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I've suspected that the black and white dog has not been well for a while.
I agree, it's had worms for months. It's beyond cruel. The dogs are used to get the cute factor for their channel. Both parents appear to put their social media addiction before their own children so it's no suprise how little attention the dogs get. Mark forgets to get washed so I'm sure he forgets about the dogs most of the day. Nadia was happily Instagraming without a care in the world the day toffee was very ill, she hadn't even noticed. With the children escaping from their crazy home/parents more and more the dogs will get less and less attention. So so Cruel 😡
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Marks on the hunt again deleting all the comments about them not wearing a mask in the recent home time vlog. They can delete all they like but people will still think it and by deleting the comments it just look as if they have something to hide. The subs/viewers should thumbs down instead to show their disapproval and stop giving the egotiscal pair the views.
ive literally just read one comment saying they wont change and its just for a freebie and gone to like the comment and its gone, is he tied to his laptop
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So hes on his own, wandering around london looking at pubs forlornly?? not celebrating with is wife/kids/family, not just having a nice chilled day. Hes actually out there torturing himself by reminiscing about the past, about the wild nights and conquests!?! Id be pretty pissed off if that was my husband, id be wanting to know why he just cant move on and enjoy life in the present. This constant living in the past is just down right weird. He is beyond pathetic, seriously mank, get a grip, there really is more to life than alcohol! Ffs.
Yes you’re right. He should’ve been with his loving family spending some precious time together, that would’ve been a lovely way to acknowledge the date.
He’ll drink again at some point won’t he? He’s hanging for it.
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Clarity seeker

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When people are lying they tend to add additional info to make the lie seem more believable. You're right, there was no need at all for Mark to mention what Kiki and Nadia were doing in the other room. I don't believe for one minute they were meditating in the other room. The whole story was a lie. But sure we're used to them lying. The subs believe every word, which is a shame. Also, what are they teaching their kids about being honest? They will be witness to many of their lies online :mad:
My husband and I call it ‘Red jumper syndrome.’-
Where people add extra unnecessary info when lying.
“Sorry I’m late for work but this guy with a black beard and a high necked red jumper stopped me to ask for directions to the church- the one beside the house with the funny shaped roof.... and he couldn’t understand my directions so I had to drive him there in my 2007 Citroen berlingo with the dent in drivers door.”
If we both know someone’s lying now we just say Red Jumper.🙈😬
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I wonder if both mothers were wedding guests / chaperones?

And here we have yet another of their we-have-no-cupboards-style-lies winking at us in plain sight.
If they have no photos of their wedding what the devil is this?
What about the photos Hello paid for?
What about the photos they regularly show on LW and when N sells her weekly fantasy stories to magazines?
(Especially the one with N displaying her tonsils and M demonstrating he's unable to tie his own tie.)
Naturally, they would have been amazing if M had been in a position to take them himself ...
i think they did a deal with Hello for the wedding pics but Julia and her then boyfriend Alan Davies, caused a stir as said they hadnt consented to being in the spread of the magazine, so think they got pulled- even then she was selling her soul - selling her pics of her wedding to a no mark
It caused a huge rift between them and it put a huge strain on Julias relationship with Alan. N also said publicly that Alan was boring oh so your barbie playing husband isnt?
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Clarity seeker

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Just leaving these here ...
10 put of 10 to Lee for replying in the way he did.
Mark Adderley take note.


No mark is so clever so much cleverer than all of us it must be a trick: you phone that number and you are identified as a troll and a laser bearing robot from the future will appear in the sky and shoot you down pew-pew pew-pew. and then his voice comes out of the laseer bearing robot and says I got you troll and then he laughs maniacally and the great war is won and him and queen nadia are crowned king and queen of the internet with princesses maddie and the other one only truly worshipped and adored as they all should be and then they all have a huge feast of meat fried in cream. the end.

On second thoughts, maybe he's just an idiot.

