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She claims they can afford it from 'saving hard' but literally, with what money?! I wonder if she's claiming UC as a single parent whilst hubby actually lives there. Probably gets DLA for the middle boy too as she's mentioned him having additional needs. I also suspect the insta randoms she does her solo trips with sub her for various tickets.


Well-known member
I couldn’t agree more. We’re a family of 3 and it’s taken us close to 2 years to pay our trip off. I have no idea how she thinks she’s going to do it, even if she “budgets” 🤦🏼‍♀️
I’d say next year’s holiday is wishful thinking and in her mind by planning to go again next year justifies only taking the eldest away this year and leaving the 4 younger ones at home.
As a family of 3 we went this year and it will be many years before we get to go again and that’s with both of us working full time.


Chatty Member
She probably claims it through her husband? She’s walking around Disney like she’s not got 5 kids sat at home.
Unless you both work 16 hours a week you can only claim 15, however can say you are about to start work… she did say when she started nursery she was going to start work soon but didn’t sound like she had an actual offer. Wonder if she can just keep playing that card indefinitely.

I honestly can’t believe anyone could leave their 5 kids at home but especially with the only working parent of the house. Blows my mind.

He is a saint and it’s not a surprise they broke up last year.
even if she threw every spare penny at it I can’t see how she affords it, she has 5 kids to feed how is there any spare money?
Tbh I don't fully know. I suspect they get a fair amount in universal credit if they're working but not on high incomes. I know the girls got the 2 year funded nursery places which you need quite a low income to qualify for. I know in certain circumstances some people are better off working for a low wage and claiming UC rather than working for a higher wage or for longer hours. I know family have paid for/contributed towards trips in the past too.


VIP Member
I’ve literally just posted this on the Disney vloggers thread

I’ve only just found this woman and can’t believe she’s been so selfish as to book herself a cruise when her family are in living conditions such as theirs.

she surely has a responsibility as a mother to ensure her kids aren’t overcrowded

it also looks like little ones cot is under another bed?
Yeah it’s under a cabin bed... next to her and her husbands bed as she’s got a 15 year old, 8 year old and 5 year old son cramped up in the other room! (All 4 of them kids were all cramped in one room whilst the baby was in her room)

she’s absolutely horrendous
Why doesn’t she move?

I’ve never know a mother to go on a Disney trip and not let their kids experience it. Fairplay If she had 2 trips, one with them one without.

the mind boggles


Chatty Member
I’m not surprised about the car at all, she’s had problems with it for ages. Not a car you’d want to make a long trip in surely? I’ve had an injector go in my car before not cheap at all but it was a newer car so perhaps she will be able to use older parts. 😬

At least for the kids I’m glad she got there in the end.