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Well-known member
I love this pic of manky. Everyone looks all glam and ready on the red carpet (putting Nadia's tracksuit bottoms to one side), and he's there holding his phone, wallet and a rainbow umbrella. Pure art.

View attachment 228336
Yes ,it would have been so much better without the appendages, he does look smart though, I think. Nadia looks like she's just come from her 80's keep fit class.
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Oh my lord they just showed a physically copy of the book on the live, its looks so so bad bright yellow, nadia is mortified subs trying there best to complement it. The print of their faces awful on it. Also noticed paying subs giving them abuse about mariot hotel and last nights member live

Have a look on Amazon for the description of the book plus loads of rubbish about her.
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So, it would appear that the arsehole has responded like an arsehole to one of those rare real life humans (krista_v_ricks) who spent money on his shit book. :oops:

There's nothing she could write to balance out the arrogant arsehole responses from DogHouseMedia / AaronC.
Then there's her spelling and vocabulary. 🙈
Oh hunny. Give up.
Just call me Nostradamus. :sneaky:


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Active member
Review No 1 from Amazon

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 3 September 2020
Quite expensive for what it is. Not too sure what I should have got from this.

I really wanted to like this book given the times that we’re in, but I came away feeling disappointed. I’m not sure I got much out of it. Is it really a ‘go to guide’? Is it ‘sharing experiences’? I’m not too sure the authors really know.

This uncertainly is reflected in the writing style. To my eyes, the book isn’t sure if it wants to be a story book, autobiography, a novel, or an informative guide. It tries to be all 4 at the same time. For example, some parts almost read as an attempt to be quite literary, and quite profound - but don’t quite hit the mark. Other parts feel quite juvenile in contrast: the multiple voices, the random stories, and the silliness. In reality, I was often confused and waiting for it to ‘cut to the chase’.

In terms of content, it felt lacking. There wasn’t much which was applicable to me, and the autobiographical parts weren’t particularly gripping. I really feel that the book could be cut down in volume by about a half as it does ramble on. I also felt the points about how bad ‘school’ can be for some people were repetitive and overstated.

If you have kids who want to pursue something vocational, then this book might be worth a skim. If your kids are more academic, then maybe not. That’s not to say that homeschooling can’t be good for those kids, but I don’t think this book really lends itself to that.
That's a great review and I can just imagine them writing like this with a load if waffle😕 There won't be much content because they don't seem to do any actual teaching and we never see anything particularly academic going on, but of course they don't want that.
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Did @go_pr_and_events not warn this lady that having her cake handled by Celebrity Masterchef winner N Sawalha would be the kiss of death for her business? Sad, as she's done a good job. Icing could have been yellower. I await N's #gifted not-an-ad-I-have-an-incredibly-sophisticated-palate review.

Sadly, the fact that N appears to have a local baker in her COVID bubble makes her 'efforts' for Di's 70th even more insulting.
I see that M and his constant companion / second skin (yup, that stripy jumper) made it into the photograph for the Hello article.

I can't believe that N explicitly mentioned her millions of submissives and their positive feedback, following AaronC plastering evidence of his breakdwon under the Hello lockdown video!

Nadia's followers were quick to share experiences of their own ... Many more left sweet comments letting Nadia know that they had already bought the book, and that they loved what the TV host had to say.
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Oh wow @Seeking clarity. Well done you!😍 You have found out SO much with your exceĺlent detective work.This explains a lot. Dina is not a qualified Art teacher and doesn't gave a degree! The smoke and mirrors surrounding the Homeschooling situation is just unbelievable!😮
Well done indeed! Although I don't think that's why we haven't seen inside Betty&Teddy's house ( Betty would seems very shy of the camera, and they are elderly. Probably don't want there home turned into "This is the future of TV, this is where it's all happening.."studio. Doesn't Dina live next-door to the Homes-killers?
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I looked at quite a few nadia and kaye vudeis on Facebook last night. I didn't realise there were so many, I was looking for the one about nits that @Seeking clarity showed yesterday.
Firstly what I found was why I used to like watching the channel, it was light hearted, humourus, and nice to watch.
Upon reflection I have NEVER seen a more perfect example of the definition of the saying "Chalk and Cheese".

It's absolutely incredible how theyve gone from that to where they are today, talking about filthy underwear left all over the house, zero self care, no desire to even get washed, all jyst lazy filth.

I'm non conformist in many respects but I live a clean and tidy life.

The decline in 2 years is incredibly telling with regards to the state of the mental health.

It's like a drug addict, with a youtube channel monetized to pay for his habit, talking his drugs everyday and other drug addicts agreeing with what he's saying whilst the rest of the world look on in disbelief!

