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Chatty Member
I’be no idea how it works in babies and I say because you say ‘hopefully’ re the scar fading, but I’ve used silicone patches on my csection scar and it’s all but gone. They’ve worked unbelievably well. It’s just like a squishy plaster you cut to size and is reusable. It may be worth looking at if you feel it might benefit
These sounds great, do you have a link or brand that you used? Having an elective soon x


VIP Member
Sorry if this is a really stupid question but FTM here, but when do you start tummy time like on a play mat etc? I put him on his front when I law him on my chest, just wondering so I can know when to buy a play mat for him.
As the others have said, tummy time is from birth. BUT, my eldest 3 all hated it and hardly ever did it at all, and are totally fine.No 4 oddly loves it, so he’s down all the time on the floor, but until about 3 weeks ago (he is 3 months 1 week) he did it on me, on the bed or on the sofa so I could be at eye level with him. Also over my lap, and I carry him tummy down almost all the time. Now he can reach for toys he is happy down on the floor.

I have found this website helpful. It gives ideas for TT that aren’t floor time, and gives videos of what a “typical” baby will be doing in TT at a given age.

That’s good to know! He only just started to enjoy tummy time recently so I’m hardly surprised! 😆
As I said above, my first 3 all hated tummy time. It’s one area of parenting I have a lot of guilt around (how stupid!) as they didn’t get anywhere near enough because they just cried, so what’s a mum to do?!


VIP Member
We avoided comfort milk, my baby was very sicky and relux-y and after doing research we changed to kendamil. It’s a complete game changer for us. Apparently it’s hard to get hold of but I’ve got a subscription from them direct so I never have to worry.
What age was your wee one when you switched? My daughters 14 weeks so I'm not sure if she would take to new milk or not, I dunno if they know its different or if they all taste the same 🤣


VIP Member
Any Kendamil users - how long did it take before you seen a difference? We switched from aptamil as she's quite a sicky baby/hard to wind/reflux and after reading reviews thought we'd try it. So far it's not helping at all, but I don't know if it takes time or instant?
It took us about 8-10 days to notice a difference! How long have you been feeding it to baby now? Hope it works for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Well-known member
Does anybody have any recommendations on baby carriers? We had the ergo baby embrace which I loved but baby is too heavy for it now (11kg) so looking to upgrade. We thought we’d managed without one but we love walking in the Peak District and there’s only so many pram friendly walks I can repeat 😂

I’ve been looking at the ergo baby omni 360 carrier, but if anyone has any other suggestions that would be great so I can compare ☺
Second vote for a Tula free to grow. I upgraded to an explore for this baby but actually end up using my free to grow all the time as it’s much comfier. I love my Tula!


Well-known member
Yes we definitely did.. he wasn't a great sleeper but would sleep for 3 hour stretches. About 4.5 months he went to waking literally every 45 mins, we had hourly wakes for about 9 weeks when I finally broke and did some sleep training. He doesn't sleep through the night now ( not sure he ever will, but that wasn't the aim when we did it) but taught him to put himself back to sleep after every sleep cycle, I was desperate for a stretch of sleep that was longer than an hour.

Yes my baby has had it since about 3 weeks old. On omeprazole for it and have been for a while - we are attempting to wean them off it. GPs are very reluctant to prescribe it as it's almost £100 a bottle. It's very common for them to be ok in the night time as their digestive system switches off and then gets going again about 4am.. hence lots of grunting in the night, there's something called the acid dump.
My little one would scream and bring up clear liquid at times, was awful. Huge fight with the GP over it.
Oh wow, that’s really interesting to know about the night time thing. Thank you. Did the Omeprazole get rid of it completely? We have been prescribed infant gaviscon so hoping that helps but a bit worried as a lot of people have told me it causes constipation!


VIP Member
Thank you! We only started it yesterday so still very very early days. I do find her going longer between feeds now whereas previously on her old milk she took lots of smaller feeds more frequent! I'm going to do the subscription service cos it's so handy they deliver to your door!

Thank you very much! I'll look into it and order some 🙂
Oooh yes definitely keep going then! What was she on before? We found the same, he would have little and often of cow and gate but now goes 3-4 hours on kendamil. I’m convinced it’s cause c&g was made with skimmed milk whereas this one is full. The subscription is great too, literally don’t need to think about running out at all!


Chatty Member
See if her hospital has a birth reflections service. They will take her notes and go through everything to explain what happened and why, what decisions were made by the medics and the subsequent consequences etc. If she feels angry this may help her understand why it happened the way it did.
That sounds fab, sounds like exactly what she needs 💜💜💜 thank you


Chatty Member
Does anyone have any experience with infant gaviscon? My wee one has been put on it. She's breast fed so apparently I need to syringe it in, not sure whether I should just try and express or do a couple bottles of formula to make it easier on us 🤔
Anyone know how long it takes to work?
My little one was on it - we are formula feeding so was easy to put in there. He had awful silent reflux and it didn't really help, all it did was constipate him. We moved onto omeprazole after about 10 days. In the end we realised it's CMPA.


VIP Member
Yeah, when I left I said to my other half that I thought it was definitely worth it. What was also really nice was that they kept asking my partner about his experience and how he felt at certain times as communication was so poor, he had no idea what was happening when we were whisked away for the emergency section, and they said they’d pass on that feedback too.

