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Empty bottle of wine in the lazy bums bedroom, the whole place is a piggery 🤮🤮View attachment 1202555

They bed sheets are filthy 🤮
State of the sheets. Nadia said on loose women she likes an untidy house but her house is clean. I beg to differ. It’s filthy .anyone saying there must be stuck , I wouldn’t drink a glass of water out if there if I was dying. It’s rank
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HTSM: can men and women just be friends. that boring old chesnut. nadia says she can't be friend with straight men. prob because she thinks they are only either gonna be interested in science or raping.
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Those comments on Ashley’s post as so contrived. Why would Tits in particular and Lisa to an extent as well, firstly know who he is, know how to find his page and why would they be randomly commenting. Bizarre. I agree that post that ends with Mark’s name doesn’t look like it’s him, so it appears Mark replied and deleted, so there was probably a bitchy comment from him at some point as well. Also wondering if it was Mark who sent a message to stir this up.

Nadia getting herself and her friends to show support to him is pathetic. She should have direct messaged him and thanked him for his support but asked that he doesn’t antagonise the situation further as it’s really a family matter, and so keep away from her sister and focus instead on his positive interaction with the other subs etc and Mark and Nadia themselves.

He may be a superfan, but he’s also a strange character, they don’t know how far he would go, whether he will ever turn up on their doorstep, what will happen if he ever feels let down by Mark and Nadia etc. Encouraging him, rather than trying to pull him back from getting into online conflicts on their behalf is foolish. He’s now going to be getting obsessed with Lisa and Tits and wanting to communicate with direct messages as he does with Mark. It’s a slippery slope letting a character like him into any of their lives.
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Velvet Veil

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Not one person defending Julia has said anything nasty or mean yet every single one of Nasty and Mandy’s supporters have been vile.
Exactly this 👏
They think if they use the word troll it gives them permission to be a vile as they like because they're 'victims'. It's very telling to see their true colours isn't it
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Velvet Veil

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What is wrong with her...she's talking about Kiki having tea and toast and how it's not good for the gut and yet she's been on Instagram making a pavlova. She really isn't a a well woman.
It's as if she thinks we don't know about her penchant for cholesterol toasties and lard cake, she's such a fkn weirdo!
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that hello article saying about sawalha's emotional post.... wtf isn't she emotional about. her daughter had toast with jam this morning and she acted like she was witnessing all the horrors of the world.

at least we can be assure the hello journalists know the full story.

Unfortunately she's the cow who gives the most milk, even if it tastes funny and is already curdled.
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Are these people real? 🤢
Part of me hopes we are watching a parody of the modern family.
Sad,bad and mad.

Grow up ffs. Stop communicating to each other on SM and try getting a job MARK and older daughter!!
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Thank you so much but my boy is a 27 year old man and we are currently looking for his independent forever home. I can't think of him not being with me without feeling physically sick. What if somebody is horrible to him? He can't tell me. It's terrifying. If normal people like the ones on here can't be kind about people with a learning disability then how can I not worry? I am so happy for your boy. Thanks for your post. It means a lot.
I am so very sorry to hear that.
I know that feeling of worrying that something bad could happen and they are unable to tell you.
27 years of that worry must be utterly horrendous, and I can only imagine your heartache.
I hope you are able to find him somewhere nice and you’re able to relax to some extent, knowing that he’s somewhere he likes, and somewhere he’s happy.
Thinking of you and sending best wishes during what must be a hugely difficult time - I hope you have people to talk to, and to support you. It can be very lonely being the parent of a non verbal child.
Best of luck to your boy🍀☹X
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thats actually really sad :(

tbh i do feel sorry for her but its the fact that he always goes on about recovering rather than saying 'i drove drunk, luckily didnt kill anyone and then got sober' - its the dishonesty i find irritating
the " i gave up drinking for you all and everyday of my life is living hell so you all need to be grateful" and suchlike bs from him is what grates most.

if you were a record exec would you give the contract to madddie or to kerry katona's daughter?

