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I agree - I've just read my post back. N met M in Bristol. M had two young children in Bristol. They had to move to London because she had the big house there. Why didn't broody N sell up and move to Bristol and have their family there? Why didn't they ever discuss the fact that her having to live in the pocket of her family was incompatible with M being a father to two young children on the other side of the country? M thoughlessly created the inital conflict by riding all over town bareback and N selfishly created the secondary conflict and has continued to broadcast a bullshit version of it on national television. Despite the way she glossed over it on LW, by putting her needs before those of his children N was very much the other woman. She said, "There was always this grief with us." What about the children N? What about the f**king children? Why didn't you prioritise doing something about their grief? Why didn't you bend?

I reckon N hates M's ex-partners because they rightly called out the SwadderEley's shelfish, drunken, thoughtless behaviour. I reckon they are brilliant mums, which is why feel uncomfortable bringing them up on here. :(
i remember her saying once that M's ex's were weak and he got a bit nowty about it and said NO they arent weak at all - shes obvs jealous of them as think they are university educated and quite arty creative women (intelligent and dignified ) not like the geezer bird
She was determined to get him and no way would she have moved to Bristol, as he was having to do as he was told
I too think his ex's are very probably lovely kind women
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So the fact that manky thinks about formalising his “counselling” skills means that he already thinks he is some sort of skilled counsellor just without the qualification. He would be the last person I would take any advice or guidance from
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is 16 years like a big birthday for not having a drink? does he do this rubbish every year? it's like visiting the grave of a dead person if he does- that dead person being himself.
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This flog has made me so unspeakably angry!!! How many times did she say, ‘We are finally going to get a cupboard - I haven’t had a cupboard for 25 years!’. Then she proceeded to show us two large inbuilt cupboards in the master bedroom, a triple fitted wardrobe in the new ‘dressing room‘ (a.k.a. Nanny Di’s bedroom - RIP) and then to my amazement an entire wall of fitted wardrobes in yet another junk/spare room. That is more wardrobe space that in the average house already.

Wittering on about ‘art rooms’ and the like when we know that the three spare bedrooms will continue to be a dumping ground. It makes me so angry to think that they have all that wasted space that they don’t care about and there are families living in cramped conditions who still manage to keep things organised and take pride in looking after their belongings.

And then there’s the kitchen with all the larders and pull-out drawers that can’t be used properly because they have junk spilling out of them. She doesn’t know how lucky she is and how entitled she behaves. I only realised the other day that she has two fridge freezers in the kitchen, always jampacked with food, and then another SMEG fridge freezer in the laundry room. For a family of four??!!

I can’t bear the greed of it all - it’s actually making me feel upset.

Oh and yes, we will have the weekly Insta lives to look forward to. Of course we will Nadocchio ... 🙄 😡😡😡
Did you notice all Marks stuff ...old toys of one of his other daughters that he wants to eBay.......Please just take it all to charity or chuck it.
Also he had piles of old videos of his tv stuff he has produced ....He could put them all on a few usb sticks save a lot of space. I think he doesn’t want to let go of the past 😔
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Do dogs snuggle like that with a hurt leg? 🤔 both dogs have hurt there legs first thought was mankys path to no where, thats a hazard for sure! Altho, theres junk and shite all over place so the dogs could have been hurt anywhere really. They have also had worms for months, their bedding is never washed so even if they are treated theyl just get them again. Nitty has mentioned multiple times that they argue over mank forgetting to feed/walk the dogs regularly. Those awful bone things they are obsessed with get dragged around the house/garden and are probably riddled with germs. The dogs are as miserable as the kids, neglected and ignored due to nittys and mankys obsession with social media and money.
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Clarity seeker

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they usually go to hotels as they are not able to lock their bedroom door as no handles or lock? so worry the girls will walk in - she has said in the past that she makes loud noises when having sex so cant keep the noise levels down
Loud noises? What, like farts?
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She’s back in the Mirror today about her ‘body positivity posts’ 🙄 She says her daughters find them really embarrassing and in the next breath says she is doing it for her daughters. No, you are doing it to feed your addiction and desperation for exposure and attention. Full stop. Seeing their mum in these photos is not helping her daughters to have better body image...
Yes, the constant emphasis on and attention to weight, and to food as a coping mechanism, is a toxic and dangerous combination for teenage girls. Adding embarrassment can be very triggering.
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Clarity seeker

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They posted a comment to sY the garden furniture cushions are now “In and covered.”
Don’t belieeeeeevvvveee yooouuu!
They’ve no garage.
Oh no! It’ll go in the girls Den beside the utility room for nanny Di to sleep on whilst the wardrobes get done.
Bet there’ll be a vlog soon showing the furniture is actually still out.
Signed- Police Constable Clarity.
Special garden branch.👮‍♀️

The garden is such shithole. It looks worse than when he started.
I've noticed their super fan Lior always sufferes the same issues as them...if they are down she is too, if they are happy so is she...when their Wi-Fi is down so is hers. 🙄The arse licking from subs who think they are friends with a z lister is beyond embarrassing.
Not even second hand embarrassing. Just downright ‘I feel it, so I’ll own it’ embarrassing!
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Clarity seeker

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So Kiki is unwell and Nadia is no going into Loose Women as "she has to look after her"...

Hmmmm family illness has never stopped her going into work before. One has to wonder if Kiki has Covid and they all have to self isolate???

They all break the rules so often so there is a high probability that one of them will get Covid.