I really get it, it’s so emotional to relive something so traumatic and in detail! I lasted 5 seconds in the room before crying when they asked for my story. They encouraged me to cry and let it all out if I needed to!

I did have a cry today thinking about it again, it won’t heal everything but it was nice to get answers and see them grovel! I would definitely recommend a debrief for anyone considering but not sure.
Can I ask who you spoke to have the debrief? I’m really keen to speak to the people involved in my birth too but just haven’t felt ready until now. It’s nice to hear someone has had a good experience having one, apart from the fact you had to relive everything again, but it’s proof that talking about these things can help!


VIP Member
What bottles are you using at the moment? I’m not health professional but I know what you mean, I’d be surprised if it was a milk allergy if she’s been on it the whole time. Has your partner tried feeding her too? Annoyingly mine sometimes kicks off with me and then as soon as my husband feeds him he’s all 😍😍😍 and feeding like a saint 🙄
Seriously though, I hope you find a solution though 🙏🏻
we’re using the tommy ones. Yes my husband tries, my friend tried today and nothing

Only thing I can think of that has changed is my MIL looked after her on friday and did all the feeds and since then she has become fussy, But don’t see how that would have had just a drastic reaction?

I was actually around for one of the feeds and she fed her absolutely fine and said she was fine all day and finished her bottles with no fuss.


VIP Member
Yes my first used to be sick more but it was like clearer than newborn sick and she used to get runny and mucassy nappies when getting teeth. I think it’s where they are making and swalllowing so much more saliva.

You poor thing. Have they told you what they think might be wrong? It must be so scary. Sending lots of love!

Sorry to be a sleep bore but those with babies around 5/6 months how much are they waking and feeding in the night?
I was spoilt as my first daughter slept through from around 4 months and never again woke for a feed. But we are still having to feed this one twice in the night. The problem is she shares a room with the toddler so I can’t leave her crying!
At that age all my older one would have fed 3+ times a night


VIP Member
Has anyone accessed the perinatal mental health team?
I’ve spoken to my GP and they’ve referred me to the team.
what am I to expect??


VIP Member
Hi I'm jumping on here having read a few of these posts but not all.

I'm nearly 6 weeks post csection delivery of my beautiful baby (first time mum). Recovery has been pretty good and tbh I've felt strong to do most things for a couple of weeks now but I've stopped myself. However this means I've been really reliant on my husband for lots of things to the point where I think I've become a bit too dependent.

From next week I want to start doing more things just myself and baby such as walks, meeting people for coffee and being able to finally drive! However I'm getting a lot of anxiety around this and I already feel like in these last couple of weeks since my husband went back to work I've been stuck in a rut of being cooped up in the house just sitting in front of the TV watching junk and looking after baby. I don't want this rut to continue but equally I'm really anxious about everything. Any tips? Hoping to start with a short walk every day and build from there but even that is making me a bit nervous 😓
I think it’s sooooo easy to do this so you are absolutely not alone!
Do you have any friends with children that you could meet up with? Go to a baby sensory group? Swimming lessons? Are you walking distance from a shop? So if you need milk, instead of getting your husband to get it or driving there you could take a short walk? I still don’t like going to busy places (city centre) and I still get a bit panicky when I’m out on my own with baby but once I’ve done it I feel a bit better ☺


VIP Member
Hi everyone, shimmy-ing over here from the pregnancy thread 👋🏼
My little girl was born 7 days early on 26th Aug
Recovering from a semi emergency section… just wondered when you all ventured out for a little walk? I know we’re all different but I have a habit of pushing myself so wondered what is ‘normal’ !?
Not for ages 😊 I had planned sections, and although I would have been outside, and out at my parents’ house, and maybe walked in the street the first proper walk I know I went on was a month after his birthday. I didn’t see any point in pushing myself at all, I’m happy to sit on my bum for a few weeks and not knacker myself! (I also didn’t want to get 4 kids ready for a walk and then get 10yards and have everyone moaning when we had to go back 🤣) I also remember pushing myself too much after my last section and was just so sore and exhausted afterwards. Just when you feel ready is the best answer. Sometimes it does you the power of good to get out and get some fresh air and feel “normal”


VIP Member
We are looking at £95 a day for nursery here as we need one that opens 7/7:30/. We can get the tax free childcare, think it'll be about £150 a month. It's crazy prices. not supportive of working parents at all in my opinion.
That’s insane?! Whereabouts are you based? I’m in the south-west and from a brief look, the best local nursery charges £74 a day for 2 days a week going (7.45am-6pm), going down to £54 a day if you commit to 5 days a week.


VIP Member
Ladies do you have any advice on reflux babies? My little one has refused to settle today after a feed from 9am-12 and tonight since 7 😔 I’ve been looking online at signs of reflux and she pretty much ticks all the boxes. I’m honestly pulling my hair out, can’t deal with the constant crying unless she’s on my chest
The sling helps as someone else suggested for keeping them upright. My girl has silent reflux weeks 3/8 where hell as it had been misdiagnosed as having colic but she’s on carobel now which is a milk thickener and it’s really helped her she’s like a completely different baby now she also would never sleep on her back she will only sleep on her tummy which I know isn’t recommended but she literally wouldn’t sleep any other way she wasn’t getting any sleep at all otherwise but she’s really good head control from early on