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Chatty Member
Has anyone read the book ‘the choice’ by Claire Wade? No spoilers but some of the characters in that book would definitely be mumsnetters in real life!
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Lulu Goss

VIP Member
When they say a thread has been taken down while they look behind the scenes, do they actually do that? Or is it just a way to delete it?
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Chatty Member
From the dates I listed you can search for a surname to see who was born with that surname in that year. To show you an example, say I wanted to find a birth certificate for a male with the surname Smith. This is what I can input and all the boys with the surname of Smith born in 2006 (+/- 2 years) are listed. I’ve blanked out any identifying information. You can see their name, the Quarter they were born in (so Q4 means they were born somewhere in October, November, December, Q1 would be January, February, March, etc. All quarters have 3 months in), the district where the birth was registered. To get the full certificate you need to buy it.
View attachment 1569829
Under U.K. law, births are public record so you can view them online. Same with wills (unless you are a royal), death certificates and I believe marriage certificates. It’s a really helpful tool for tracing your family tree, I’ve used it many times. Bit annoying that it isn’t fully transcribed yet.
Very interesting. Thank you for that. Birth records are handled completely differently here in the US. You can only access the record or receive a copy of the certificate if you are named in the certificate (so either the person whose birth is recorded or one of the parents), the spouse of the person whose birth is recorded or their child.
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Chatty Member
This always amuses me because if they are born in the U.K., one quick look on the General Registry Office and you can work out what name they choose (granted it’s harder if they have a common surname). I remember earlier this year I read an old article about Paloma Faith saying she wouldn’t reveal the name of her baby or the sex so curiosity got the better of me and I searched for it.
How does it work? You can just search online and see who had a baby and when? I find this odd (as someone not in the UK). Are the records not protected in some way?
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
That's the one. I think one of her begging threads was deleted but was reinstated. I would say she cleaned up!
Someone admitted to sending her £100 and someone else sent her an expensive baby sling (which she no doubt sold on eBay). I don’t think there ever was a baby.
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Miss polar

VIP Member
Loughbrough isn’t an RG uni and is one of the top ten in the U.K and where most of the countries top athletes go because of its sporty reputation. Likewise Cardiff Uni has one of the best medical schools in the U.K and is very tough to get it into. It’s not RG either.
Cardiff I’d RG.

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Well-known member
I think a lot of them are also lying about their weight too though. There’s currently a ‘show me your (engagement/wedding) ring’ thread and if the size of the hands are anything to go by, 80% of them are overweight (not that there’s anything wrong with that btw, but I honestly think there’s a fair few on there who are living out a fantasy life where they’re a size 8, higher earner with a perfect husband and kids).

Incidentally, some of the rings on that thread are awful. Proper Christmas cracker stuff.
I have that impression also. I think the persona they put forth on mumsnet is their fantasy one, not real life.
You only have to see the popularity of the weight related chat threads. How most of them glorify weight loss and thinness but as something to aspire to (it makes you look rich!) rather than something they already have. Like 7 figure salaries, lol.

I often think the people who leave reviews at Ocado are in the same bracket. Aspirational nutcases who only shop there to show off the Ocado van to the neighbours (they think it's middle class). Their neighbours being working class homeowners, much like themselves. Ocado is the only site where someone will leave a long and negative review for a packet of rainbow carrots.
And every review for organic meat or wild salmon says 'it stinks!'......yet reviews for cupasoup and pot noodles are wholly positive!
Not very U at all! :p:p

S&B is my fave too - everyone's so thin and skinnies, which give women 'parsnip legs' are verboten. Has anyone encountered one of those "I have £3K to spend on a luxury item, please help me choose" threads? They usually dissolve into a mass of posters suggesting that the OP buys a cheap bag and donate the rest to charity.
But nobody is thin or skinny in S&B if the popular threads are anything to go by. The most popular threads complain about weight, blame it on meno, and usually attack or diminish slimmer women. According to these people, anyone over the age of 40 who isn't obese is starving to death. I don't think they've thought it through..


ALSO!!!! (Been meaning to ask this on Tattle for ever) Please tell me why MN HQ designed that bloody awful pop up whenever you click on a thread!?? The one that enlarges the OP's post so you have to start clicking around like a tit to get rid of it and just read the damn thread. No other website has anything like it, I am sure it's a form of sadism. Just why oh why???? It is so pointless, time-wastey and shit.
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VIP Member
Poor Blunty. She used to be on Mumsnet virtually 24/7. How does she pass the time these days?

If she's here, I haven't spotted her, and I would imagine this thread would be like catnip.

Waves to Blunty 👋
How long has Bluntness been off Mumsnet? I used to see her on the really old threads.
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Chatty Member
I don’t know why that poster was so annoyed at ex ma in law shelling out for a super yacht holiday. My own mother in law has only ever paid for a caravan holiday in Mablethorpe.
Mabelthorpe? The woman must hate you.
I mean, you only go there to die don't you??
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VIP Member
My mum was friends with a woman who’s house was like a show home. Nothing was allowed to be out of place, no one was allowed to wear shoes inside and more the point she’d go apeshit if her grandkids came around and made a mess. Not a way to live IMO.
Sounds like my mother. My house is clean and tidy, but it's a home and not a showhouse.
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VIP Member
Sebastian Coe for one and Steve Backley for two. I live in Loughborough and the purple-and-black tracksuits of that august establishment are a familiar sight around town.
Paula Radcliffe as well. I know someone who’s daughter got in there and they were ecstatic because competition for places is really, really tough. It’s like Oxbridge if you’re sporty.
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