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Seek Clarity

Chatty Member
he hasn't tagged his daughters name on his latest post
and that video nitty has put up deliberately focusing on her bra for ages, so immature and brash
god knows why any one would want to market her for anything!
Re: the zooming in on her boobage.

Has anyone noticed Mrs ‘Love me-DO’ does that a lot but pretends she’s filming the dogs?

“Look at Toffs/Ci-Chi aawwww.
Are you hungry Toffs/Cheech? Are you? hmmmm?”
Etc etc

The dog in question is but a tiny speck in the background because it’s so far away or totally obliterated by her lard.
…and there she is in the foreground in trucker vest or mahoosive ‘over-the-shoulder Boulder-holder’ with it all hanging out.
She’s never bothered about zooming in on the dogs at any other camera angle than ‘Tits aplenty-look at me.’ 🙄
No, I’m not jealous Mank & Nits. Which is totally what you’d say to those commenting on your attention seeking antics.
Just for the record, I have ample, pert, firm, non gravity defying cleavage and surrounding mammaries. ☺
I don’t pretend I’m filming something else to draw attention to them.
They manage that all by themselves. 🍈🍈🤪
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'forcing myself to sit in the sun' - life is tough eh?!
I am actually not a big fan of the sun myself and when I was bad with depression was even worse about it so horror of horrors I do understand where Mark is coming from on this one.. It's as if the sunny mood is too much at odds with your own. We all knew he would be like a lonely child when Nadia went away though. I have no sympathy for him what so ever as with these things you have to try and find coping strategies it's not easy but he just doesn't try.
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Also... it can't just be me who thinks he's said this as a really horrible dig at Julia (he originally was talking about Jada Pinkett Smith).

From 3.05 onwards:



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Also... it can't just be me who thinks he's said this as a really horrible dig at Julia (he originally was talking about Jada Pinkett Smith).

From 3.05 onwards:

He really is a nasty person. We can’t be expected to get along or agree with our family all the time (or even like them!). I have a lot of issues with my sister but I wouldn’t dream of using my platform to publicly shame her. He’s just embarrassing himself. I hope he reads Tattle
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“Catch up”? She had only been away a couple of days, and during that time she has still been using SM, so she wasn’t having a break from her phone…meaning she would have been in contact, or been able to contact, any family member or friend of her choice during her time away. There is no “catch up”, unless he means catching up on some of the housework that hasn’t been done by Mark and their daughters while Nadia was away. I don’t think Mark does anything around the house at all that I can tell, I saw on one of their podcasts that he puts his own washing in the machine and puts the bins out…that’s it (I’m not counting his ‘gardening’ as he’s clearly making the garden worse via his efforts). She probably had to deal with piles of dirty plates with rotting food lying around the kitchen confronting on her on her return. She’s not a clean person anyway, but having to deal with Mark’s level of bone idle every time she comes home must be very tiring. It can’t mean she arrived home too late to do the live and wanted to ‘catch up’ with the subs so exuded to do it another day, because there was nothing to stop Mark doing it alone earlier in the evening if she was running late, or notifying that they were cancelling due to Nadia getti.

Their very arrogant towards their subs. Nadia and Mark made a work commitment to do that live last night. Yes, there may have been reason to change their mind, or for only one of them to have done it alone…but they would have known they made a decision to cancel…so why not notify the subs who hang off this schedule at the moment they make the decision?

They are the sort of people who would order a taxi and then leave it waiting while they faff around getting ready or chatting to people because they don’t think that the driver may have another job booked after and the affect on their business and other customers. It’s the sort of behaviour that boils my piss. It’s like having a friend who always turns up late and leaves you standing alone in some public meeting place for no other reason that they don’t think your time is valuable. Or receptionists on duty who spend ages having chats behind a counter in full view about trivial matters in their personal lives like what they are going to have for their dinner while a queue of customers is left waiting to be served.

It’s arrogant and disrespectful. Everybody’s time has a value to them either personally or in business. With their lives the relationship with their subs is a business commitment (which many subs mistake for a personal commitment), there is no excuse for their attitude to messing people around.

