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@wanderingstar123 Haha thank you!
omg she called them babies?! TF!!! And why is she always POUTING?! Makes me believe that she only ‘looks good’ with that pose wtf.

She said born day you know lol
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To be honest I’m surprised he’d give a two hoots about his grandparents wishes.
If they are Muslims, surely they wouldn’t condone to the excessive lavish alcoholic centric events that they hold.
also Charlotte isn’t a Muslim. So why would it be a big issue that Amy wasn’t.
i personally thought she was too hot for him. Don’t get me wrong he’s scrubbed up a bit better now but back in the day money was the only thing he was attractive for.

so why so different with Nada?
Also the mum is always boozing and scantily clad. Doesn’t give off obedient daughter in law vibes.

she’s also never really pictured with her husband. Is this just a convenience sake for money?
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Yes let’s agree to disagree…and you’re asking me? I thought you knew her in real life? You should know what her sisters do in that case… to me it looks like they just leech off of Nada’s newfound wealth but I could be wrong.
Hello, yeah I knew her 8 years ago as stated. She was early 20s, her sisters were younger so of course I have no idea what they do now as lots changes in that time period
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looks like nada's followers have miraculously jumped up to 549k LOOL! Can't believe she is buying followers lmaoo shes not even doing it subtly !!
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I bet she’s trying to hook up her sister with Samir, lol 🤣. Doesn’t seem like the sister has anything better to do then hang around her and live off her as well. How does Aisha not say anything to Umar, your fiancé’s family is living off you.
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Exactly, you can’t compare Bolton uni law course to a proper red brick uni law degree. Anyone can get into Bolton even if their A-Level results were shite.
I hope she puts up videos where you can hear her speak. She acts and sounds 14. You can’t take her seriously, she screams like a little girl. But I reckon the Kamani family have tried to polish her up a bit because she would make everyone cringe when she walked into a room a few years ago. From what I’ve seen on her social media she’s less cringe now than before. Umar wanted an insta trophy wife for the insta pics - think he’s got it. I reckon they’ll end up together long term.

She literally sounds like a kid!!

Side note: how did she have a Birkin bag back in the days?

Honestly he could be a self hater but a few outfits in Dubai don't prove it. I noticed at his brothers wedding he was the only one out of the three that wore this over the top Asian outfit that guys don't usually wear.
He likes to dress up...thats what I gather from these outfits and he probably got gifted some of these to wear when he got there.

I don't know what the situation is like in the UK but in the US Indians never claim to be Arab. Maybe because the Arabs in London are the rich Saudi types while the ones in the US are poorer refugee types from Iraq and Syria.

I have noticed that amongst UK Asians. They think they have made it when they marry a (very average) white girl. 😅

His dad and his brother are wearing regular suits and then there's Umar.
Another reason why the USA might be different is because there is a lot of racism towards them ever since 9-11 and the overall attitude the hill billy/'Walmart' Americans (which is a huge portion of the country) have against them is disgusting.

Just look at what Trump bluntly said and how many followers he got...

I'm assuming in the UK, being Arab= having the Dubai life style

OMG no way. Why is she pretending he’s Moroccan then
I don't know if what that person said is true but I did find an old photo of him and he looks sort of Flipino (in this photo, at least)

Screen Shot 2022-07-11 at 12.19.36 PM.png

Is it just me or does she look a bit like Khloe Kardashian?

I’m really confused, why do they put balloons up saying welcome home? it makes no sense like i’m genuinely curious. I understand if your born into privilege with a silver spoon since birth but for the average person isn’t that bit silly. I’d be like there’s no need for a song and dance, i haven’t cured cancer 🤣 like Nada are you ok doll? i get its exciting all this money but she just got rich for two years and is acting like she was born rich, no humbleness at all. Does anyone actually know her personally? is she nice person?
Someone in this thread (or maybe another) mentioned that they knew her in high school and that she was friends with the popular girls and would bully others. I'm not surprised at all, she always has a smug and unwelcoming face... (whenever she poses with Umar she looks more miserable compared to her old photos with Craig Mitchell)
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She’s not Saudi lmaooo, nada isn’t even a saudi name. What Saudi father would allow their daughter to dress the way she does lmao. She’s 100% Moroccan.
I’m half Libyan and my full Libyan cousin went to Arabic school with her growing up as kids. She’s a fraud

Don’t think he had much control over her he didn’t live with them not sure if her parents were still together or not whilst she was growing up
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Amy didn’t have her own money when she met Umar she was working for him and she also doesn’t come from money. The difference is timing. You have to realize Aisha married When they were young and had zero money. When money was involved it was different. Amy also had a glamour modeling background which was frowned upon by the family not to mention she was dating their competition the guy who owns misguided. It won’t take Umar long to realize most of the wealthy he’s trying to emulate in Dubai and London don’t actually marry a bimbo but someone who is capable of holding her own. Umar has issues if you see he is always trying to be someone else. First he was trying to be black in LA by pushing the narrative he was born in Kenya or that his father lived there and was also dressing in that way. Then he moved his sites to Arab region and suddenly started dressing up in Kandora which was embarrassing. Then when he was in Monaco he was dressing in an old school English way almost like a peaky blinder. Now he’s trying to emulate a tech guy wearing only an Apple Watch and being into NFTs. He also wrote on his Wikipedia that he was a billionaire which is not true. His father may well be but he isn’t. The biggest hush hush in all of this is that 50% of the Kamani clothing business is owned by another woman.
Thanks for replying teabunny, i understand your points but it’s such hypocrisy because as if Nada doesn’t go glamour shoots, she had half her fanny out in one picture before she deleted it lol. Your absolutely right it is timing and no way do i believe Umar has the brains to do anything, his dad is behind it all and yeah doesn’t his dad have a business partner called carol or whatever her name is who helped him. so she must own half of Boohoo.

Umar is such a wannabe you can tell he’s just an insecure person, he tries to hard and that’s why it comes across so fake. I don’t think any Arab would marry someone dumb like Nada but sleep and use deffo.
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Nada is not pretty she uses FaceApp and has hair extensions and lip filler. She’s the local McDonalds girl that’s cool and hanging around with the gangsters in jogging trousers. Just my opinion. Yes her and Charlotte probably don’t vibe because Charlotte knows what the French Revolution was and Nada is just forever 21 energy that only watches the Kardashian’s
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I just don’t understand how she looks so trashy when she’s engaged to a billionaire? like how do you always look like you shop in PLT?? lol
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She’s lost weight btw since that picture that you showed with the thong bikini reflection in the window. She’s much skinnier now you can tell on her recent pictures. Apart from her nose, lips and teeth I don’f believe she had any other work done. She defo hasn’t secured the bag yet, but it looks like she will. Good for her. If Kim and Kanye didn’t last, I doubt these two will. Lol. He’ll defo see her true colours in a few years. I am genuinely wondering though why would she start posting all of a sudden since she doesn’t need instagram to make money.
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That reel was super cute! u can see how desperately nada is trying to fit in with his family lol

I think she was purposely trying to make out she was in new york to try make people think she isn't always joined at his hip but obviously she wasn't posting in real time. In reality she is glued to her cash machine because she can't risk him laying eyes on another women
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