I certainly don't wish Covid on anyone but it seems very odd that she's become all selfless all of a sudden 🙄

Look at the 1st minute of the live, he's edited something out in his 1st sentence, you can tell he's lying about something from the offset Why just not say anything rather than lying again. I think they are so usto lying it's more normal than telling the truth
The dogs, now Kiki- whose next? something in that house
Nanny Di is with them so she will be worried about herself getting it if kiki has covid. She will have to isolate in their house aswell. I feel sorry for her as she is elderly and if she gets it, it might be worse for her 😥😥
Kiki probably is mentally unwell rather than physically. No?
As in... she had to endure his me, me, me posts yesterday and became really anxious when they headed to soho, each for their own ends.
Anxiety wondering if HE would finally give in and celebrate his Sober ‘Birthday’with a drink and anxious because Bratia was probably getting hammered with Lee.
Anxious with Covid, anxious with the backlash of her mother being such an exhibitionist, anxious over schooling, anxious over wanting to be healthy but being force fed junk food, anxious over not seeing auntie Julia, anxious over seeing what’s written on here and elsewhere about them all, anxious over the dogs being unwell.
Bless her, she probably had a breakdown.
As someone said. None of them being unwell has stopped Brat-face going to work on LW previously so, it’s either suspected Covid or a bit of a mental breakdown which, was inevitable at some stage. ☹
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Full of crap as always today, can't edit because he's got a migraine.... absolute crap!!... got one word for the family members ...fools! ..👎
Yep, they have probably had a row and he's chucked his toys out of the pram. Wanker!
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You can hear N's full mobile phone number being confirmed... you'd have thought they'd edit that out?
Unless you're willing to share your credentials kais93, I really don't think it's your place to question M's superior editorial decisions. Maybe he's finally outsmarted us all - they've become too lazy to even choose their own takeaway pizza toppings or talk to the little people on the phone. Now the garden gnomes have N's number, they can do it for them. :sneaky:
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Urgh - live starts with him happily saying he wants to know how everyone felt when they didn’t turn up for coffee moaning, gloating at being missed 🤮
Wow! What an arse.

Had a read of the comments without watching....Well said 👏

Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 22.39.37.png

Wow! What an arse.

Had a read of the comments without watching....Well said 👏

Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 22.39.37.png
Sad man child nimble fingers can't handle the comment, deleted already.
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In my opinion there are far better ways they could teach their kids to own their shit, consequences etc. I'm not saying he should hide anything from them, but he goes on and on about his issues, his depression, his darkness, hating sunny days, the list is endless. He could choose to go and get help (therapy and meds, if needed) to deal with his issues, now that would teach them something worthwhile. I don't for a minute believe what he does, how they parent is a good way to teach any child anything.

That's so well said, and in my opinion all true. I wouldn't have bothered with my replay as you said so much more so much better! Didn't see this till I had already posted my reply:)
He wears his past addictions as a badge of honour, thinks it gives him a bit of kudos, makes him seem a bit edgy and out there. All respect to him for so many years of sobriety, but when push comes to shove, he's an ordinary rather dull middle aged man living vicariously through his wife.
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Toffee should be at the Vet's too. They probably don't want to pay for 2 dogs 😠 Considering Chi Chi is supposed to be Kiki's dog, she doesn't seem to be that bothered about her.🤔 When I was a teenager I would have been so upset about my dog and would have wanted to go to the Vet's with her. I've been really upset about the neglect if those dogs and have agreed with everything you fabulousTattlers have said on this subject. The hypocrisy of the 'be kind' really gets to me. When the other LW show photos of them with their dogs you can see how much they love them. You never see photos of N. hugging any of their dogs. I just want to reach in and give those dogs a big hug😥❤

That's heartbreaking😥She should be seen by a Vet! What's wrong with these people?😠
Like I said, we know animals sense things, they are extremely unhappy because they are unloved. They know they are not wanted.
This dogs are depressed. Lack of exercise, lack of play, lack of stimulus, lack of comfort, lack of genuine love. Their pack leaders are brutal,toxic,greedy,loud,lazy, teasing,taunting bullies.

The article in which Julia describes how Nitty would be so horrible to her outside of school in general yet,when they both arrived at school Nitty would be lovely to her for the day. All the kids would say your sister is so lovely to you,then as soon as they left Julia had to walk way ahead of her. Julia said she found these social messages very confusing,hurtful, and she then became frightened of the behaviour and dreaded going to school.

I see the same thing with the dogs. Bought to show off on social media, both dogs. Used on camera ‘aren’t we the perfect family we’ve even got dogs’, and when those cameras are turned off..
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she says they have 20-25K viewers per show, rubbish no where near that!
Are you serious? Their viewing figures are roughly half that. Much much lower for M's movie reviews.
However, if significant dedicated social media exposure is what the company is after in lieu of payment, perhaps they should take a look a N's list of broken promises.
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Not too sure what the point of the gfh was? 12 minutes of di being laughed at and ignored. Uncomfortable imo. Nitty doesnt want her there, theres alot of resentment, itl be interesting what they do with the room that di is supposed to be going in to, i think itl be a mattress on the floor for a long personally.

Another thing that struck me was the conversation her and mank had at the end, she takes her sim out of her phone? Why?
and she struggles with making the effort to go to theirs yet craves mank to force her. I think its the travelling, its too much for her.....why cant he go get her? He ferries nitty to and from itv which is around an hr away apparently, so why is getting his mum seen as too much hassle? im not a massive di fan, but she is his mother and deserves to treated so much better than what she is!
it was pointless - I dont know why he bothers

And those gifted chairs ... A disgrace ... 😡😡😡😡 no gratitude whatsoever 😡😡😡
yes I thought that too, they will be ruined such a shame, but we all new that was going to happen, they dont care about anything other than bits of junk in his toy room and clothes all over the floor in her room
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