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omg did anyone else just clock Nadia’s face of thunder when walking on to loose women & when sat down ?? somethings definitely up!
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So Mr G says his best friend is the block button, I say it’s his only friend. He’s really annoyed me today.
All I’m going to say is seeing as he works at Subway, I bet his 6” goes to a foot long after watching what some people post on their IG platform 😜 sorry couldn’t resist…
put us all off buying meatball marinara ever again why don't you.........
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Gloria Rostron

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Paul Sinha - what a hero on today's Loose Women, shutting down Nadia Sawalha's unprofessional approach to raising awareness of Parkinson's Disease before going on to rubbish her 'what to do if you're worried' question. :love: Time stamp 2:33

The Chase's Paul Sinha Bravely Opens up About Living With Parkinson's Disease | Loose Women - YouTube

This gem comes after he reveals why they never run into one another, despite living on the same road. All of a sudden Nadia Sawalha has gone full Eliza Doolittle, taking about their posh neighbourhood. 😂 I suppose 'the ghetto' she's too scared to walk through floated away on a cloud. :sneaky: Time stamp 0:36

She monopolises the interview, regardless. I really feel for the new LW, who couldn't get a word in. Old jowly chops waved her arms around and leant so far forward that she was blocked from view. :mad:
Lol now everyone is going to know where Paul Sinha lives as they've made it blatanlty obvious which street they live on. 🤣
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Is it just me or are they REALLY loud today? Just watching the interview with Tamsin Outhwaite and Frankie, Sunetra and Nitts keep butting in after she starts to speak. It’s giving me a headache 😫
think it got loud about the time they started talking about the woman who allegedly had landed with the gear stick up her vagina. yes, classy show......

one of the doesn't think that's possible but nadia thinks it is. tmi nadia, tmi.
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She moaned about the cost of British Airways, so she is taking Easyjet. As if she can't afford a BA Premium seat to Spain...OK, a BA First Class ticket to Los Angeles would put a big dint in her funds but not a ticket to Spain.
Last time we flew out of Gibraltar (on our way back from Spain ) - about 18 months ago - it cost us £35 and looking at their website there are similar prices available so she is talking out of her arse as usual.
Easyjet and BA have cancelled lots of flights again today due to staff with Covid. There is hope for us yet. ;)
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nadia and kaye are really shitty to linda. sunetra had to step lol. nadia cannot deal with someone simply not caring, and not wanting to make a big show of it.

both nadia and mank should both learn that throwing tantrums does not equal meaningful political argument.

the stylist today obviously thought that he/she would put them all in horrible blouses. lol.
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I suspect that the older sisters have been brought up and not dragged up and therefore don’t need the constant adoration of others. Clearly Marks photo of one of his daughters last weekend proves how uncomfortable she is with him and strange she visited when N is away.
I thought the same
he hasnt tagged or named her
and shes not liked Nits response
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Thanks HereForAScroll

Just in time to witness Nadia Sawalha frying beige slop for Mark Adderley's lunch and (n)
View attachment 1217443
Then Teddy started talking 😴
Witness the Celebrity Masterchef who can't even rustle up a fried egg without Dina holding her hand! Despite paying extra for #taxdeductible Clarence Court Burford Browns.

View attachment 1217474

I walked into the kitchen and my mouth is watering at the riot of colour on the kitchen counter as my other half whips up our Sunday lunch. No one is paying to watch him, our veg isn't tax deductible and delicious as it looks and smells, I won't be orgasming at the table. Just saying. :sneaky:
Thank you @HereForAScroll !
Was just in time!
very entertaining NOT
What a load of 💩 and people pay for that 😡
She is sooo loving herself lately prancing around in her lycra seeking “how slim she is” comments 😱
I Did have a good laugh though when MA claimed he had noticed Internet didn’t work as well when it is sunny 🤣🤣🤣 at least it was not YT’s fault today 😏 wonder what BT will have to say when he calls them this week 🤣
Thanks for the info!
I didn’t watch it as I was listening to their terrible ‘me time’ HTSM instead (I had a break from them last week) - I just dropped by to give a little 👎🏼 when I saw the link on fb.
Sounds like I missed a truly riveting Shit Sunday Show🥱
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Chatty Member
I'm pretty sure the oldest nephew has nothing to do with Nadia anyway. She never mentions him and he just seems to be quietly getting on with a genuine music career that doesn't trade on the family name.

I do think it's sad that sister's can't get on but the lovely Julia is so much better without them.
No I don’t think he does.
I actually meant Julia sees quite a bit of her nephews not Nadia. I just hope Dina doesn’t try to turn them against Julia.
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The freezer story is horrific and she seems to tell it just for a reaction.
Beggars belief
God help anyone hanging on their every word and paying for the dank privilege 😩
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Telly Fanatic

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Her body language and micro expressions are weird. It could be the usual two fingered salute, she does non stop on her insta. Whatever it is it's strange. She has some kind of Tourette's like tick.
I'm sure I said on a thread she could have tourettes because she constantly does the tongue thing to
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yes she’s done one with a green skirt/black top and looks totally ridiculous… screams jealousy and insecurity to me.

She’s just so dated - watching loose women and she really has nothing to contribute of any substance.

yes she’s done one with a green skirt/black top and looks totally ridiculous… screams jealousy and insecurity to me.

She’s just so dated - watching loose women and she really has nothing to contribute of any substance.
Found it thanks.
What a twat she looks, what a waste of 2 aubergines or does she think she is being funny using them as aubergine is the emoji for a penis.
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lol he's devoted his life to the adoration of loose women and nadia sawalha....... not sure that makes him the likeliest candidate to be heterosexual.

I think that adoration also applies to The Nolans, and come to think of it you might be able to chuck Jane Mcdonald into the mix too :unsure:
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that insta live where she gobbled down vegan big macs with her mouth open and also deliberately open was revolting. total pigwoman.
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