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Nadia Vulvokov

Chatty Member
Thanks for the reply. She's early 60s and still working and yes think I will be mentioning arranging care via SS. She'll probably guilt trip me about it but that's to be expected. I do want to be able to drive and hoping at my next medical appointment I can get further advice on it. I think she thinks I don't drive to spite her! I would love nothing more than a car and the freedom that comes with it.

Going to speak to my sister over the weekend about it all. You're absolutely right. She should not expect anything but unfortunately narc parents don't think that way. She makes me so anxious and has a way of wearing me down. I suppose she'd expect me to get taxis, but I'd have to pay for them.
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Because you’re winning in life. Narcs hate that. They can’t control you. They’re jealous and bitter. My mother is like a magnet to anyone she see’s as ‘lower’ than her. She’s like Mother Teresa. ‘Aren’t you lucky to have a Mum like her’ I’ve been told, and she’s stood there smirking, giving me side-eye.
Oh the Mother Teresa thing. Yes. I think of my childhood as such a dark and confusing time, with the world telling me how "lovely" and "selfless" my mother was, as she played a martyr to any cause, the big one being my mentally deteriorating older sibling, while she actively judged me and shamed me for breathing if I dared to seek support from her. I could do nothing right, nothing was enough. The goalposts for "enough" kept changing. And I did it all - A+ student at school, brilliant at sports, excelled at music, loved by teachers and parents everywhere. Except my mother. It was never enough.

I also got landed regularly with the mind-blowing fcukery of being called "just like your father" - who she is married to 40+ years- if I did anything she disapproved of.
It’s been a good few years, I’d be better if I could have stopped her seeing some of my children but I’ve done what I can. I have been able to keep my younger ones away which is a blessing as she’s negatively affected relationships in the family - as you’d expect!
I don’t think you need to have a conversation, do you? I’d wait until it’s brought up and just say no.
Last I heard I would be co-executor in the will with my favored sibling. And other sibling will come with guardianship issues / ward of state situation since he is so incapacitated. Not talking about it runs the risk of being landed into it giant shitshqw if / when they pass. Although thank you for your perspective, this thread and other people's account of how they handled the bs of parents like this has been very enlightening. You can feel incredibly alienated from the world when you have an anti- mother like this, that's for sure.
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Oh wow, that is a lot of money

What will happen if she doesn't pay you x

Post too short
They said if she doesn't then I can apply to have her removed as executor which obviously would cost more. They were very nice and honest about everything and they knew their stuff. They said I could wait until I receive the money before I pay but obviously I don't know how much I am due.

The £1800 is to pay for a letter to be sent to her telling her that I am requesting my share, informing her of her obligations as executor and requesting the accounts.
Then they will work out how much I will receive.

They also said that I could write to her myself and tell her that I am requesting my share. They said if she ignores me or refuses then they'd pick it up from there. But in all honesty I wouldnt know what to write, especially as I'm now no contact,and I'd risk my dad getting in touch.

Eta they also said that she had not used a solicitor for this but is doing it all herself using an online system and there is a risk that she has spent/ will spend it (but that she would still owe me.
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No I have no idea who the solicitor is and I have nobody to ask who would tell me. My auntie who wants all of the money is the executor.
Wills need to go to probate.
That means the executor completes forms saying how much money, assets, etc and then swears to carry out the wishes. The will is then lodged with the courts and you can get a copy of it for a few pounds.
Your aunt may not the the only executor, there maybe a solicitor as well. I suspect this might be the case as you have been “asked to sign over your share”
Banks will not release any moneys without the probate certificate.

I’ve been through this with a family member who managed to “forget” about some valuable jewellery when doing probate.
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Guys I have a moral dilemma and I feel it’s only one that others with narc parents will understand. Apologies if it’s a bit of a long read, I’ll try and stick to the key points.

both my parents are very narcissistic in their own ways but this is more about my father. I was very close to his parents (my grandparents) growing up, they were like surrogate parents to me. But they were complete enablers and blinded themselves to how he really is.

My grandma got dementia shortly before she died and before I knew the full extent of it, my dad had her large estate, transferred over to him. He’d started spending it before she’d even died.

I’ll never know if my grandma had a will, or if she intended to include myself and my siblings in it. And even if she did have one, legally my father had gotten her to transfer the money across before she died anyway.

to his credit, he did a lot of the caring for her. But I also feel this partially fed into his justification of taking all the money. I estimate she had about £100K to her name.

this happened a few years ago and I never brought it up. I never asked for a penny. I’ve never asked for money from my parents, ever.

my fiancé and I got engaged recently and wedding planning has been tough. I’d saved as much as I could and I thought this would get me a decent wedding, but my funds aren’t going to stretch very far.

