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Kaye and has a lovely holiday home in Marbs, and has been there since last week with her family - assuming Nitty and Jane flew out on Friday to join her for the last few days
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Seek Clarity

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She said they have had a ball (on Kayes Insta) they have not had time to have a ball, what a waste of time - like LizSmithqwerty said - she couldn't be doing with that. I can't go to Spain for less than a month. :D
… unless of course, they were doing some kind op secret filming for a Loose Women Spin-off thingummy - or similar. There no way they’d fly out and back in a couple of days unless there is something else going on?
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View attachment 1189301
must've just been gardening again....

omg the swamp monster!!!

Careful Allybongo77 you're flying close to the sun there; Nadia Sawalha would sell her children for Lesley Joseph's waistline. 😂 Although, I think you might really be on to something ...
View attachment 1190152

Lose the leopard and add a mixing bowl and ta da! Presenting Nadia Sawalha when she was thin and miserable. 🤥
View attachment 1190156
i saw that book in a charity shop on monday - 50p!!!
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Is it just me or are they REALLY loud today? Just watching the interview with Tamsin Outhwaite and Frankie, Sunetra and Nitts keep butting in after she starts to speak. It’s giving me a headache 😫
I didn't see it today as I am at work, but they are always very loud when Nadia is on. Hate the way she sits so slovenly at the desk. Gets on my nerves so try not to watch when she is around.
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I remember a year or so ago, he announced he’d just had a shower (I don’t think he’s had one since🤭) because he’d done a workout, and Nicola commented with loads of 🔥🔥🔥🔥 and something along the lines of wishing she was there!
This is a dung pile I wish I had not disturbed 😑 💩
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State of the sheets. Nadia said on loose women she likes an untidy house but her house is clean. I beg to differ. It’s filthy .anyone saying there must be stuck , I wouldn’t drink a glass of water out if there if I was dying. It’s rank
The house is mawkit
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lol mank puts a can of drink near his own mic and tells the subs to put their ears close to the mic....... so dumb.
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You know how they seem to like doing trailer reactions to Indian, Arabic and Middle Eastern film trailers (often only for the views)... perhaps they could do a family reaction video to this?


Also, those are quite the glasses...

View attachment 1184118. View attachment 1184122
Poor Mark Sawalha he's obviously suffered a lot, also let's be honest this video shows some quite ugly family politics.
Nabil telling him that he didn't want him to be born, and blaming the mother for giving birth to him (lovely), is a terribly insensitive and cruel thing to say to a young man, whose existence the father basically denied.
This is despite making some contact when Mark was young (interesting that Nadim actually gave him his name!), and staying in Finland for a week.
Also allowing Mark to visit Jordan as long as his identity is kept secret!
So it's both confusing and alienating, and you can tell that the sense of shame and rejection this man has carried around with him is very strong.
Sorry but what a horrible way to treat your son, who also didn't ask to be born, and also imo Nabil should have taken his duties as a father seriously and married Marks mother, it was the early sixties then, and despite the swinging sixties name, things were still a lot more conservative.
It must have been difficult for Marks mother as a single (abandoned) mother as well.
Sadly it seems as if she also unintentionally hurt Marks feelings by being secretive, but then for all we know maybe she'd been threatened or was scared?
After all Mark Sawalha was basically threatened not to go back to Jordan or else!
Also when he tries to go to London to study acting Nadim (probably from pressure) has to fob him off and tell him, sorry no you can't stay with me.. .
It does seem as if Nadim and his family were the most welcoming, but then probably from Nabil's insistence they also cut off contact?
Sounds as if Mark has had a troubled life, his fiancée commited suicide, and ultimately he is not welcomed anywhere, and is basically shunned.
What a sad and sorry take, it's difficult not to feel bad for him, he just wanted to be part of a family, and belong and discover who he is.
Instead they all blow hot and cold with him, open the door, close it again. and this weird family dynamic of (as I've mentioned before with Nadia, basically one person acting like the big boss of the family, and everyone else has to do their bidding) well it's more like a cult, than a family..?
Sorry if that sounds judgemental, but it's that disturbing attitude of us (the family) versus them (the outsiders) and I think you can feel now, the internal pressure and discomfort that Mark Sawalha felt, and also to a lesser extent anyone who says or does anything that displeases the family unit.
So to a lesser extent Julia as well now, even though she's an acknowledged family member, the fact that's she's spoken out will possibly be seen as treason to some?
Particularly to Annie Palmer (yeah that wasn't acting) and old chip off the granite block Nadia.....
That's quite a family legacy, right there and I sincerely wish Mark Sawalha all the best, he's obviously been through a lot, and let's be honest treated terribly. Yet he comes across as calm and collected and very stoic, despite being told by Nabil if you say anything they'll call you a crazy man.
Nice way of blocking the truth, by using the threat of mental health and it's stigma against people....hmm that has echoes in other family relationships as well I think?. I think we can all guess what Nadia's view on mental health really is (she'll use it against people) and indeed has made inferences against Julia (softly softly setting the scene)...and we all know her toxic hold over Mark (Adderly) who basically is the (willing) eunuch (scapegoat) and he'll do it because I think he's a bit of a masochistic person (secretly) who has found his jailer (sadist) but as long as he has security and all his needs met, he isn't leaving anytime soon. (I think their whole relationship is a bit like the film misery, with Nadia as the Kathy Bates character)!
Sorry this turned into quite a long post, but there was a lot to unpick in that video.
Looks like the Sawalha's have more skeletons in their closet than, they know what to do with.
I was going to say well we all do, but that's not really true is it? Some people take responsibility and do the right things and don't try to scapegoat others, thank god, some people are decent and don't close ranks because danger there's an intruder, and it might just upset the delicate balance?
Yeah when you keep the peace (appearance) it works for the moment, but it's artificial. tensions and things or people denied don't just go away, because they are threatened or by wishful thinking?
The truth will come out in the end, it has its own momentum...and because they all live in the public gaze, there is literally nowhere to hide.
Wouldn't it have been better, just to have been honourable and done the right thing in the first place then?
Would have saved a lot of pain and drama...not least for Mark Sawalha who didn't deserve any of this? Also great example to set, one that's having a Ripple effect even today.
It's amazing what people will do and the lengths they will go to, once they know they can get away with doing what they want, but as this brave man has shown there is a price to be paid in all of this.
Sad story really, and tbh it doesn't look like some of them (Nadia in particular) have learnt from it.
Yes you can make someone an outcast or reject from the family, but when you do it all comes back to you.So you'd better have a good reason?
They didn't, though did they? Mark was just unlucky in that he had a feckless father, and all Julia did was be considerate and caring towards others, oh and tell the truth, oh yes I forgot, that's rejected isn't it, yeah easier to live the lie instead, isn't it?
Untill they catch up with you, which they always do in the end.
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The sun used to make me feel low when I was younger, but as I got older overcast and miserable days bring me down. Mark does nothing but moan about the sun like a whingy kid. It would not surprise me if he ends up with rickets.

Has anyone been tempted to send Mark a package? I'm thinking of one that contains a nail brush and instructions on its use. 🤭 Those nails of his are disgusting. 🤮
Perhaps a little self care package for him with some shower gel and shampoo in it too.
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