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Bulls**t detector

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Nadia clearly invited lisa and her lot , dina and her boys , her mum and dad , and obviously their lot! She really has gone to town this year hmmmmm obviously for Julia's benefit to show her that all the family are celebrating at her house! I also noticed that dina had posted an Ashley g post on her storys I mean how can she do that knowing how he had spoken to julia? Its absolutely disgusting and it's all narcissistic just to get at julia! How lisa can sit next to Julia's mum is just bejond disgusting when she said such cruel words to her daughter! They no exactly what they are doing and its cruel and verging on bullying! Its obvious that they are doing it all for show and the worst thing to me is how they are being nice to Ashley because his comments were inexcusable!
What sort of mother is Betty to cuddle up to a woman who has posted cruel comments to her youngest daughter and to be at a gathering that is deliberately being held to hurt her daughter too? Seems like apples don't fall far from the tree and that they clearly are a family of narcissistic bitches who teach their daughters to follow in their footsteps. Julia had had a lucky escape and managed to stop the cycle in her own life.
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Haven't posted here for a long time, but just wanted to say that I think the best thing for us all to do is to report Mr Subway's IG account for bullying:unsure:
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Moaning about trolls while trolling people themselves! Absolutely thick as fuck! Honestly, the vileness that comes out of these ppl is just disgusting, defensive and victim playing narcs the lot of em!

Also, if that is manks secret account that hes posting from then the name he has chosen is just beyond weird 😳 raspberrymojitogirl?? Ffs 🤦‍♀️
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But wouldn’t the white bread, butter and jam (enough of it there and ready to feed several kids by the sounds of it) have already been bought by Mark/Nadia and kept in the house prior to the kids deciding to eat it?

Nadia was acting shocked as though they were doing something abnormal by eating a totally standard breakfast. Yet…the night before she thought nothing of forcing a high sugar desert down herself and an overweight man who would have been better steering clear of it.

The lies and double standards are incredible. I think the whole kids eating toast thing was just her making the viewers aware that Kiki has a group of friends…so what she actually was doing is telling us that despite the inappropriate SM content, that Kiki has a group of friends her own age and they do innocent age-appropriate activities such as slumber parties and eating breakfast together. She was sending out the message that Julia’s interference and the inappropriate SM content hasn’t damaged Kiki who is going about her life unaffected by all of it…that’s why it was mentioned. Nothing to do with being concerned about the health disadvantages of white bread.

Also, Mark apparently taking a backseat in vlogs for a while. What this means is that Nadia has got a lot of socialising with Dina, Lisa, Tits etc, so will be out and about creating content of them laughing and generally enjoying themselves. He’s realised how ridiculous it is when he contrasts Nadia socialising by cutting the film to himself walking around the house doing nothing except ponder how miserable he is feeling. He could of course actually do something to give himself some content, some DIY for example, or maybe do a video tutorial for others to learn how to use whatever editing software he uses…but no, that would require EFFORT and planning.
Absolutely...watched a few mins of it from the link someone posted here and my first thought was...who bought the feckin' white bread in the first place. Obviously it's not the first time, given old vlogs where there was huge packs of white bread in the background.:rolleyes:
Second thought was exactly what you said, she's trying to make out Kiki is a 'normal' teen with 'nice' friends who sit in bed chatting and eating toast...
They are both so transparent it's almost funny. If it weren't so serious, and sad. Kiki on tiktok walking around in a bra top, in a park and they obviously don't give a shit. Or at best, pretend not to in public, on SM. I think they find it more important to be 'cool' parents than to be good parents. That's sad for the kids. Even if they don't realise it yet. Julia should be their hero...maybe one day.
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Manky is one of the most defensive and insecure - and dishonest - prats out there. Nittya said, “That’s exactly what I said this morning. EXACTLY. EXACTLY.”
View attachment 1221815
And they only backtracked when they read her comment but her she is kissing their ass and blaming herself and telling them how great they are ....makes my blood boil!
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Today’s CM @17:25
Nicola S: Mark recreate the Diet Coke ad…

