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LW Nadia’s such a hypocrite talking about Boris breaking lockdown rules 😡, at least Linda admits she broke them by encouraging her daughter to see her dying dad in hospital.
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link removed- what was it?

this weirdos obsession with the depp trial. anyone would think he thought it was about him... lololol
He still can't accept that Amber Heard was a victim of domestic violence, or that Johnny Depp ever did anything wrong. I think they even referred to her as Amber Turd! :rolleyes:
Vile misogynistic abuse basically, it's as if he's one of Depp's flying monkeys (or wants to be!)
As you said very fucking weird...
What really put his nose out of joint was that he was so sure that Johnny Depp would be cleared and Amber Heard punished that when the original verdict came in, I really think that Mark was crestfallen!
I also think that it's also that he can't stand to be wrong about anything.....he'll be rubbing his hands with glee if Amber Heard gets found guilty this time, not because he cares about justice...or Johnny (he doesn't even know him LOL), but just so he can say, you see I'm right.... Johnny is the victim and Amber is the perpetrator!
It's twisted....I'm not saying Amber and Johnny didn't have a toxic relationship, but he (Johnny) held all the cards...he is much older and more successful, and let's not forget with a (former) troubled history of drink and drugs....I'm sure Amber has her own inner demons....but it sounds like it was a very co dependant relationship?
So a bit like Mark and Nadia then!
Instead of working on that though (the house eunuch) is full of resentment.... resentment that when it comes out (Priti Patel anyone?) is actually pretty terrifying....(no I'm not joking his eyes go cold and hard and you can feel the anger fairly dripping off the screen)!
Also misery needs predictably enough Maddie is onside.....which fairly begs the question...ok Mark if you feel so emasculated,trapped,enabled... whatever then why the hell don't you just leave? Yeah gather your balls and last shred of self respect and go!
Ah but then maybe that means saying goodbye to your toy collection, 5 coffees a day, numerous holidays ... expensive t shirts ...and also in having someone else be responsible and also take the blame for your entire life?
Well you can't have your cake and eat it too mate...if you sold yourself off live with the consequences then?
He wants all the perks but none of the responsibility and is living in a toxic victimised state, where everything is someone else's fault....and yes Nadia is negative and controlling, but he's also negative and immature. whose bloody fault is it?
Either put up and shut up, or develop some boundaries and get out, but no...he puts comfort first...which she pays for ...and he feels like he is entitled to be looked after ... because as he delights in telling everyone what a terrible mother Diane was (as if he's been any better with his daughter's.) this time someone else has to pay for it ...(cry me a River)....
So he can use Nadia's awfulness against her....but if he's putting up with it, he's also complicit in his own abuse or co dependancy here we go again.....and again....
The same inner tensions manifesting themselves that he can't or won't resolve...oh but if someone else could (Johnny) that would be grand, again he's living vicariously through others...instead of developing a backbone and taking responsibility himself, how sad.
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Shame I'm not on Insta, because I would ask Ashley what exactly he is getting from the Sadderleys? Are they paying you or are you just a deluded saddo, trying to glean some E coli infected glow from associating with them and doing their bidding? I am going to get elitist, but hey what the hell, THEY ARE YOUTUBE Z-LISTERS FOR FUCKS SAKE! GET SOME HELP! 😤
I’m tempted to comment…..
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Haha nitty has been reading here again. She walked out on Loose Woman today with such a fake half smile, improvement on yesterday but still fake fake fake.
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Velvet Veil

