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Hold on, is charlotte copying Nada or did Nada copy charlotte because she just put up a pic of her in the swimming pool and then captioned it babies with heart emoji, normally that’s how the infantile Nada posts so i think Charlotte is feeling a bit threatened by the insta clone and trying to morph into one as well?? or i might be wrong and it’s a bimbo thing because i don’t get it, lol. I wouldn’t refer to grown women or men as babies 🤣. What do you guys make of it?

If your partner is deemed much more attractive than you then you’re classed as “punching”.

I don’t know how to feel about Samir, I’ve never met him but know a lot of people in his circle. (Used to shag his mate when we were in uni 🤣)

Most of the people high-up in both boohooman and PLT are Samir’s school friends. If you’re a complete stranger to him/the family there’s no way of you getting a high-up job in those companies, it’s friends and family exclusive. Which can’t be good for any business.

Deep down I think Samir’s quite unhappy. All of his friends come from normal backgrounds and he pays for them all to fly off to Dubai and LA on private jets. I’ve met a cousin of the family too and apparently Adam is the nicest brother. He befriends celebs through Umar and I think he’s got a bit caught up in the flauncy show-off lifestyle.

I was in Neighbourhood bar in Manchester once, few years back, and Umar was in there with Malika Haqq and had the biggest bottle of Belvedere I’ve ever seen in my life, it was that big it was on some kind of swing as it was too big to pour by hand. But yeah, I doubt he and Nada truly love each other. Everything is for show and the image with them two. Really sad.
I know Umar comes across so tacky and wannabe, he’s got no originality like he thinks and is into that whole show off and insta perfect life even if he’s not happy. i mean the man buys friendships and love, how sad do you have to be!

Deffo agree i think Adam is being influenced by Umar into doing the whole insta life as well and i don’t think he’s fully happy either, i know he’s had a baby but i don’t know something about him just looks sad.
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I wouldn’t even call him a success because isnt it his father’s brainchild and he’s riding on his coat tails, practically handed to him on a plate which it’s not his fault but come on, he didn’t work his way up. PLT is the same format as Boohoo, just different name. His father is behind all of it so what has he actually done, lol, just spend money and act like i’ve created this brand out of thin air.

Also i don’t know why but i feel like there’s some animosity between the two brothers Adam and Umar, Just as Umar left the ski place Adam goes over and he didn’t spend new years with him either. Maybe he doesn’t like Nada? or maybe Charlotte doesn’t get on with her? something there i think what do you girls think?
Dude why did I think the same? It’s like there’s a weird vibe between them atm and I guarantee you Nada and Charlotte don’t get along… Did Nada even congratulate them on the birth of their baby on Insta or naa?
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She actually brought like 200k followers before her engagement. One day she was on 240k and literally the next day she was on 400k plus LOOL (maybe umar buys it for her, looks like image means everything to him and he seems he wants a gf with a big following)! He also buys followers too how sad!
I was thinking how they both have so many followers when she never posts and his posts are random pictures of him and his cars with no shoes on lol like pls put your smelly feet away Umar nobody wants to see them except Nada.
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I’ve been following her for years..before she met Umar and she always presented herself well & she must have been doing something right to have attracted him to begin with. She may have come from money or a comfortable family and there’s nothing wrong with that, besides I’m sure she has more than looks to offer.. Umar could be with any beautiful girl and he chose her.

I doubt they had NDA’s etc .. Amy and Umar were just a couple that didn’t work out and went their separate ways. We’ve all been there!

No idea how Amy makes her money, Maybe she works a 9-5 that she doesn’t post about?
That’s literally a complete lie as they both cheated, Umar being the first to cheat
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Hi guys, I just wanted to put my two cents in. Firstly no one can blame her for wanting to marry him, she seems like she wants that fast lifestyle and she got it so kudos to her on that but she should remember that all that glitters isn’t gold. You can have all that money and wealth and be unhappy, imagine always having to look a certain way, watching what you eat so you don’t lose your figure having your husband hold all the cards so that if you leave him your leaving with nothing. She does come across quiet bimboish and submissive but she has to be because if she pisses him off he can easily replace her but how can she replace him, she got lucky with him and she knows it so she’s going to have to keep her mouth shut until she’s secured by marriage or kids. I also wanted to point out what a boring life, i’m sorry but lounging on yachts and sunbathing, how much times can you do the same thing, if i was her i’d get bored of it, you need a goal and purpose in life and if i had that money i would open a orphanage in my home country and help the people, educate the kids for a better tomorrow and that would be amazing instead of buying a lambo or new designer bag, a real muslim knows that the value of his or her after life isn’t the wealth they have in this life and believe me when they die they will have to account for every dirty penny they spent on the backs of poor people and the punishment for that, bloody hell, i don’t think they fear god because the way she acts with half her boobs out and him having her around all his male friends in skimpy outfits, you don’t behave that way if you love a woman.