Not until I saw the nadia n kaye vlogs from only 2 yrs ago did I realise jyst how much of a tailspin they are in. Scary!
Imagine what the rest of the 'family,' the real family are going through!
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Maybe because she's just not that important.
Yet as she reads this she will be saying, "If I'm not important why are you all talking about me?"

If you still have the screen shots and info available it might be worth finding a media out let for it ......It’s just finding one that isn’t up the sawadaderley arse
I would think The Guardian might raise an eyebrow..

This Xander Gibbs guy. What a weirdo. He's on one in the Amazon comments. He looks like Manky's alter ego. Looks like a fantasist. Just go and look at his pic guys.
Can't be real, that must be Nitty, he said "Bless" maybe he's picked that up off her though. 'Aah bless we love you':sick:
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Today is digital detox day...maybe that's what Nadia meant? I see Stacy and a load of others are digital detoxing for today, for mental health I think.
Oh of course she’s doing it to get noticed, didn’t think it would be for any sort of self introspection. She’ll eat her way through most of it then polish it off with a drink, Manky will film every second and ‘Ta Da’ tomorrows vlog Digi-Nitty-Detox
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And M's not even referenced his seminal TED talk. I wonder if they sought permission? :mad:
Well put it this way i would rather listen to ken robinson,s TED talk than nadia,s fathers rambling TEDDY talks!
Also regarding their infantile honey i homeschooled the kids or ken robinsons much lauded out of our minds (hint hint mark the clue is in the title!) i know which one i would rather purchase!:whistle:.
As far as seeking permission honestly they don,t seem to be the type of people to ask permission for anything isn,t anything up for graps a free for all as far as they are concerned?
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I always do a thumbs down for the actual vlog but wasn’t aware you could do one for a live.
Is it the same thing?🤪

How come there’s an error now when you click the name of the above Tattler?
‘Leesblueceasar’ or whatever their name is?
Have they ran off or been booted out?
MANKY in da house.😏
Yea if they've either cancelled their membership of had it cancelled it will say oops error etc
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Seeking clarity

Chatty Member
Super sub Xander bless him, has been out in force and put some nasty comments underneath most of the 1⭐ Amazon book reviews. Oh dear!

Anyway, I think we have to be careful what we post on here as Manky is lurking and is ready to pinch our ideas, get rid of all our discoveries or even complain about us.

I have had a good idea about amazon book reviews, especially the Fake 5⭐ ones, (how funny that The Sun is reporting today about how Amazon is deleting 20,000 fake 5 ⭐ reviews) but I have learnt my lesson and am NOT posting it on here so Mr POO POO BUM BUM can pinch it!

Is there any way to message privately on here?
Apparently there is but I haven’t figured it out yet. I too am keen to private message members here but haven’t Figured it out yet.
I’ve googled ‘how to private message on Tattle Life and it kinda tells you how but might as well be in a foreign language. If anyone managed it please keep me in mind.
Was also thinking a Facebook page with heavy duty bouncers at the door might be an idea?

Apparently there is but I haven’t figured it out yet. I too am keen to private message members here but haven’t Figured it out yet.
I’ve googled ‘how to private message on Tattle Life and it kinda tells you how but might as well be in a foreign language. If anyone managed it please keep me in mind.
Was also thinking a Facebook page with heavy duty bouncers at the door might be an idea?
If any of us get booted off without warning, ... maybe we can go the the Hello vlog comments and arrange something else there?

Yes absolutely yet here we had him this morning on the aptly named coffee moaning complaining that he wasn,t allowed to question the narrative spouted by mainstream media and yet we are not allowed to question their false narrative which is constantly pushed down our throats and which they profit from! :mad: If we do we are vilified as trolls and covertly threatened.
Yet if he has an opinion he classifies it as intelligent enquiry! Double standards again eh mark!
I don’t see a coffee moaning for this morning....??????
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Mark's mentioned that he hates looking in the mirror because of his self-confidence issues.

Perhaps he just doesn't like the fact that Aaron C is staring back at him.
Well, a Mac clearly thinks that he is the dog's bits and even dared to tell Nitty to calm the feck down.

a Mac

a Mac 36 minutes ago (edited)

I hope Mark gets the credit he deserves from this book. I know he did 95% of the work for it. This was clear from the vlogs. Very very hard working and articulate guy, and I just really hope he gets the recognition he deserves 👍 I am buying 2 to support of course 👌 huge huge congratulations guys.

a Mac

a Mac 39 minutes ago

Calm down, it really isn’t THAT yellow. I think you’re being a bit over the top about the colour Nadia. It looks great to me. If it was dull it wouldn’t stand out. You’re going on like it’s full on Neon Nadia. It’s really not.
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