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he must be very busy
prepping for the day with his triple espresso!
wonder what itinerary is today?
sainsburys - deleting and blocking people
admiring himself in his toy room
Don't forget;
- eating all the raisins
- eating all the Nutella
- doing all the things mummy Nadia doesn't let him do when she's home....
- eating fast food
Just like a child 🙄
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On HTSM @17mins she goes off on self indulgent rant of ‘how every always says how sexy she is ‘ 🙄
I've always thought she has an undiagnosed form of erotomania, I've known other people with this condition (it is a real thing).
The delusion (because that's what it is) is that members of the opposite sex (usually attractive successful ones) are madly in love with them, and usually harbour secret fantasies of being with them etc etc..
Mark is actually a bit the same (Christine Lampard anyone?)....convinced anyone who pays him attention is secretly in love with him... 😬
I actually find it a bit more pronounced and troubling in Nadia though, because I'm convinced that she's convinced that not only are men (all) secretly lusting over her...but that as she's said several times, they are (apparently) all potential predators as well!
That's where this fixation of hers gets ugly!
I think she is actually quite prudish and prissy, the so called sexiness is just an act, camouflage and false confidence.
Yes she's proud of her ability to lure people in, and take advantage of them, that's what her seductiveness boils down to.
The fact that she is actually the predator and not the men she uses as a scapegoat!
Still she clings to the delusion that it's a problem to be sexy! :rolleyes::LOL:
Er no love that's not your problem trust me!....
I wouldn't worry about that if I was you!
The real problem is your lack of responsibility,accountability, empathy and self awareness!
If anyone finds that sexy then they must be deluded as well!
Maybe she could give em a pair of the rose tinted glasses she gave out, when she got married!
Either that or a white stick!
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looks like realhouseofhannah got a reward of an insta story for putting her jack boots in to julia on insta.

basically. nadia has a long history of bullying julia throughout her childhood (reported in various papers by the two of them).
julia worked with nadia in her sandwich shop but nadia also bullied her there.
they had falling outs as adults and never spoke.
the main falling out is over Nadia's wedding to the manbaby. where it seems hello were invited and julia was never told and it nearly resulted in julia and alan davies' (the comedian) relatinship being made public. nadia and mank are still bitter and angry over the fallout to his day. see the htsm where they talk about their wedding day (do see!: mank talks about wanting to punch someone in the face- prob either julia or alan)
since then julia and nadia seem to have reunited and fallen out again.
when nadia did a section on loose women called life before loose, she talked about julia and justin mildwater (her 2nd we believe husband- first being we believe- hamza). julia was pissed about the version of events and what she called "crocodile tears" and ruthlessly called nadia out on twitter.
the tweets were evenetually deleted after what was likely nadim's "wisdom". but julia made clear that she now has no relationship with nadia.
the latest incident was julia making a post twice edited that explicity and then implicitly called out the over sexual and self-expolitative posing of maddi and kiki on instagram.
in response lisa mejuto and realhouseofhannah (nadia's friends) left nasty attacking comments. also i believe another person, based on mejuto's comment.
nadia recorded a dealing with trolls/toxic people insta film, believed to be a snyde attack on julia, but without using her name.
the insta post by julia is still up.
maddie and kiki's insta accounts are now private, so it seems there was an effect.

lots more detail available...... for instance nadia used to put plugs on the floor so julia would tread on them.... really sadistic stuff.

julia's post- see mejuto's comment and replies.

if you comment on it, you will likely be blocked across the board by sawalha adderley affiliated accunts.

Great summary @afrozenpea ...

I'd also guess that Mark Adderley would have made countless passes at Nadias beautiful sister both before, during and after they were married. He was, by his own admission, a drunk letch womaniser back then! Plus, he got the ugly sister, the OLDER UGLY sister! I bet he was, desperate to have the younger, talented & more beautiful sister!

Mobiles were in their infancy back then and I'd bet my house on the fact he would have sent Julia unwanted lewd texts when he was drinking and whilst Nadia Sawalha was giving birth to her children.

We know Julia wouldn't have responded to Marks inappropriate behaviour as she has class and who in their right mind would A) want Mark Adderley and B) want drunk lecherous Mark Adderley!?!? 🤔 🤮

As you may all have noticed, I, like many of you, am absolutely furious at the Sawalha-Adderleys bullying of Julia.

I suffered significant emotional abuse as a child and I know the signs & know the effects. I know only too well how emotional abusers operate.

If I was Nadia Sawalha I'd shut up QUICKLY and move on to another Sawalha-Adderley drama because sometimes you can only push a person so far before they aren't your victim anymore!


