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Manky seemed really off this morning, pouting even more than normal. So the nits comments must’ve come from here, surely they don’t have people private messaging them asking?
Ive never known a grown adult get nits when they don’t have kids/grandkids at school. Where the hell do they catch them from? Why does he deny she has them when she’s admitted it at least twice on camera?

Why does he act so superior? Saying how the chats go on before the coffee moaning, I think in his head they are celebrities keeping their fans waiting at a concert or something. Everyone stops in awe when the great man makes his entrance to the lucky subs 🤢

How fucking rude is he when he demands thumbs ups. ‘come on guys you’re being slow at the thumbs up’ said quite aggressively. Jeez this idiot needs a dose of reality. Go get a proper hard graft job ffs.

Why does she fake cry everyday?

How has sub Jodie lost her job, family, then her dog died and now her cat 😮 I mean what are the chances?
Is Jody’s another one of Marks aliases 🤣
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Narcissists LOVE to fake cry. They love imitating real emotion (even though they don't feel them) and think they're fooling people, they get an actual buzz off it.I read all about it in a brilliant book about sociopathy.
Sorry but can you remember the name of the book please? I love books like that and have a fair few myself?
I admit it i find the dark side of human nature strangely fascinating no wonder i watch mark and nadia! Or maybe i,m a secret masochist god help!:unsure:
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They just couldn't be arsed!. Nitty is probably in her pit, gorging on a bucket of KFC whilst watching RHONY and Manky is sulking in the editing suite.
yes apparently she had a go at him and all the subs were sticking up for him.

Mark has played his manipulative card well with his GFH vlog, getting all the subs on side with him. As much as they both annoy me, I do think Mark is very coercive and emotionally abusive - he knows that he is doing when he puts out those vlogs painting Nadia in poor light. But then Nadia is also to blame, constantly telling sob stories about her hot hubby will only get people to feel sorry for him. They live an exhausting relationship, no doubt they've had a huge row tonight hence why they've let down their paying superfans. For what it's worth I agree with Nadia the garden looked a shit hole, Mark needs to pay someone to sort the tip out so they can actually enjoy the garden. How long is the garden going to be a work in progress for? I can't believe I even bothered to skim a GFH. 😂
Like I said, they don't pay people, people pay them

This has been a Revelation to me!! I have been sickened by this lot slowly but surely ..but thought I was somehow being too harsh?? Thank gawd I found Tattle!!
Welcome 💫

I don’t disagree with you at all on this.
It's twisted, if they 'liked' it, then that would annoy a teenager, them ignoring it only makes her do it more, reversed reversed pyschology.
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Extremely convoluted intro to the book.
As someone else rightly said on here earlier- “falling asleep.”
Very hard to stay engaged after the first three or four paragraphs- mainly as it’s all ‘WE,WE,WE..’
Funny that they say they were “Thrown into homeschooling in 2015 but in other internet articles they’ve been doing it for 7 years.
Which is it?
It’s insulting to stereotype what they write to be they typical homeschoolers-it’s far from being politically correct.
Vegan/vegetarian, butterflies sewn into dungarees, barefoot with head lice....
Actually, no, hang on a mo...🤔

It’s going to be a tough few days Tattlers, as the attention they'll receive and countless interviews to promote next weeks ‘toilit’ paper will no doubt make them even more insufferable.
In all the headiness of the book launch (which will sink within days) it’s inevitable that they’ll continue to trip themselves up and give plenty good reason to not only hit the thumbs down, (Yawn) but provide the General public and the press with something juicy enough to reveal them as the frauds they are.
Stay strong and keep on truckin’😬

I’m thinking it’s very odd that LW aren’t having them appear in person.
Any ideas as to why?
Too many people in the studio for social distancig rules.
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They’ve invited questions in advance for a homeschooling Q&A live on Thursday. Will be interesting to see what ones they answer.
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I see that M and his constant companion / second skin (yup, that stripy jumper) made it into the photograph for the Hello article.

I can't believe that N explicitly mentioned her millions of submissives and their positive feedback, following AaronC plastering evidence of his breakdwon under the Hello lockdown video!

Nadia's followers were quick to share experiences of their own ... Many more left sweet comments letting Nadia know that they had already bought the book, and that they loved what the TV host had to say.
She's paying them, she must be🤷‍♀️
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Seeking clarity

Chatty Member
I,m sure its been said on here before but you can,t let a good comparison go to waste can you? He looks just like Timmy mallet with that new hairdo/don,t:ROFLMAO:.Plus timmy is a best selling author don,t ya know!

Oh my god but that is sooo creepy honestly o_O i,m scared to look at it...oh no i,m going to have to scroll past quickly....the stuff of nightmares....
Dead ringer for him!😂
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Chatty Member
I always do a thumbs down for the actual vlog but wasn’t aware you could do one for a live.
Is it the same thing?🤪

How come there’s an error now when you click the name of the above Tattler?
‘Leesblueceasar’ or whatever their name is?
Have they ran off or been booted out?
MANKY in da house.😏
Hahaha .....ran off 😂
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OMG Just found Nadia on facebook running the home education school from her parents' house

Wonder what happened to the school and the rest of the facebook diary about Home Education? It is only two years' old. Have a look:

Nadia Sawalha's Home Ed Family Diary - Facebook

Something else they started and then gave up on - seems to be a bit of a habit with the Sadderleys.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Thanks for finding this. Somewhere previously, someone posted a link to the actual school page of "academy" or something they'd set up. I never got chance to see it properly, I thought it was called norwood academy but there's no sign of it on Facebook. Maybe he's removed it. Wonder why the Telegraph never referred to their failed home school 😂
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Take no notice she has everything wrong with her, you name it she's got it...

They are reputable but a bit like Amazon prime you sign up to it without realising what you've done and then you make a monthly payment to keep a balance for when you want to buy more items {I think}. Hassle trying to cancel the membership but the clothes are good.
Thank you. Still, very wrong to say off camera loudly "DON'T join Fabletics" just because Murk saw an ad on his precious coffee moaning. Second slagging off, of another person's business in the space of a week😣
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