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Ronaldo & Georgina's Devastating Loss Gets Nadia to Emotionally Open Up About Her Miscarriages | LW - YouTube

Time stamp 2:05
I'm surprised that Nadia Sawalha is so surprised that football supporters - MEN - can empathise with stillbirth. :oops: Despite the fact that Kaye introduces LW Sunetra as a massive Liverpool fan. I'm surprised because Nadia Sawalha has been happily married 😂 to the most empathetic of new men for twenty years now.
  • A man who is forever referencing his lesbian feminist mother, in the moments he's not blaming her for his considerable ongoing failings.
  • A man who is forever perched at his keyboard primed to defend his daughters' stripping online, having armed them up with zero qualifications.
  • A man who is ready and available at the drop of a hat to take the wife's credit card to Sainsburys to stock up on tampons.
  • A man whose eyes glaze over at the very mention of HRT.
In short, Mark Adderley is a man who understands the female condition inside out, so long as the sl*t isn't wearing red lipstick.

Nadia Sawalha, along with her dated opinions around gender and childbirth (and everything else), needs to be taken off the TV. Judy Love took the right tone in this segment, whilst Nadia repeated her foetus in the freezer story. Again. :mad:
Excellent post @missmickey and I agree with every word. The problem is because Nadia defines herself by her physicality and also her fertility, and sense of feminine abundance,(coughs) regularly spouting off on such issues as (we know) giving birth, and the menopause or body inclusivity etc etc.
She has now become the default pundit on all things related to women!
Not because she's particularly knowledgeable but because she's the most vocal! :rolleyes:
This is tedious beyond belief, just because that's how she defines herself doesn't mean I want to relate to the constant over sharing, and lack of boundaries and TMI!
It just makes LW look so redundant, and desperate!
Also another point that (you so eloquently brought up) is her overriding need to always (in Nadia's mind) be seen to be inclusive!
I'm really getting sick of this term, using it actually invalidates people's experiences imo, that's because if anyone feels the need to constantly try to be inclusive, then as far as I'm concerned they are not practicing that in real life!
In other words it's a buzzword for fascists! You don't need to bend over backwards to make a show of including others, if you actually do that in real life!
So her immediate reference to men, just comes across as just know by men she means Mark! How does it make men (Mark) feel?
Well if you have any empathy you don't even need to ask those questions? (It's patronising)
Newsflash men have feelings too! Wow who knew right? Losing a baby is gut wrenching, I know it's happened to me four times....and when it happened (sorry not sorry) but my first reference point was not gee I wonder how my husband is feeling right now:unsure: Also another pertinent point would have been I wonder how Georgina is feeling right now? She barely gets a mention though, (if at all)?

Losing a baby is very visceral and devastating and yes (as they are so rightly reminding us) we need to have that conversation!
We do but we need to have it about women and babies! To encourage a culture of support and empathy for women who are often dealt with on a merely physical basis, by the medical establishment.
Counseling should be available (if needed) and a proper burial....let's honour a (much loved) life even if it ended in death.
That's not the end result that anyone wants, but so often it's brushed under the carpet, and the culture of the stiff upper lip emerges (which is not helpful in this context) and women need to be treated as human beings ones with feelings, not just as a baby carrier, or collection of bodily parts!
Sadly Nadia with her constant self objectification is encouraging the latter attitude, so a little more emotional intelligence wouldn't go amiss!
Would have been nice for example if someone mentioned support for women after their loss, that's what is needed.
Also as Judy was at pains to point out, a bit of privacy and respect.
We actually shouldn't need to have THIS conversation....that speaks volumes about the way, WOMEN are routinely neglected and treated, when it comes to trauma and loss and babies....England (especially in some areas) has a terrible record in ensuring the safe delivery (and protection) of newborn babies and mother's, now that's something that we need to be talking (or outraged)about!
The way maternity services are chronically under staffed, and not given priority, and mother's and babies often not checked up on, often enough.(Also during labour).
That's what should be given our attention and consideration, because (potentially) that could affect any of us, and that's a (needless and often preventable) tragedy.
So the real way to be kind and respectful was shown by the football fans (and not Nadia Sawalha) who struck a nice balance on that, conveying their genuine best wishes and support, but without making a big deal about it (virtue signalling).
Sometimes actions speak louder than words ...that's true altruism, something Nadia Sawalha and her emotionally incontinent husband,(who has to be name checked in everything, else his fragile ego sustain a blow it cannot recover from) have yet (if ever) to grasp.
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The last video with the punter with the pavlova, had an air of Cathy Bates in Misery.
He looked somewhat trapped 😩
I hope he left with his wee kneecaps intact….
She was really giving him the works, looking for a cooking spot on Lorraine no doubt but he looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Wonder what pretence she got him round there on cos he was definitely not her type, must have told him she had a cupboard full of vino.
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highlights of the "latest" hometime so far

Mank saying that they will keep us up to date on nadia's covid... said in to the camera of a vlog released 2 months later?
mank and nadia saying how if their cherry tree falls down, the garden will be ruined..... lol.
gardening expert mank sayin how much he loves camelias and showing the subs a rhodedendron.
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the thought of a triple espresso makes me feel sick - surely not a good idea for someone who apparently suffers anxiety?
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When they were talking about the Will Smith slap, it didn’t really surprise me when Mads said all of Moodie’s friends and probably Moodie, think Will was right to be offended by Chris and therefore slap him 🤦🏻 Moodie and her friends are fuckwits. I bet if Moodie stopped smoking pot, she’d see her circle of ‘friends’ disappear and move on to someone else who’s got drugs.

