worth telling them you’re going to stop bf to see if they’ll take action

I don’t know myself but have often heard a hot water bottle removed before laying him down to warm the crib, something that smells of you in there and white noise can really help.
If my girl keeps waking when I put her down I find a teddy tucked up/on her so she can feel something next to her for a few mins helps too.
Did you tell your HV or the GP?


VIP Member
Has anyone let their baby sleep on their front/side before they can roll? Baby girl is a month old now and still will only really sleep on me (which is fine, love the snugs) but I’ve managed to master feeding her lying down and she’ll fall asleep on her side. If I roll her onto her back she wriggles and doesn’t like it, but if she stays on her side she’s fine! I keep the pillows out the way and the duvet down at waist height and lie with my arm under my head so I can’t roll, but I’m still paranoid about sids with her like this 😬
Mines been sleeping on her tummy from she was about 6 weeks old, she had reflux and it’s the only way she would get a proper sleep. She had really good head control from early on so we trialed it during the day and kept an eye on her then once we knew she was ok moving her head from side to side we started putting her to sleep at night on her tummy, before this she would only fall asleep on us on her belly then as soon as we’d put her onto her back in her cot she’d be wide awake again or would sleep for 20 minutes and be awake again.


VIP Member
My lower back pain is getting beyond a joke since having baby boy, hes now 4 weeks and honestly it feels like.somethint is popping in and out on my tail bone
Have you spoken to a doctor?

I've been massively struggling where I can't even turn over in bed because I can't lift myself without ridiculous pain.
So I really feel for you ❤


VIP Member
Ladies do you have any advice on reflux babies? My little one has refused to settle today after a feed from 9am-12 and tonight since 7 😔 I’ve been looking online at signs of reflux and she pretty much ticks all the boxes. I’m honestly pulling my hair out, can’t deal with the constant crying unless she’s on my chest
I've had a lot of success with infant gaviscon, you need to get it prescribed though. I feel for you, it is fucking brutal x


VIP Member
What sort of weather do you stick with rompers? When it was super hot we had her in a nappy because she was too hot, but now it feels too cold (20degrees ish) for rompers. I have so many and want her in them before autumn (priorities 🙄😂) but I can’t get to grips with what to dress her in for what temperature 😬
I had her in a romper when it was like 28.
But as you say.. Now it's feels too cold. So the ones I have are just sitting there.
She hasn't even worn them all. (there's only 4) 😂 now I'm thinking I won't have enough time!


VIP Member
I’m from the pregnancy thread, I spy on here because I like hearing tips and advice from new Mumas 😆 I’m not yet qualified but did see silver nipple cups online that seem a miracle for sore breast feeding nipples.
The 925 silver is antifungal and antibacterial I think

Nipple Shields in Tri-Laminate Silver, Nickel-Free - Nipple Shields for Nursing Newborn - Breast Pads for Prevention and Treatment of Nursing Breast Fissures |Medical Device Class 1 Koala Silver Cup Amazon product
Ooo thanks!


VIP Member
Might be a stupid question but got 8 week jabs coming up soon and want to put baby in an outfit that I don't have to faff around with afterwards when I'm sure there'll be tears. How far up the thigh are the jabs given? Can I just put baby in loose short dungarees so the fabric can just be pushed up rather than having to take anything off? Also any other tips? Got infant calpol at the ready.
As @Definitelyme said. Depends where you are too. If you're in the UK it'll just be in for jabs and out. If not, then it may be different 😊


Chatty Member
Did anyone's babies have the 4 month sleep regression? Keep reading on Instagram about it from these sleep consultants and absolutely dreading it. LO is 3 month and sleeps generally well at night at the moment!
Yes we definitely did.. he wasn't a great sleeper but would sleep for 3 hour stretches. About 4.5 months he went to waking literally every 45 mins, we had hourly wakes for about 9 weeks when I finally broke and did some sleep training. He doesn't sleep through the night now ( not sure he ever will, but that wasn't the aim when we did it) but taught him to put himself back to sleep after every sleep cycle, I was desperate for a stretch of sleep that was longer than an hour.

She just has all the classic symptoms. Fusses during a feed, hard to settle and when she does settle it’s when one of us is holding her, sounds like she’s being sick but nothing comes up and then she pulls a face like she’s just tasted something horrible, frequent hiccups, goes rigid and arches her back during feeding.. the list goes on! Strangely she is fine during the night (12am-6am usually) but the hours between that are hell!
Yes my baby has had it since about 3 weeks old. On omeprazole for it and have been for a while - we are attempting to wean them off it. GPs are very reluctant to prescribe it as it's almost £100 a bottle. It's very common for them to be ok in the night time as their digestive system switches off and then gets going again about 4am.. hence lots of grunting in the night, there's something called the acid dump.
My little one would scream and bring up clear liquid at times, was awful. Huge fight with the GP over it.


Chatty Member
Does anybody have any recommendations on baby carriers? We had the ergo baby embrace which I loved but baby is too heavy for it now (11kg) so looking to upgrade. We thought we’d managed without one but we love walking in the Peak District and there’s only so many pram friendly walks I can repeat 😂

I’ve been looking at the ergo baby omni 360 carrier, but if anyone has any other suggestions that would be great so I can compare ☺
We've got the baby bjorn move, I think it goes up till 15kg. We really like it and find it comfortable. I really like the look of their new harmony one but is very pricey! They both don't go up to a weight as heavy as the ergo baby one though! Everyone i know with an ergo one absolutely loves it.


VIP Member
Is there a 6 week sleep regression? Last few nights baby has been really unsettled, she writhes around grunting like she’s uncomfortable even after bringing up a lot of wind, making loads of noise and when I feed her she wriggles around, kicking her legs and grunting again. She won’t sleep anywhere, not even on me - at a push I can get half an hour if I feed her lying down and she falls asleep while feeding. But she’s not crying at all, so I don’t think she’s in any pain? Also, she only does this at night - no wriggling or grunting during the day.. I’m just really confused and have tried every burping position possible. Honestly could cry - except my eyes are too tired and dry 😂😂