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Just seen a thread (in fairness in the Holidays section) asking how much people are spending on theirs this year and the very first reply is £87k!!
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I found that they were rabidly for lockdown until reality hit and they had to look after their own kids. Then they were all ‘sobbing on the kitchen floor’ because parenting the children that they chose to have impacted on their ability to do their ever so important, six figure salary niche industry jobs. In real life there was more of a balance, I know people who struggled but I know loads more who’s kids thrived at home. The modern school system doesn’t suit every child. I remember I used to go for a daily walk around a nature reserve and I’d see the same family down there a lot doing work sheets and generally having a blast whilst learning, parents kids and even the dog. If only school couldn’t me more like that and less obsessed with academia.
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It’s in Site Stuff. Someone has taken umbrage over the pasta bake comment upthread, and says MN users should be warned that MN isn’t a private VIP site that can only be accessed by people with the purest intentions. People on MN should also be warned that their posts can be seen by anyone who has the internet!
View attachment 1844735
No love, Mumsnet HQ has a duty to protect its OWN members from ummm, its own members 🧐🧐🧐
There is FAR worse bullying going on, on there, every minute of every day

^^ that was in response to the MN quote 🤣
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People anonymously on the internet trying to police people also posting anonymously on the internet 😂

Just seen the lesbian sister in law thread. Absolutely horrendous.
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When I was on MN around 2011 or 12 AF was banned and as a protest all her fan girls name changed to include AnyFucker in their name.
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Has anyone seen the ‘thin walls and annoying neighbour’ thread? The poster shouts on their Xbox over night and disturbs the neighbours but They’re all deeply offended that the poster has called 71 old age 🤦‍♀️ I’m convinced some of these posters think their opinion is the only answer they need to fix their Issues, think I need to cause some trouble and say anything over 50 is elderly:ROFLMAO:
There once was a thread about Joe Biden where someone said he was too old to be president and it was flooded with posters saying their 90 year old relatives still went clubbing and hand built walls in the garden by themselves. However, if you start a thread saying the pension age should be raised, you’ll get loads of posters saying they can’t work past 35 because their knees have packed in already.

Bascially, you can’t win.
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The woman who has listed the thoughtless presents her family got for her is being torn a new one in AIBU (although some people siding with her tbf).

I have to admit to groaning at receiving another Soap & Glory bath set from my brother and his partner. I f**king hate the stuff and there’s something in it that causes my skin to get very angry - also I’m 37. I’ve put it by the front door to go in the food bank next time we’re at the shop. BUT, note that I don’t need to ask a bunch of strangers if I’m being a twat about it (because I simply don’t care what anyone else thinks.)
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I admit I did pick up a pair of nice Toast trousers in a chaz but the majority of their stuff is hideous, especially the dresses! I mean, whaddya call this? Gulag chic?


(Obv this is a model not a mumsnetter…)
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
I just randomly remembered when I posted asking how many books people had read that year. This was summer time and I was feeling smug as I had read two books a week, It had been my new years resolution to read a book a week. I can't remember what number I wrote but it was something like 40. Someone commented that they had read over 300 books and lots of people put 100+.
I probably read 3-4 books a week. Most of them are shite, and I cant remember them 20 secs after the end - does that count? Am I interlekshual??
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Chatty Member
Argh! I had just clicked on to page 4 of the 'Grandparent fed my child alcohol' thread and see it's been deleted due to privacy concerns.
Was shaping up to be a good 'un.
Im not surprised I read the one post by the OP and I knew it was sue from number 47 straight away. Her saying she had a daughter AND a mum AND a dad AND there was a freezer in her mum and dads house just gave it away immediately.
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I’ve just seen the Yorkshire thread. OP said Happy Valley has made her want to move to Yorkshire. As much as I love this place, that’s like saying The Wire has made me want move to Baltimore.
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If AnyFucker isn’t there any more she must have fallen into a coma or died. That place was her whole life…going by the sheer number of threads she appeared on.

Actually I’m now thinking AnyFucker is probably a made up MNHQ character. That makes much more sense.
Slipped on the polished Spanish stone tiles of her semi-rural detached grade II listed cottage, banging her head on the side of the aga as she went… husband was out at his 6 figure salary job with the massive pension and both kids at their red brick Russell universities….
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VIP Member
I just randomly remembered when I posted asking how many books people had read that year. This was summer time and I was feeling smug as I had read two books a week, It had been my new years resolution to read a book a week. I can't remember what number I wrote but it was something like 40. Someone commented that they had read over 300 books and lots of people put 100+.
I have read and reread a lot of books too. The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Maisie the Goldfish Fairy, A Forever Home for Pip, Mr Strong, Mr Small, Little Miss Twins….Gosh, the list just goes on… 🤪
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Sometimes I really hope that some mumsnetters aren't actually mums! Apart from the responses saying "Just ignore her. If she knows she's getting to you, she'll do it more", we have this gem:

They are all, frankly quite mad and their kids and step kids are going to be utter brats!
Has no one suggested that OP tells an equally irritating lie about the DSD in front of her? I don’t think I could help myself from telling people she’s been pissing her pants constantly for the last week and see if she likes someone saying nonsense about her.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
I really hate cliquey forums and mumsnet has to be one of the worst with its twee sayings (tinkly laugh, head tilt, no is a complete sentence, are you on glue, you sound like hard work etc) and acronyms.

They pounce on anyone who says hubby instead of DH or refers to their offspring as the kids rather than the DC. Talk about wearing supermarket/Primark clothes and you get accused of supporting sweatshops, yet I bet most of their Boden/Hush/insert middle-class fashion brand name stuff is made in the same sweatshops.

If you dare to admit to being a smoker, a drinker or a bit fat then you are a worthless human being.
Worse still is if you dare to live up North and/or in social housing, or are unemployed rather than being a stay at home mum intentionally.
God forbid you admit to receiving benefits, because then you are a scummy scrounger who deserves scorn and ridicule.

Can you tell I don't like Mumsnet? :D :D :D
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I don’t even know where to start with that outfit.

But also, she STILL hasn’t hoovered the floor. And now the bed blanket (does she ever change that?) is also covered in fluff. Why is her house so fluffy??
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
I quite like a massive salad - in the summer. Like a bastard nicoise with tuna, new potatoes, hard boiled eggs, maybe some anchovies, tomatoes, a bit of lettuce, cucumber, and massive amounts of dressing? Healthy, right?
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Years ago my father chose early retirement rather than accept a huge promotion to head office in the City of London. He said that he would be driven insane by the traffic, the sheer number of people crowding him and the consequent dirt of both. I'm much the same; we would both escape from parties because people made us claustrophobic. We ended up happily in a Scottish village, near our small home city of Aberdeen. None of the family regretted it and he later noted that he'd drawn his generous pension longer than he'd worked for the company.

Sometimes a six figure salary just isn't worth your sanity and comfort.
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