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VIP Member
One thread in particular is harsh (in my opinion) and if anyone says “I think that’s a bit harsh” they get told maybe tattle isn’t for them, does my head in. Mainly stick to off topic now!

Back on topic, I see so many times on Reddit mumsnet trolls that people are racist toward Megan Markle on mumsnet but I’ve never seen anything like that. One time I looked at the thread in question and it was literally just people saying they don’t like her 🤷‍♀️
I tend to keep off that Reddit group now as they annoy me more than mumsnet.
Or accused of being the influencer the thread is about. That and the constant feigning of innocence over porta potties so they can be discussed again has made tattle borderline unusable for me. I stick the about three threads now.
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They get so offended bu the word chav, its funny though because i imagine most of the posters are actually chavs who try to potray middle class living to fulfil their fantasies.

Everything that is considered chavy is what they all are really.
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VIP Member
If you’ve ever been sat in A&E in severe pain and wondering why its taking hours to be seen, then it’s because of complete and utter twats like this! WTF does the stupid bitch expect the staff in A&E to do? They can’t do anything other than refer them on somewhere else, but even that is taking up space that should be for someone, in this instance a baby or child who could be potentially seriously ill.

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Satisfying Click

VIP Member
Can someone please explain to me what a tinkly laugh is? It has been bothering me for ages, is there a TV or movie equivalent I can use for reference?
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
There's a thread on there at the moment where the OP is struggling to sell her London flat that's been on the market months. It's obviously overpriced/in a grotty area/astronomical service charge. Of course one of the responses is to just put a bowl of fruit out on display for the pictures, as if that will suddenly entice the buyers in. Typical boomer response.
Nasty little flat with one of the bedrooms overlooking the kitchen? It needs a damn good clean and a drop in price. And a delightful vase of flowers and a bowl of fruit will make all the difference.
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VIP Member
Tesco thread atm i'm hoping its a troll, if not the Womans crazy. Check her tips to help Tesco deal with shoplifters
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
OMG the 'I'm a vegan and someone gave me a live crab' is wonderful :ROFLMAO:

ETA and the Ryan Giggs/handbag one - both in chat.
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Chatty Member
A floor bed is middle class, as long as it’s a Montessori bed…..

Unless the lead time is too long and a standard mattress under ikea slats will do…. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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VIP Member
I love when people tell people to say this 😂 if someone said that to me I’d be like yeah, how did you miss that I was being rude! It’s just a tame version of are you threatening me after someone has very clearly just threatened you!
And it's always trotted out as 'advice' as though whoever is posting it thinks it's truly original and earth shattering. 🤣

I sometimes want to ask have they tried it but, then again, every other poster on there rushes to post threads rather than clearing up the simplest of situations because they 'hate confrontation'...

There was one yesterday, something to do with a boyfriend not having paid his share of a particular bill.
Why would she not simply ask HIM about it!
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VIP Member

Some kids don't get a proper meal if there is a bank holiday that's all I think about when that discussion comes up. They need to put something in place for that imo but mums net really think they are changing the world with their opinions one waitrose delivery and Boden at a time
That's true. That is a sad thought.
The tone of the thread is "kids shouldn't be missing any school ever"
Well if every student and teacher is not there then they aren't missing anything that will need to be caught up on because there was nothing being taught.
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Just radomnly scrolling aibu for a giggle and came across one about scooping up horse shit and making it into bricks to use on a fire. I mean seriously??? I'm not sure if it is a wind up as the poster literally said am I mad for wanting to make shit bricks to sell. Do people do this? Or is this another mumsnet madness??
Apparently it is a thing, particularly with the current fuel crisis. You’re advised to mix your horse shit with coal or wood chips to avoid making your house smell of manure. Personally, having experienced the reek in the air when they do muck spreading on the fields round here, I’d rather be cold than have a house that smells like a badly maintained stable.
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Gloria Rostron

VIP Member

Think it's 1000 before it needs to be closed and a new thread started? Sure I've seen around page 48 about it nearly being time for a new one.
It is 1,000 posts and page 50 when a new one is to be started. Voting is open now for new thread title entries though. 😊
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