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Has anyone seen the thread on AIBU about the delivery driver coming into the house and leaving the parcels in the kitchen? The consensus seems to be this is perfectly fine, which I am quite confused by since mumsnetters usually cower under the bed in fear if their phone rings after 7pm.
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I'm still gobsmacked at the woman who skips to work because it makes her happy. With a skipping rope? Doesn't she trip people up? What about skipping up and down escalators? Surely that's a massive health and safety issue.

These "crazy whacky look at me I'm so mad me" people are exhausting to know in real life.
I’ve bet they’ve all brought one of those ‘you don’t have to be mad to work here…but it helps!’ signs into their place of work. You just know that you’d want to punch them in the face within 3 minutes of meeting them for the first time.
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One last thought on lemonade-gate (because we are all as gripped as the other site 🤣)

I put it to you that if you had someone round your house for dinner and you knew they didn’t really drink you’d try and get in the soft drinks that they did like? Because that’s what being a good host is.

My friend’s husband (a lovely man), who drives an Aston Martin and has been to wonderful places in the world and dined here and there, etc etc likes… ritz crackers with his cheese. So when they come to dinner I buy… Bloody ritz crackers and another box of biscuits for cheese for the rest of us because i’d rather him be happy and comfortable than eating food he’s not bothered about.

Mind it might not work the same way if someone had a preference for Fortnum and Mason smoked salmon or Dom Perignon champagne 😂 then they’d probably get a “that’s nice, dear” 🤣
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Wackie Jeaver

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God you are all so NOT MC or UMC... I actually employ a tradesman on a regular basis to shit in the downstairs loo so the cleaner has something to do...
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I feel, like all forums, there are some really lovely and helpful people on there but there are also troublemakers or skeptics who post strange comments or 'advice' in response.

I find some of the comments to be quite inflammatory - e.g., and this is in response to someone who's posted they're certain they're about to be fired:

"Op you seem very confused about employment law" - OP hasn't even mentioned employment law or their understanding of it. Why put words in their mouth and why be so patronising?
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They’d be horrified by me. My tree has been up since October and will probably be up til February at the earliest. Maybe longer, who knows. I just like having it up.
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I literally only have this to say: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
i have so many questions 🤣

plus, is this also assuming that there are going to be people willing to carry this ailing mn poster on her stretcher in an emergency?! are they carrying her all the way to the nearest gp surgery like an egyptian queen?!

(i actually like the sound of that. can i get one and four gorgeous men to carry me to work every day)
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Chatty Member
I have those pink joggers, I wear them as PJs when it's cold.

I do hope you don't use that en-suite, it's right next to your bedroom. Where you SLEEP!

I have repurposed mine and now use the toilet as a vase to store the flowers my DH buys me every day. I know fresh flowers are expensive but he has to spend his 9 figure salary on something, and if it wasn't me he'd just throw it away on accessories for his very niche and outing hobby.
Your husband bought you flowers? You do know he’s definitely cheating don’t you? You need to get your ducks in a row NOW.
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The thing is, what is the point in having 5 times worth your salary saved? I might be biased because I'm more of a spender than saver (can't take it with you, and all that) but I'd find it really depressing to save *every* penny I earned and live off my husband's salary. Her money is doing fuck all sat in the bank. She might as well be a lady who lunches.
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Did anyone see the thread about the BIL ruining Christmas? Basically, the OP was hosting Christmas and wanted it to be special because she’d had the all clear from cancer and her BIL behaved like a feral pig. There were so many replies telling her she was controlling and trying to dictate when he was able to eat. Eh naw she just didn’t like him raiding her fucking fridge an hour after eating dinner 😂
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
If I were teetotal, I wouldn't take a 2 litre plastic bottle of lemonade to someone's house for dinner, but I might take some classy lemonade in a glass bottle. This is all theoretical by the way, because no way would I drink lemonade, artisanal or not, if wine was on offer, what with me being a bit of a pisshead on the quiet.

ETA: doesn't the phrase 'on our knees' refer to the act of praying for help?
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Custard creams, bourbons, rich tea etc. basically if you can get it from Asda it’s for poor commoners and not to be consumed by the middle classes, you have to get them a tin of biscuits from Waitrose or somewhere similar, so they know you’re not working class.
There was a frightfully posh woman I knew once - that is to say we worked for the same company as me. She was genuinely umc with a house just off Sloane Square and a house in Suffolk where she had horses. She put on a cocktail party each Christmas and invited lots of rich and well connected people to it. ANYWAY, the country CEO used to run these morning meetings where we would all have to congregate outside his office - her office was right next door. He used to bring in or arrange biscuits for the meetings sometimes and one day the biscuits were Family Circle. She came to help herself to one and had a little chuckle to herself (she had a deep, posh, horsey voice) and said they were like the biscuits her parents used to put out for the cleaners 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she was utterly off her box on so many levels. Not unpleasant (entirely), I used to just observe her as I had no idea what else to do to be honest.
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I probably read 3-4 books a week. Most of them are shite, and I cant remember them 20 secs after the end - does that count? Am I interlekshual??
I wish I could read like that. Since having babies I find it so hard to focus on a book. It's like I don't have the headspace for it. Yet I use my time reading shit like
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