I think Mark, in particular, is the type of person to get enjoyment out of the control of messing people around and leaving them waiting or wondering what he is doing or if there has been some big crisis that has prevented him keeping a commitment. With Nadia, it’s probably less about control, more about general laziness and lack of thought.
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Chatty Member
So what’s this perfect weekend they had ALL together??? Saturday fantastic meal in Chinatown then some fantastic play … Sunday, friends around for Sunday lunch … but who were these friends I want to know??? Her imaginary ones again?🤣🤣 no posts at all with them 🤔🤔🤔🤔 until the IG with the poor guy and her pavlova 🤔
And WTF was that photo????
Notice the she thanks Mark the £300 coat that she paid for he bought 😂
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Nadia still raging about Boris eating a birthday cake. It’s a blurred line, no.10 is a place of work, if everyone there was employees/residents and there in a work capacity…and then drinks or cake etc are brought out and maybe the chat trails off to become more casual…it’s not the same as asking your friends to come to your house in bikini’s as they knew Maddie did to jump around together in their hot tub. There’s a difference between blurring the lines and an outright intention to break rules from the offset.

I think Nadia hones in on it so much because it’s quite easy to understand and it follows public opinion nicely, a rant about it maybe gets her a few more followers. I agree with Linda to an extent, why has Nadia let this one particular mistake of Boris’ to aggravate her so much?

Linda’s very much of the opinion that she doesn’t care less who ate a slice of cake over a year ago and wouldn’t think that such a mistake, even when it results in a criminal fine, purely on its own…would be a logical reason to disrupt an entire government when they should be focussed on the war and costs of living rises, not on point scoring and pushing people out of their jobs over something that is a historic mistake and a distraction from the issues we face as a country today.

There could be plenty of reason to have an opinion of why Boris should go or why he should stay, but a slice of cake shouldn’t be up there at the top of that agenda…but for Nadia it would be…the only real reason being that she loves the drama and attention of involving herself in a story that the tabloids have been keen to keep dragging out.

I don’t think she actually has any real political views. We all know the main thing she privately likes is tax avoidance so her vote will go wherever best suits that aim (even if she publicly states who she votes for any why I wouldn’t believe her). Publicly her political opinions just follow whatever she thinks is popular with the public at that moment, the more negative she can be the better as it suits her, it allows her to be argumentative which suits her character and she hopes will bring in more viewers.

Also, why is it that ITV provide a free chauffeur? This is a permanent place of work, it’s normal commuting, there are no unsociable hours. The cast of LW should be no different to the behind camera staff, ie make arrangements and pay for their own travel. It’s only guests who aren’t used to the route or location and so it makes sense for ITV to ensure they arrive on time by coordinating their travel for them. If any of the cast turn up too late, just dock their pay or give a warning, the same as would happen for any other employee.

If I worked behind the scenes on a fraction of the LW’s pay, that kind of arrangement would really annoy me, having to pay tube fares while they get a free ride without someone’s armpit in their face and do not have to take personal responsibility for being late. Nadia can easily afford to employ a driver, the behind the scenes staff don’t have that option. When she talks about one rule for one person and one for another, such as her issue with the birthday cake etc, she would be better served by looking at the inequalities in her own workplace and her own lifestyle. Taking money from people on low incomes in exchange for banal chit chat and Groundhog Day sunday shit shows, when you have thousands in earnings coming in every week is another good example of where she could do her bit for treating people who have vastly lower incomes than her own more fairly and not just take their money out of pure greed.
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Yes he is - he is the one talking boll===s. He is a keyboard warrior who doesn't have the bottle to send her a message but just sits pontificating from his shit cave.

The bloke who has eaten all the other greasy, sugary mess she cooked on her IG by the looks of him.
I agree that was a total dig at Julia, but the same holds true for Nittya’s Be Kind hypocritical nonsense. It wouldn’t be nonsense if she weren’t a hypocrite.
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