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In the vlog just gone up they have broken the covid rules again by having lisa in the house as in tier 2 no mixing of family or friends in or outside homes unless in support bubble. They make me so angry 😡
Tonight's vlog was absolutely crazy even nanny di was shouting and screaming on it shes usually the voice of reason in it .nadia on her phone ignoring it all all acting so crazy maddie joining infor the attention kiki on the vlog looks like she changed her mind about being in the vlogs totally unentertaining made you feel what the hell was that afterwards.
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My opinion is that Bratia did not go into LW today because she was ill, not Kiki. I bet she was feeling really hungover because of last night. There was no way she could get away with a participating in a live tv show being that hungover. Can you imagine the alcohol fumes sitting next to her? Obviously it looks better to say that her daughter is ill. Meditating my a**** she is probably sleeping it off next door. How does she know that Kiki is not well, Kiki and Maddie don't get up till about 11am!
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Nicola Sinnott would be his first "client" she would definitely be the first in the queue to see him for therapy.............A whole of hour Mark all to herself. She would absolutely love it
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Maybe Miss Italiano took her cooking skills seriously and has an impeccable reputation but realised during filming that the whole Family Feasts thing and Masterchef Sawalha was a complete farce.
Too late then as contracts had been signed etc.
Totally agree with this. I am Italian and I was not impressed by the Italian episode of Nadia's Family Feasts. I too thought the Chef, Masha Rener was a little cold and unfriendly. I have since learnt that she is the head chef of Lina Stores restaurant in London. For her to be the head chef there, she has to be amazingly good, the best of the best. Lina Stores is one of the most important and iconic food delicatessen places for us Italians in London. When I was little in the 1960s, my mum would traipse across London for hours just to go and do some shopping there, as it was the only place you could get the very best authentic Italian food. It has since become an amazing restaurant too. I can imagine how horrified and embarrassed Masha Rener felt to be cooking on tv with the likes of Nadia. She must have known straightaway that this woman was a fraud and could not cook any type of cusine well, let alone her beloved Italian cuisine. I haven't got time to rewatch this episode, but I remember it was toe-curlingly bad and uncomfortable to watch for all sorts of reasons.
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He deletes the comment about his ego being huge but leaves the one about Nitty 🤔...
I've noticed that he does this quite a lot. He leaves them there until enough folk have seen them, and only then will he delete them, if ever.

Misogynistic arsehole. :mad:
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She’s goading him on the ‘sober birthday Fuck-offee moaning‘ to binge eat cake.
“Oh come on, it’s your birthday, your sober birthday. Don’t tell me you don’t want to eat loads of delicious food?!”
WHat the actual fluff?
It’s not a birthday! 🥱🥱🥱
It may be an anniversary.
It’s just all really weird.
Absolutely two lime squirts short of a Mojito.

short of a
So she’s asking him to celebrate 16 years sober by goading him to pick up fat and sugar? If she knew anything about addiction (as she tells us she does all the time) she’d know how easy it is for addicts to cross addict and pick something else up rather than sitting with their feelings, be they good or bad.

It drives me mad that she does her mental health chats giving advice re overeating when she is clearly still so sick and should be attending OA meetings herself.

They are as sick as each other and nothing will ever change until they address this.

And I am astonished that after all the fawning today she is off out getting drunk with Lee (when she said just recently she wouldn’t be going anywhere she didn’t have to because of Covid) and he is reminiscing about his drinking days. Stay at home and spend time together with your family without the cameras.
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Their behaviour this weekend has all the hallmarks of them having had a big row. They are so predictable.

They are trying to distract away from what's re gone on by focussing on the dog but I bet they've had one of their nasty rows and manky has spent most of the weekend in his toy cave pulling the heads off his plastic star wars figures.

Global pandemics and illnesses don't normally stop them rolling out their crap, the only this that halts production of their money making machine is a big fat row..

Once they make up we'll have a few days of them fawning all over each other pretending they are so in love. Their behaviour is Sawalha-Adderley text book.

Mark is also probably sulking that they've had to spend money on their dogs, we know how he hates to spend money on anything essential or practical.

Nadia is still probably seething at loosing a few thousand pounds pay when Loose Women had an all black panal on one of the days when she's normally in the show ruining it.

Thses two are like a tinder box waiting to explode most of the time, it won't take much for them to fall out, covid has put pressure on alot of couples, Nadia usually copes with her life by drinking and socialising with her "friends", as that's out of the window she's in for a winter of discontent. My heart bleeds... NOT! 😡
Oh yes, and I would put money on the row being about 'The Organisers' bet you Manky has thrown a tanker of a mood and says he doesn't want them, or too expensive, or not throwing my toys away, it's not happening. Definitely!

Whatever, a compromise will be made and they will probably have 2 shelves put up ( and he'll get 'a man called Tariq') to do it.
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Dear God just when you think Nitty can’t possibly get any more embarrassing or attention seeking she jumps around like an absolute moron all for the gram. Her daughters must watch and cringe. She gets more pathetic every day. Calm down love. You’re going to do yourself an injury.
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Clarity seeker

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Don’t kow what I did to the written part of this post but it disappeared.
Will try again...