part of me hoped that after several months of being engaged and coming up to Christmas, my father would want to gift me something towards the wedding. Putting the money aside, this was a part of me hoping he’d come through for me as a father, to want to be supportive. To want to show an interest. We own a home already and live some distance away, so realistically there won’t be many other opportunities for him to step in as a parent, to help me. It truly hurts how little he seems to care or have an interest in my getting married. If I said I didn’t want him to give a speech or walk me down the aisle, I truly don’t think he’d care other than maybe his ego being bruised

my narcissistic mother thinks I should call him and butter him up in the hopes of him gifting me money. But this doesn’t sit right with me, nor does asking for it outright.

but likewise, the pile of wealth he’s sitting on and spending on himself… it’s my grandparents money. I truly believe they’d have wanted to have contributed to a wedding if they’d been alive.

part of me would feel beholden to him if he gifted me money, whereas if he didn’t, at least he wouldn’t have a single cause to feel entitled to walk me down the aisle or be involved in the wedding.

I don’t want a grand fancy wedding, the costs have come from a somewhat large wedding guest list (~85 people).

but the money would go to having the friends I’ve made over the years there, the people who have meant so much to me, and I can’t ask them to celebrate without their spouses, which is how the guest list has gotten so high. Plus the more people at a wedding the way I see it, the more of a buffer I have from spending time with my parents.

(not inviting my family isn’t an option right now. I don’t want to go into why, but I’m just not at the place where I can do that yet and cut them off that way.)

so yeh, my dilemma is ..
1. I don’t ask my dad for money and end up with half the people I want to join me, and having to spend more time with my awful family.
2. I ask him and he says no, which will cause a lot of hurt but at least I can stop holding out hope.
3. I ask him and he says yes, and I will get to share my wedding day with my loved ones, even if it does come with strings attached from him.

wedding planning has been so tough, because it really has shone a light on how little my parents really wish the best for me, how little they really care. At a time when I desperately want them to be there for me, to want to be parents to me… they just don’t.

I can’t really talk about this with my friends because, as soon as money is mentioned I feel like I come across as shallow and grabbing, but I’ve never asked my father for a penny in my life and I’ve been paying my own way largely, since I was 16. I desperately want him to step up as a dad just once, in whatever way. But I just don’t think that’s going to happen.

so yep, advice and thoughts would be appreciated.
I think you need to decide which is the option you can live with the most.

E.g. Is the dream wedding worth the strings attached or would you rather have a smaller wedding but hold on your own?

Nobody can really say cause we’re all different. I know what I’d do but I’m not you.

Maybe make a pros and cons list?
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So glad to have found this thread. Do you ever feel like you just don't have the energy for therapy because where the f do you start from...?! And some of it so horrible that it sounds like the plot of a very bad film?!
In my experience you do have to put in a bit of energy and effort but after the first, say 4-5 weeks it gets calmer and you get into a groove with it. It starts helping after a while and you develop a background and a relationship with the therapist.

Also what's interesting is that you might think some interactions with your narc parent are normal and yet you can't understand why you feel so shit, or you're being gaslit, the therapist will see through that for you. It's not just about the big past trauma events, it's about learning about manipulation and boundaries. Getting tools to stop stuff happening in the present. And how to stop feeling guilty for standing up for yourself 😆 I loved that one. Still struggle with it sometimes.

Don't be put off - it is a lot, but it's a relationship where you are 100% in the driving seat and you can stop if you want, when you want.
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@Nadia Vulvokov you open that wine lovely, am sorry to hear what you're all going through cos of tomorrow, so glad Ive had no contact for years, I was always the one trying to do something nice for her, picking a nice pressie etc, now when I look back, I wonder why I bothered, as she only believes the crap which comes out of her golden child's mouth who is a nasty vindictive liar, but he could never do wrong in her eyes, am so much better off without them
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Thank you, we both had a wonderful day.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Sorry to hear your parents did that to do, I genuinely don't understand why and how parents can be how they are...maybe I'll be the same in 20 years, I really hope not!
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Oh gosh I’ve just seen this. I dip in and out of this thread as sometimes I relive my trauma
Sorry to rehash just wanting to know I’m here. ❤
It’s awful when you’re gaslighted. Now your waste it makes you furious. Don’t waste that energy. That’s what the fuckers want.
Your nasty family member who rang you could you not block him ?
Hope your dog is well? ❤
Thank you for asking lovely, hope you're ok to ❤ and likewise, here for you too x

I was so angry after the phone call ( I called him on someone else's phone, I don't want any of them to have my number) I am trying hard not to think about the conversation, but you know what it's like after, I wish I had said things differently?so that still bothers me, but at the end of the day, I never, ever want to have anything to do with again, but he's a vindictive fucker, and I don't trust him at all. It's affected my anxiety alot, but thank god for my dog (he's doing ok thanks) he makes me get on with my day as he needs exercise ( so do I !)
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I'm really struggling at the mo, my so called brother is such a vindictive twat, if he opens his mouth, Ive already decided I won't be here anymore.
Do you have friends/ a partner to support you? Don’t hurt yourself. Take good care of yourself. Do you have any therapy?
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They're all the same these parents of ours. Treat us like shit and then wonder why we want nothing to do with them! They just have zero self awareness and no emotional intelligence.