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LW. The buisness of nobody wanting to be on the panel with Colleen … it sounds like it’s not Colleen but a smiling crocodile 🐊…. Ummmm Who could that be ???
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I can’t tell you how much I hate the way she eats. Setting aside the disgusting noises she makes (vile), why does she eat like such a pig

And his dancing makes me feel equally as sick as her eating does.
Nadia, he doesn’t do it for you - he does it for attention. You’re married to an adult childView attachment 1177161
He gives me the Ick dancing and looking like that. Who wants a man who acts like an idiot. Don't get me wrong I love a man that can make me laugh, there is nothing nicer, however this is childish and repetitive. Whatever do her colleagues really think of them both, I would love to know. All I know is that they are both very thick skinned to put it out there like they do.
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That AG is rotten to the core and a utter weirdo , why is a 28 year old man taking such a interest in they girls ? nitty and manks probably agree with me and that's why he's been no where near their dump of a home and never will be and that Lisa is rotten aswell birds of a feather fly together , what has her husband ever seen in her # Alan car lookalike .com

Lisa's another one that could easily sink 10 Frey bentos at one sitting
On a different point I watched the segment LW did yesterday having Nads on to talk about June Brown, as they said goodbye and waved her off Colleen looked like she was waving away a stubborn turd that wont flush 😂😂😂
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Have they said something?
They haven't said anything, but they are partaking in Nadia singing songs like 'We are family, I've got all my sisters with me' etc in her bra, as if to say if we want to go on insta in our bra we will and making out that Julia is not part of her family. Well that's how I saw it anyway. I hope she has the worst hangover and it spoils her weekend. I think it is sad that Kaye bothers to be her friend, she is not worthy of her loyalty.
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Ronaldo & Georgina's Devastating Loss Gets Nadia to Emotionally Open Up About Her Miscarriages | LW - YouTube

Time stamp 2:05
I'm surprised that Nadia Sawalha is so surprised that football supporters - MEN - can empathise with stillbirth. :oops: Despite the fact that Kaye introduces LW Sunetra as a massive Liverpool fan. I'm surprised because Nadia Sawalha has been happily married 😂 to the most empathetic of new men for twenty years now.
  • A man who is forever referencing his lesbian feminist mother, in the moments he's not blaming her for his considerable ongoing failings.
  • A man who is forever perched at his keyboard primed to defend his daughters' stripping online, having armed them up with zero qualifications.
  • A man who is ready and available at the drop of a hat to take the wife's credit card to Sainsburys to stock up on tampons.
  • A man whose eyes glaze over at the very mention of HRT.
In short, Mark Adderley is a man who understands the female condition inside out, so long as the sl*t isn't wearing red lipstick.

Nadia Sawalha, along with her dated opinions around gender and childbirth (and everything else), needs to be taken off the TV. Judy Love took the right tone in this segment, whilst Nadia repeated her foetus in the freezer story. Again. :mad:
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Of course Dina has taken nitty's side she can't risk being banned from seeing manky:sick:. I wonder where the old couple stand in all of this fall out but they always have to do what nitty tells them to do even though I always get the impression that Betty doesn't like her very much and would rather be with Julia. What a screwed up family, they really are a joke.
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Simply put, the boy is a pillock and a waste of space. No new news… that’s got to be one of his most strange lines. In other words they’ve had a row and can’t be arsed.

So, Johnson went to Ukraine, Queen has spoken about covid, beckhams wedding, Easter travel chaos, dishy Rishi, it’s weekend, her weekend, trolls (this keeps getting a mention, just off the top of my head Manky
Surely there is nothing more newsworthy than “the end of girl bands” and “Easter eggs,” which were two of yesterday’s scintillating headlines. Can’t be arsed is 💯 percent correct. It must be so difficult to read and regurgitate.
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Nicotine?? I suspect she is a secret smoker. When you hear her on morning clips after a night out, she always has a croaky voice. I reckon she smokes when out with Lisa, Tits and Lee and hides it from Manky.
I also think she’s a smoker. I’m pretty certain that she is actually.
She totally has a smokers cough, and the croaky morning voice.
I don’t think it’s a secret within the family though… she allows Maddie and her friends to smoke in the house. I find it hard to believe that a non smoker would allow smoking in their home?
I hate to admit it, but I’m a smoker, and as a smoker, even I won’t smoke or allow it in my home - even before I had children I didn’t.
As a non smoking adult, why would you let your child and her friends smoke in your home, and therefore put up with your own hair/clothes and whole surroundings stinking of it?
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