Nah they didn't actually do anything offensive; just didn't seem to know how to interact with him.
As they were seeing him out she put her hands together in a prayer-like fashion and kind of bowed to him.
True story.
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It’s a very low blow to his wife and family - putting responsibility on them for his not committing suicide. There is a term in AA called being a ‘dry drunk’ which basically means the person has stopped drinking but isn’t working the steps/program or taking any action to make changes in themselves in order to move forward with their lives. This is why he still feels resentful he can’t have a drink 16 years on. You don’t see people like Davina McCall or Denise Welch sitting around having a pity party and bemoaning the fact they can’t pick up their drug of choice.
Welcome veracity nice to see a new member that was an excellent post.Mark is exactly that a dry drunk. Your right davina and denise are both good examples of having been there and done that and then (more importantly) moved on and are now successful and thriving like you said thats because they took responsibility and didn't want the past to define them.Well done to them and indeed anyone who has the courage to face their inner demons get treatment and cultivate change in their lives.
Its not an easy thing to do and i really admire people who are humble enough to admit they made mistakes and then set about correcting them they are a inspiration to us all.
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I'm wondering how manky is going to cope with having those people in his house for 4 days he was freaking out when they were there for 30 minutes measuring up. He didn't seem very enthusiastic about having the work done but I guess if it's all free he'll put up with it and probably hide himself away in his toy cave while the work is being done or he might make her cancel the job......can you imagine her reaction if that happened.
There isn’t Enough money in the world that would make me go through their stuff. Apart from being untidy everything looks genuinely dirty and even with full PPE I wouldn’t chance it🤢🤢🤢
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Clarity seeker

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And N keeps crowding him. You can see him trying to keep some distance, but she's crowding him, laughing, talking loudly, without a mask, being utterly inconsiderate and horrible, and I am so furious at her.

But I would have to ask Organized Friends with their uncovered noses and endless chatter to leave.
Those ‘Organised friends’ have only recently set up in ‘business’ apparently.
I cannot find any business page for them on t’internet apart from their Insta page which has a few photos on of very neat ‘cupboards’ and drawers.
To me, those pictures look like Generic organisational stock photos.
Too staged and perfect.
I don’t think this pair would have such high standards.
I might be wrong..,,,
It will be interesting to see what the finished result looks like, especially the finished photos they put on their Instagram.😬

In their ‘about’ section of their insta, they say they’ve worked for Prada, Mulberry, Clarins and Chanel.😂😂😂
One worked in boots on the perfume counter or did work experience on the duty free at the airport after leaving school and the dark-dungarees- smokes-80-roll-ups-a-day-gruff-geezer-voice bird sold copycat designer goods in the market on a sunday. Betcha!

When some people set up an insta account there is often two accounts for the same person or business.
I’m guessing the second account I found could also be them.
It has the same type of stock Photos which you know cannot possibly be real or from any job they did.

Anyone who can’t be bothered Spelling their business insta page correctly couldn’t possibly be professional nor adept enough to achieve such amazing results as the page suggests.

‘Too?’ Style organised friends????

I’ll eat my own foot if they produce anything anywhere near the high standard shown in those pics.😋
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I think Nadia hates those expartners of Marks... always subtly bad mouthing them 😔
I agree - I've just read my post back. N met M in Bristol. M had two young children in Bristol. They had to move to London because she had the big house there. Why didn't broody N sell up and move to Bristol and have their family there? Why didn't they ever discuss the fact that her having to live in the pocket of her family was incompatible with M being a father to two young children on the other side of the country? M thoughlessly created the inital conflict by riding all over town bareback and N selfishly created the secondary conflict and has continued to broadcast a bullshit version of it on national television. Despite the way she glossed over it on LW, by putting her needs before those of his children N was very much the other woman. She said, "There was always this grief with us." What about the children N? What about the f**king children? Why didn't you prioritise doing something about their grief? Why didn't you bend?

I reckon N hates M's ex-partners because they rightly called out the SwadderEley's shelfish, drunken, thoughtless behaviour. I reckon they are brilliant mums, which is why feel uncomfortable bringing them up on here. :(
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Marks insta posts are the gift that keeps on giving at the moment! :LOL:.(well for me anyway!) :ROFLMAO:.So i knew you all wouldn't rest easy in your beds/sleep easy without knowing headmaster marks tip of the day...
because the is so so qualified to dish out advice (just like dr sawalha!).
Yes drum roll please his tip of the day is...
Don't be drowned by your own self importance...
because he's not waving but drowning...errm ok then...:whistle:...

Well that analogy failed in the short term. Here's ME ME ME drowing in a tumbler of crystal clear cold water because N kept asking if he'd finished editing the Shit Sunday Show.

Dare I suggest an AA meeting?
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Clarity seeker

Chatty Member
Marks on the hunt again deleting all the comments about them not wearing mask in the recent hometime vlog. They can delete all they like but people will see think it and by deleting the comments it just look as if they have something to hide. The subs/viewers should thumbs down instead to show their disapproval and stop giving the egotiscal pair the views.
You see, that actually makes me want to cry.
The frustration at them be obnoxious enough to vlog their squalor and think it’s funny is one thing but the constant breaking of Covid rules then deleting comments about it is a whole different level. 🤬

I said earlier, I wonder if we all went over to Lees channel and commented there would he delete?
If nothing else, at least He would get more ‘hits’ (or whatever it is they get through traffic and you tube generated algorithm thingummy stuff.🙈
no comments on their channel means less for them.