Ive been waiting years for an apology, I know I'll never get one but it would mean a lot to me.

So do you live with your mum?
Yup which is making all this grey rocking especially difficult to say the least. I’m getting bollocked for staying in my room out of her way which is apparently “carrying it on” and causing an atmosphere. I’m not carrying it on, I literally just can’t be fucked with any of this anymore.Feel like saying- Stay out of my way, I’ll stay out of yours. It’s that simple.
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I quite admire the way you're so forthright upon it. I'm still conditioned to be a "good" girl most of the time, even though it can drive me berserk.

It's really difficult to say you don't like or want to be near your relative! I can't stand my sibling.

Seems like a lot of people here have to put up with temper tantrums and vicious lies, must be a personality type. I'm slightly mixed about my mother, she's either full on nasty or too gushy. I don't like either mode!

I guess they want to put up a facade of everything's perfect during the festive season and feel that they deserve attention/indulgence?
I'm nothing to be admired about, it's taken me years to be where I am now, my regret, not doing it sooner.
I had an angry wobble yesterday, I still live with the memories, they'll never go away, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it.
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I've had my narcissistic parent telling my young children what a awful and anxious child I was at their age. I don't know what they are trying to achieve by this, but it's making me so cross. I think my narc parent is just jealous I'm able to offer my kids a better life than they could offer me.
Sounds like a tactic to get your kids on side by simultaneously praising them and undermining you. Double whammy.
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Thank you so much for this, it made me cry a little as it's always a relief to have someone who understands ❤ he actually phoned me in his lunch break as he's working away at the moment and I blurted out that I was fed up with it and that I'll watch what I want when I want 😳 he was a bit taken aback but did admit that he has issues.

I think grey rocking is a good idea so thank you for the suggestion, I'll try that if he ever makes a sarky comment or dig. It's sort of like a boundary. I did remind him that I am programmed to please people after growing up feeling tensions and walking on eggshells and that I only ever want him to be pleased with me.

You're right I dont want to leave him, I just wanted to sort out this particular issue. Someone with better boundaries would have nipped it in the bud straight away. I couldn't get there with my Father, I was never going to please him and I'd had enough, so cutting him out was a last resort.
id really recommend couples therapy… because for it to be sorted, your husband has to be willing to accept responsibility for his behaviour and want to change, and therapy can be a safe space for that type of reflection.

but yeh, I think reading up on comms style and CBT techniques would be a real eye opener for you.

for example, with CBT you relfect on scenarios like your husband huffing when you want to watch TV.

how do you feel when your husband voices that he wants to watch something else when you’re watching TV?

do you become tense? How does this manifest in your body? Do your shoulders tense up, do you clench your jaw?

do you feel panicked? What is your concern and the source of panic?

If the source of your panic is fear of your husbands disproval; why do you think you need his approval to watch your TV show? is there a fair balance of whose show you watch? If you watch his shows without complaint, is it inappropriate for you to want him to reciprocate? Or perhaps it’s a reasonable request? Are you able to observe those feelings of tension/guilt/fear and let them pass without reacting to them?

and so on! It’s all about observing your emotions and trying to understand them, rather than reacting to them, and learning to sit through uncomfortable emotions.

so in that scenario, you might want to say to your husband “I see you’re a bit put out I’m watching a show on TV, but I’ve watched your TV shows multiple times this week so I’m going to continue enjoying my show“.

the communication aspect of CBT, is about passive v active communication and when it’s appropriate. A lot of people pleasers communicate passively. We don’t direct our needs. It’s really worth reflecting and observing how you communicate!
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@Maid22 I have missed you too. I'm so sorry I disappeared, it just all got a bit too much.

How are you doing my lovely? ❤
I so understand, really hope you're feeling better, it's so hard sometimes and a break from the internet is good, I do it to, not on here as much, but was so pleased to see you post, look after yourself xx
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Nadia Vulvokov

Chatty Member
I've been using grey rock too when I *have* to be around my mother. But I've also started disassociating around her which after looking it up seems to be a protection thing, fight flight or freeze (so it must be flight or freeze I'm experiencing) Does anyone else have this? It's like I involuntarily shut down when she starts talking nonsense.
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Nadia Vulvokov

Chatty Member
Second what @Maid22 said. This is a safe space to vent and keep posting if it helps you. We all are in the same boat here and there's no judgement just understanding 💓
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I'm nothing to be admired about, it's taken me years to be where I am now, my regret, not doing it sooner.
I had an angry wobble yesterday, I still live with the memories, they'll never go away, but sometimes it's hard to deal with it.
I'm happy you did what's best for you. There are going to be bad days just don't beat yourself up to much, it
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