That girl seriously needs to get herself a boyfriend.
Why’s she so obsessed with that unwashed creep?
Just looking at him makes me itch
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Nadia the font of all knowledge. Nadia the expert on every subject, you name it she has the answer. You could tell she was making it up as she went along even Manky looked unconvinced by her BS ....meanwhile Maddie is guzzling cheap wine in the park with "cigarette " in hand
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maybe the producers had a word with her about her mates and subscribers conducting a bullying and harassment campaign against Julia on instagram. not a good look for the programme after all.
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Has anyone watched Dina doing a Kinesiology allergy test on M and N? They hold a food/drink in their weaker hand and Dina tests their strength in the other arm while they’re holding it. This will determine if they’re allergic to it. I’ve never heard so much bullsh1t in my life.
The more you see of them the more you realise Julia is normal
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A 3 year old has a meltdown when they are told that mum and dad are going out and leaving them with the babysitter for a few hours. As soon as their car pulls out of the drive, they're happy as larry and shovelling smarties down the neck. Same thing!
There is something passive aggressive about it though. Feels like he guilt trips her passively for going away and having a life of her own by having a dip with his mental health.
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I love that the little airtime the producer guy had, he looked like he’d a bad smell under his nose and made sure the whole world knew he was being force fed the PAV-LOE-VA.
Thanks Seek Clarity for reminding me of Nadia Sawalha's USP
  • big hair
  • big t*ts
  • big gob
  • forced friendships
  • insisting on meespronouncing words
My theory is that whilst they were watching, 'Allo 'Allo as a family, back in the early 80s and Nadia and Julia both did impersonations of Officer Crabtree. Their Daddy laughed harder at Nadia's impersonation. She's clung to this ever since, whilst Julia went on to have a hugely successful acting career. :sneaky: Just my theory.

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OMG 🤮😳 I made it all the way to 45 seconds in. What a fecking prat!
Manky Mark you aren't funny and you look like 💩. Not liking the sun doesn't make you special, just like slogan t-shirts do not make you a "character " and having triple expressos just makes you a dick. Nobody is interested in your oh so predictable pity party posts as soon as mummy shuts the door.
Here's a few clues about what does make you different from the average man in his 50s...but NOT in a good way.
Lack of basic hygiene, lazy parenting, self indulgent mood swings,spending your wife's money on toys and teenage t-shirts, being a house husband but doing absolutely f all around the house,talking about yourself and giving your predictable views to a few hundred strangers on the Internet, blocking people who don't agree with you,having the sm profile of a teenage girl, living a very unfulfilled, unemployed, unproductive life and acting like its normal.
Do you think we all wake up singing and dancing? Get a flipping job that suits your personality and gives you purpose, just maybe it would give you an outsiders view of your messed up family and you could act before it's too late.
Yeah and there's a flying pig.
I'm finding Nadia more and more sinister. Anyone who knows her will know that bubbly, fake laughing, body guru, earth mother media persona is her best acting role.
Pissed up witch.
After Nadia and Dina's behaviour over the past week I too am finding them both more sinister too...

The ugly sisters default setting is to gang up on Julia and its been awful to see on social media. I dare not think how they treat her in real life!?

Dina has shown her true colours, desperately hanging to Nadias coat tails for the promise of a few subs from Nadias huge tiny fan base to trickle over to her over priced art page 😂 (Ashley could maybe promote them in Subway!)

Dina must be desperate to earn anything and picked the wrong sister to help her. Julia brings class and I imagine some pretty talented contacts. Nadia brings her Primark level contacts (Lee & Dance your tits off 😂)

I think Dina is desperate to be famous!
Nadia is using Dina to pretend it's all happy families in the Sawalha family and Dina is using Nadia to be a Z List Coach Trip Celeb! What is guaranteed is Nadia Sawalha will turn on Dina like she has just about everyone else in her family. They actually deserve each other. Together all I see is a toxic collaboration of negative energy.

Then again, maybe they are both hoping they can get a freebie contract with Rentokil for the rats in the garden and house! 😂 I'm positive Chi Chi ate some rat poison or drank some toxic spa water which nearly killed her and blinded her!

The pair of them gushing over Maddie on Instagram is both sickening and hilarious! Nadias done a troll post aimed at her beautiful sister, Maddie has done an angry depressing song aimed at her aunt, Mark has been Mark making his usual sly digs and Dina has done way too much ott, out of character gushing. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic!

Who needs enemies with family like them! 🙄
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Paul Sinha - what a hero on today's Loose Women, shutting down Nadia Sawalha's unprofessional approach to raising awareness of Parkinson's Disease before going on to rubbish her 'what to do if you're worried' question. :love: Time stamp 2:33

The Chase's Paul Sinha Bravely Opens up About Living With Parkinson's Disease | Loose Women - YouTube

This gem comes after he reveals why they never run into one another, despite living on the same road. All of a sudden Nadia Sawalha has gone full Eliza Doolittle, taking about their posh neighbourhood. 😂 I suppose 'the ghetto' she's too scared to walk through floated away on a cloud. :sneaky: Time stamp 0:36

She monopolises the interview, regardless. I really feel for the new LW, who couldn't get a word in. Old jowly chops waved her arms around and leant so far forward that she was blocked from view. :mad:
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Just chuckling watching that footage of stars in their eyes. My immediate thoughts were Cerys once had a brief relationship with Marc Bannerman who also previously snagged Nitty 🤣🤣🤣
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June Brown AKA Dot Cotton has died , cue a Whine o clock with Nadia's faux tears .
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