men are naturally protective when they love someone, they don’t share them with everyone to see there boobs and ass out, as a man you want to keep that for yourself there is a word for Umar in islam and it’s clear he’s a dayooth because he doesn’t care who sees his fiancé half naked lol, you don’t even need to imagine because it’s all out there in person to see. i think umar sees her more as an object, he’s a spoilt son of a rich dad and no matter what he says we all know his dad is behind PLT and getting rich so he’s not self made at all. I think he will have affairs but keep her at home, i honestly feel sorry for her because seriously we should take a leaf out of princess Diana’s book, she married a prince and was so unhappy. Money never brings happiness especially haraam money, even umar he’s has to buy his friends affection and his fiancé’s affection, they say i love you so easily because it’s just a word to them. If i was Nada i would have a life away from him because as the previous poster said it doesn’t look like she has any friends there and when she’s out it’s always with him and around his friends or she flys her sisters out and that’s it.
Hi guys, I just wanted to put my two cents in. Firstly no one can blame her for wanting to marry him, she seems like she wants that fast lifestyle and she got it so kudos to her on that but she should remember that all that glitters isn’t gold. You can have all that money and wealth and be unhappy, imagine always having to look a certain way, watching what you eat so you don’t lose your figure having your husband hold all the cards so that if you leave him your leaving with nothing. She does come across quiet bimboish and submissive but she has to be because if she pisses him off he can easily replace her but how can she replace him, she got lucky with him and she knows it so she’s going to have to keep her mouth shut until she’s secured by marriage or kids. I also wanted to point out what a boring life, i’m sorry but lounging on yachts and sunbathing, how much times can you do the same thing, if i was her i’d get bored of it, you need a goal and purpose in life and if i had that money i would open a orphanage in my home country and help the people, educate the kids for a better tomorrow and that would be amazing instead of buying a lambo or new designer bag, a real muslim knows that the value of his or her after life isn’t the wealth they have in this life and believe me when they die they will have to account for every dirty penny they spent on the backs of poor people and the punishment for that, bloody hell, i don’t think they fear god because the way she acts with half her boobs out and him having her around all his male friends in skimpy outfits, you don’t behave that way if you love a woman.

men are naturally protective when they love someone, they don’t share them with everyone to see there boobs and ass out, as a man you want to keep that for yourself there is a word for Umar in islam and it’s clear he’s a dayooth because he doesn’t care who sees his fiancé half naked lol, you don’t even need to imagine because it’s all out there in person to see. i think umar sees her more as an object, he’s a spoilt son of a rich dad and no matter what he says we all know his dad is behind PLT and getting rich so he’s not self made at all. I think he will have affairs but keep her at home, i honestly feel sorry for her because seriously we should take a leaf out of princess Diana’s book, she married a prince and was so unhappy. Money never brings happiness especially haraam money, even umar he’s has to buy his friends affection and his fiancé’s affection, they say i love you so easily because it’s just a word to them. If i was Nada i would have a life away from him because as the previous poster said it doesn’t look like she has any friends there and when she’s out it’s always with him and around his friends or she flys her sisters out and that’s it.

Spot on!! Couldn't have said it better myself
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I’ve noticed Charlotte commenting heart emojis more on Nada’s Instagram posts, so I think they do get along but live very different lifestyles.
Also, I think it’s been mentioned before but why are Nada’s sisters with her all the time? Do they live with her full time? Do they not have jobs and a life of their own to live? Strange..
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Do you guys think that when you’re a family of billionaires, letting people live off you is a minor problem that doesn’t bother them? That’s how it comes across to me. They have more money than anyone can have so at this point they probably dont give a fuck as long as they’re happy that anyone leeches of them… Thats the vibe I’m getting tbh

Samir is gay and also Aishas family probably lives off her too.
I wonder why he keeps deactivating and reactivating his Insta lol
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Aisha didn’t like her most recent Instagram post. I don’t know but this Nada is so ghetto no matter how much Chanel or Hermes she wears she’s got this council flat aura always hanging over her. Not shaming her for that as many supermodels come from nothing in Siberia in Russia or other parts but they got some sweet natural humbleness and naturalness around them Nadia just doesn’t seem to have that in my opinion. She seems more calculated ghetto.
So true that video of her all in his lap like some idiot, i mean what the hell. it looked soo fake and who even behaves that way, keep it for the bedroom if that was my son it would be screaming red flags and the way she always has her sisters like they all living of him and even charlotte and Adam come across more natural then nada and umar. she looks soo botched and fake.
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I wasn’t at the wedding but I know that she didn’t have a relationship with her dad back in the day. Again, disclaimer, I don’t know if this is still the case, I haven’t spoken to her in years.
But what about her mum?
What was she like back then?
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They pretend they give to charity to mask the realities of the sweat shops.
Seems like they get other people to donate and collect donations so they can get a tax write-off (I'm 99% sure that's the reason behind it)

To be honest the only reason classless Umar married half naked ‘Muslim’ Nada was because she’s relatively pretty (post surgery, pre surgery she was a plain Jane). Their marriage is only based on looks and money from his side. You’re telling me if a 5’11’ Adriana Lima lookalike supermodel wanted Umar he wouldn’t ditch and cheat on 5’2’ cheap Nada? :ROFLMAO:
Even Craig Mitchell cheated on her (he said he "messed up" and that's why the relationship was over)
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VIP Member
After watching the Dubai Porta party video on Twitter - you can get an idea of the rich mans fetishes.
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So what happened with Amy and Umar? Did he just not wanna get married so they split? X

I loved Amy before as she seemed so genuine and friendly!! But not sure on the crowd she hangs out with now.. seems like they just want to be in the press
Totally agree with this! That gang need there own thread x
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so she put up a pic on insta saying something about another year with umar which implies she got with him in oct 2019 and they went insta offical in feb 2020 but he was dating Madison Sarah around oct 2019 so looks like he was doing the dirty on her
During my snooping, I came across Nada's "company" page registered in early 2018 and her correspondence was listed as some random building owned by the Kamani family!

So I wonder how long they have been together for (at least on the DL)
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