Seriously though, they need reported and made an example of.
All for a thumbs up and ‘likes.’
There are people who haven’t seen their families all year.
Me included.😢
They haven’t invented a word which describes them yet.
They’re off the scale.😡

I found both Nadia and mark really rude with the guy. Anyone else?
Everyone talked over him.

I had to change my YouTube account as I’d been blocked by Adderley a few months back.
This should be interesting.
Posted on Lees channel...
Can someone check later and see if I get removed from there too please? ❤

You see, that actually makes me want to cry.
The frustration at them be obnoxious enough to vlog their squalor and think it’s funny is one thing but the constant breaking of Covid rules then deleting comments about it is a whole different level. 🤬

I said earlier, I wonder if we all went over to Lees channel and commented there would he delete?
If nothing else, at least He would get more ‘hits’ (or whatever it is they get through traffic and you tube generated algorithm thingummy stuff.🙈
no comments on their channel means less for them.

Seriously though, they need reported and made an example of.
All for a thumbs up and ‘likes.’
There are people who haven’t seen their families all year.
Me included.😢
They haven’t invented a word which describes them yet.
They’re off the scale.😡

Everyone talked over him.

I had to change my YouTube account as I’d been blocked by Adderley a few months back.
This should be interesting.
Posted on Lees channel...
Can someone check later and see if I get removed from there too please? ❤
If you haven’t watched it already... watch this-
The bit about what she’d do if lockdown ended tomorrow for one thing.
All the things she says she’ll do, she does already!
Nakedness, slurping, had in good, spirting, singing loudly, party for girls etc.
Right- my blood pressure is dangerously high so that’s enough for me for today.
Soon lovlies.🙈😬

P.S. By the way, I don’t watch Lee’s channel... just for the record.
I made out I did on his comments and only watched that one today for research purposes!🙈😂👍
(The end😬)



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This artwork is called a memory of period stained knickers. I assume she had stored the peanuts down there for snacking on during the breaks in Loose Women.

No zelda the enabler face behind this one as she holds the plate up, but she is zooming in and out like Manky does with her boobies. The whole way it is presented is based on her projecting her greedy piggy self on the viewer. It's just offensive really.

Peanuts are like 70 percent fat; jam is high sugar, so they are obviously what any buttercream iced cake needs dolloping on them. It's a picture. Most specifically a picture a three year old does.

Doing one of her stupid dances in the laundry room again but still not having changed the bulb. Because any energy not expended in attention seeking is wasted energy. I'm sure there will be a bulb changing company organised by Lisa in to fix it soon.
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Nittys latest Insta post, her dad getting an app to get his medications delivered, there that precious to her that her and Manky the lazy arsed git can't pick them up for him, they live next door for God's sake!... another shameful money grabbing ad.... they really are unbelievable ..😡
you dont need an app your GP surgery can arrange a blister pack delivery with a local pharmacy - those apps are just a con
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The last time I watched a live which was a week go, there was a garden chair just outside the kitchen sliding doors clearly on show, it was clearly in the rain, they are such liars.

They allegedly haven't got anywhere to store their clothes so the garden furniture doesn't stand a chance.

The garden furniture will have been moved to a part of the garden where they don't film to rot for the winter and provide 5* bedding for the rats 😡

OMG! I've just watched her Instagram Rant 😈😈 😈

How evil does she look and sound!!!!!!


I Imagine that's a snippet of how vile she is when she's arguing.

Who in their right mind wants to show the world their most vulgar, demon esque side?????

Her true colours are totally shown in her rant, what a nasty, vindictive, evil witch she is.

#Be Kind is long gone. To mention the upturned plug socket is cruel and vicious bearing in mind she forced her young sister to run into a room and stand on an upturned plug socket in the dark!!!!

I'm rarely shocked by Nadias behaviour but I'M SHOCKED watching that.

I bet that's how she rages at her husband and sister Julia

#EvilWitch 😡

Wow, and there she is, showing her real self, that's a real swipe at Julia about the up turn plugs, evil nasty witch, why the hell don't the press show this rather than her lardy body which she knows embarrasses her daughters, just put it away love.
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