Also what was with them jumping and looking afraid when Moodie walked in off camera and according to Mank gave them a look that could kill. Why are they afraid of upsetting that lazy spoilt brat, she needs kicking out, get a job and stop sponging off the bank of Mank.
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Noticed that Julia’s John Lennon post was put up a few hours after Nadia and Lisa commented on Ashley’s post! N and L are so shameless! Big love to Julia - not sure how she’s managing to rise above it all and stay so calm!!
They shower affection on Ashley when he goes after Julia on IG but avoid him altogether when he travels to London for a week and all his social media “friends” bail on him and suddenly can’t meet up with him in person. Why? Because he is a hanger on, a needy personality and Nittya most likely is a wary of him, and they have no desire to spend any time with him. Yet she and Manky will accept and encourage his gifts and attacks on Julia and anyone else who dares to call out the Swadderleys on their hypocrisy and dishonesty. That’s the purpose he serves to them.
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It appears Maddie is having a go at Julia via the words in her song. They are unbelievably bitter & twisted the lot of them. Horrid people showing their true colours to the world!!
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lol charlotte carr enjoys being gaslit by a narcissist. yes, a sub suggested the comparison, but mank said it was a "good point" and nadia got all orgasmy over how she had already made that point..... the correction then came from the chat- not them. which they had to accede to.

Mank is true narcissist in that he always creates "official" narratives where he is never at fault or wrong, and those who do not accept those narratives are pathologised.

An ugly toxic and dishonest couple.
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he hasn't tagged his daughters name on his latest post
and that video nitty has put up deliberately focusing on her bra for ages, so immature and brash
god knows why any one would want to market her for anything!
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The worst part of ashley's post is he is attacking her for not being a parent.

a, how does he know? I certainly don't know whether she has children or not. and
b, is private information including whether she is a parent or not, and any circumstances around that being given out by Nadia, in order that posts made on her instagram can be weaponised?

With these three posts now (lisa/AG and Hannah) this is really beginning to look like SA orchestrated bullying and harrassment.

Ashley really needs to shove a fray bentos in it.
J should have left up the other “nasty” posts from Nittya’s gang instead of deleting them, as evidence that her crew doesn’t follow the Be Kind mantra and are bullying her!
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The employees of every major news outlet in the world must be enjoying a well-earned break today, now that Mark Adderley has drilled down and discovered there is no new news. :sneaky:


Howdy doody! Have a great day, guys!
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Monday twatfest
Tuesday tantrums
Wednesday wank
Thursday throwback
Friday fuckbore
Saturday snooze YAWN
Sunday we will break with tradition 😉
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Has anyone watched Dina doing a Kinesiology allergy test on M and N? They hold a food/drink in their weaker hand and Dina tests their strength in the other arm while they’re holding it. This will determine if they’re allergic to it. I’ve never heard so much bullsh1t in my life.
Imagine if, in her bid to promote her latest hair-brained scheme to feed herself, Dina finished off her favourite brother-in-law. :sneaky:
Do you think Dina is the quack doling out Mark Adderley's mental health diagnoses? After all, Nadia Sawalha has been calling her sister a teacher for years, when she's not. :oops:

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Well, one can sing and the other couldn't carry a note in a bucket .

Why can't he just leave her alone in her room? We have seen this all before , it's the same with the bloody Christmas trees coming out the loft.
💯 Muchado

I don't know if I'm imagining this, because I was clearing my emails whilst listening to this 'film' but did Mark Adderley spend most of the time hysterical with that grating manic laugh about the miserable footage he was capturing? He really is a nasty unoriginal piece of work. Why not focus on the dusty toy cave that's only ever filmed in soft-focus darkness these days? Or maybe even the extra room full of sh*t he has upstairs in the house his wife paid for? I see Mark Adderley has forgotten that Nadia Sawalha and her unemployed sister had to transform Nadia's other floordrobe into a room for Mark's mother / a place for her hot husband to escape her drunken snoring behind his back.

Mark Adderley is a gaslighter of the highest order, bringing nothing to the table but tired bluster and the ability to withstand / match the stench of Nadia Sawalha's unwashed lady garden.
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Grace Kelly

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This photo is not just a case of good lighting and good photography, it’s been airbrushed - no amount of good lighting is going to iron out her neck. She also looks like she’s got a bigger bollocks than Mark in the second photo.
Look at the Bitch Face on her, everything about that photo shouts the "real" Nadia Sawalha, the demeanor, the face, the attitude. What on earth is she wearing on her bottom half.🤮😷

Those 2 were absolutely awful to Linda, talking over her and stopping her from speaking then tried to cover up their bad behaviour by stroking her arm and laughing. I am not Lindas biggest fan but that was dreadful, she has as much right to an opinion as the Lefty 2.
Kaye Adams has gone to the bottom of the pile along with Nitty this week.
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Someone needs to send Ashley's messages to Nadia because the messages are extremely worrying! He is saying cruel hurtful things that are totally unacceptable especially from a stranger! I know julia and nadia don't always see eye to eye however Ashley has gone to far and I'm sure Nadia would be extremely upset with his messages to her sister! Yes they have ranted about her indirectly but that is family and what Ashley is saying is dispicable to say the least! He has got absolutely mo issues with julia other than following her family and now he's actually looking very creepy getting involved in away where his disgraceful words calling someones sister such cruel things! I feel nadia and mark need to unfollow him and get him out of their lives! Because he thinks they are his friends so thinks he has the right to say cruel things to her sister! If not Nadia someone send them to Dina because she would be fuming I'm sure!
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Gloria Rostron

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manky has a night out with a sub
how sad is that
and its a woman, he just cant relate to men at all
Did you see Nitty's face when he mentioned it on the live? As my mother used to say, she had a face like thunder. She really doesn't like him having a deluded fan base of young girls.
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