She said Hugh Grant looked ‘Well rough’ when she and Mank were discussing ‘The Undoing’-
then she walks round the corner looking like this.
Is she heavily pregnant, wearing three hoodies or just crisp and spaghetti laden?
The usual lip smacking is turned up a notch with the sucking of cheesy wotsits.
Like a camel chewing a lemon.
Her eating really makes my nostrils flare. 😶


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I remember N saying, think it was on a live with Manks when the three-tier was introduced, oh. does that mean your mum won't be able to come here then? She sounded quite gleeful, and crestfallen when Manks said no, as she lives alone, she is in our bubble. Up until this point I always thought she seemed fine with Di visiting, apparently not!
I noticed that too @GlitterKnickers. She’s obviously a very poor actress as she finds it impossible to conceal her resentment of Di. And yes she did sound gleeful which shows her true colours. And Di could have seen that as she does watch the lives sometimes 🙁
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The way I see it things are only discussed when Nadia and Mark put it out there. This morning Nadia has put another post up about Kiki. The girl is obviously suffering at the moment and yet Nadia feels the need to post about her on instagram. Personally my kids happiness and well being would come first over spashing their lives all over the internet just for the views and likes. :(
Exacty, she cant help herself -NO BOUNDARIES or concern-its going to be a worry when K returns to school,they need to stop all this now
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Bit scary really because in the UK you don’t actually need any qualifications to set yourself up as a counsellor or therapist. He’d have a client list of subs lining up to pay for it too!
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So Kiki is unwell and Nadia is no going into Loose Women as "she has to look after her"...

Hmmmm family illness has never stopped her going into work before. One has to wonder if Kiki has Covid and they all have to self isolate???

They all break the rules so often so there is a high probability that one of them will get Covid.

I certainly don't wish Covid on anyone but it seems very odd that she's become all selfless all of a sudden 🙄

Look at the 1st minute of the live, he's edited something out in his 1st sentence, you can tell he's lying about something from the offset Why just not say anything rather than lying again. I think they are so usto lying it's more normal than telling the truth
Perhaps Kiki has a touch of food poisoning from the rancid kitchen and lack of basic hygiene. I feel sorry for those girls living in squalor. With no escape, even to go out to school. Must be horrendous and not at all good for their well being and mental health.
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Wearing the same clothes this morning as they wore on the review last night. Must have slept in them. They could have made an effort.
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I remember N saying, think it was on a live with Manks when the three-tier was introduced, oh. does that mean your mum won't be able to come here then? She sounded quite gleeful, and crestfallen when Manks said no, as she lives alone, she is in our bubble. Up until this point I always thought she seemed fine with Di visiting, apparently not!
yes there seems to be tension now between them
Also N appears to be more bonkers lately, acting more child like, whe she started skipping round the kitchen when the organisers left, WTF is that all about - woman you are 55 years old!not 5
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Hmmm not sure. I reckon they’ve found out it’s something preventable that makes them look bad so I’m guessing it’ll just never be revealed.
Rat bites, they had a rat catcher come round, that means they were riddled with rats, I bet they were big too..

Wi-Fi issues again. 🙄 They live in South London, not outer-Mongolia. Why don't they get a door mat for the kitchen doors? With the amount of traffic through that door from the garden, it's no wonder the floor is dirty. More singing for the sake of it from Nadia. I don't know anyone else who bursts in to song when saying the most mundane sentences.
most likely because she has a moments of lucidity, realises she's mundane, and feels a hideous rendition from a tone deaf woman with all the wrong lyrics will make everything interesting?

yes there seems to be tension now between them
Also N appears to be more bonkers lately, acting more child like, whe she started skipping round the kitchen when the organisers left, WTF is that all about - woman you are 55 years old!not 5
They have definitely had a row about the Wardrobe Man. CANCELLED
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That's your personal opinion, just as we are allowed to have ours.

As it was I thought the man was very professional and I'd use his company with no hesitations.
It's a shame the others all acted so immature, ignorant and unprofessional. He clearly felt uncomfortable with Mark's phone being shoved in his face, them being more concerned about filming for their channel and not bothering to listen to him, or talking over him.
That's a point. I wonder if they asked permission to film him? I think the women would have been aware, as they mentioned watching youtube footage. I hate having my picture taken, so if anyone shoved a phone in my face I'd be off.
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Migraine?! But she's posted they were at the vets...why do they lie? I'm sure their paying subs would be in full support of them taking their dog who's in pain to the vets over filming the Sunday show. If thay were organised their vlogs would be filmed and edited to go straight up on a Sunday anway!
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My opinion is that Bratia did not go into LW today because she was ill, not Kiki. I bet she was feeling really hungover because of last night. There was no way she could get away with a participating in a live tv show being that hungover. Can you imagine the alcohol fumes sitting next to her? Obviously it looks better to say that her daughter is ill. Meditating my a**** she is probably sleeping it off next door. How does she know that Kiki is not well, Kiki and Maddie don't get up till about 11am!
And Mark said Nadia would be in for Loose tomorrow..... how does he know Kiki will be fine tomorrow?? ...He only know Nadias hangover will have worn off by then 🤣
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