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Well-known member
Oh here we go again. Tattle is awful…
Problem is, some of it *is* awful! There’s a thread I follow where most of the comments are genuine criticism yet you get a fair few awful comments about looks and if you dare challenge these, you’re accused of either being the influencer in question or a super fan 😂 Unfortunately the few give the many a bad name!
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Apparently their ‘important’ DH’s all knew of Her Majesty’s passing before even Liz Truss and Sir Keir were told at 4.30pm yesterday 🙄
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I'm getting very tired of nearly every thead there at the moment talking about the cost of living crisis, and posters having to drop in that "of course they are higher earners and financially ok". Most of the time when these threads are discussing money tips it just isn't relevant in the slightest. Why are they all so desperate for people to know they aren't personally poor?
Have you seen the latest ones in response to yesterday’s budget?

‘AIBU to be outraged about the tax cuts for the highest earners in the country even though I’m in the highest tax bracket?’

‘I earn £250,000 a year OP, so this affects us. We’ll have more money per year but I’m so angry’

‘I agree. We earn over £100,000 a year but we don’t need the money this will give us. It’s disgraceful’

‘We’re in this bracket, but we’ll just give the money we’re saving in tax to our cleaner, chaffeur and maid.’

LMFAO. Billy Bullshitters, the lot of them.
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Chatty Member
My favourite ever ‘I’ve got such an important job!’ thread was a poster claiming she was ‘very very senior’ at work, and she had ‘wiggled her (undressed) bum in a zoom meeting’ and she was embarrassed because it was the wrong meeting…

Every very very senior, important manager I know definitely does that in zoom meetings and it’s definitely not a ridiculous made up story…
Pffft, she's an amateur. When I have a zoom meeting with my CEO I always make sure I go full striptease before smacking my bare bum with a wet gladioli and shouting yeehaaa.
How else do you think I got up the promotional ladder. Hah!
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Serene Serena

VIP Member
Welcome to any mumsnet members Who have found themselves here. It’s so much more friendly, less judgmental and more welcoming ❤
And we don’t care about your income, your husband’s income, or what you do for a living. You don’t have to live in North London and wear Joules, Seasalt or Boden to fit in. You can be bigger than a size 8 and your children don’t have to be gifted and talented.

The only thing I would ask is that you keep your cheeky fucker tales and parking diagrams off Tattle. Thanks in advance ❤❤❤
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Chatty Member
I put about the McCann's on that thread as an example of hypocrisy. It was swiftly deleted why are the McCanns so protected on there 🤣🤣.
I was tempted to add that too.
Going out boozing all night and leaving pre-school age children alone in an apartment down the street is fine if you’re middle class doctors who live in a detached new-build but if you’re single mom Sharon from the council estate you’ll be vilified for life.
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Chatty Member
The thread from the woman who’s husbands company made the Queens hearse. A really interesting story, she was clearly very proud of the work they’d done for her majesty.

And not even half way down the first page the comments start. ‘It’s just a car, really’.
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
Mine both appeared to be thick as two short planks at school. They both went to uni, got 2:1 degrees and are both working (albeit neither currently in their degree subjects). There's more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.
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Fledgling Psycho

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The majority of posters on Tattle have empathy unlike Mumsnet. That's been my experience. Respect that others have alternative opinions to your own.
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It’s because so many of them have eating disorders and are disgusted/terrified of what most people consider normal portions.
I think a lot of them are also lying about their weight too though. There’s currently a ‘show me your (engagement/wedding) ring’ thread and if the size of the hands are anything to go by, 80% of them are overweight (not that there’s anything wrong with that btw, but I honestly think there’s a fair few on there who are living out a fantasy life where they’re a size 8, higher earner with a perfect husband and kids).

Incidentally, some of the rings on that thread are awful. Proper Christmas cracker stuff.
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WTF is up with that lap dancing thread? They're all a-OK with their husbands visiting strippers now? It's so fucking weird the stuff they find acceptable and the stuff they don't. 🤣
Or have they been infiltrated by male larpers?
They always jump over each other to act like the cool wife who is ok with this shit and anyone else is a prude , and obviously there is always one who ‘goes with her husband to strip clubs’ 🙄

But husband has a lie in on his day off!? Thats grounds for LTB
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Has anyone seen the thread today where the OP is saying she has a halfway house next door and it’s causing her problems? She is being ripped to shreds by sanctimonious pricks who also wouldn’t want that next door to them in reality.
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It’s vile having big feet. I’m not a trannie, my feet are size 8, and the reason there are always loads left in the sales is that they are uniformally ugly or impractical. My sis had size 10 feet and was 6’ 1”. when she died (young - bloody cancer) we found box after box of sparkly spindly mad heels (including a pair of wizard of Oz ruby slippers..) hidden in a cupboard that must have been her guilty pleasure. Never underestimate the power of a pretty shoe that fits…
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Chatty Member
So many posters on there are obsessed with menopause and peri menopause and just go on and on about it. I posted before about hurting my foot on a run and someone even jumped on and suggested I asked for a referral to the menopause clinic in case it was osteoporosis.

It’s the ones that use prissy language that bang on about perimenopause and almost seem to delight in it
Early menopause is the new early onset dementia. I’ve never known a woman unable to function and fall apart the second her body even considers starting menopause. It’s like the olden days on there where you just take to your bed at 28 because you’re basically done. So many threads where someone says they’re 30/32/35 and want a baby and they’re told they’ve probably got about 3 eggs left and they’re riddled with diseases that old women pass onto their children because they’re just so old, so they either need to have a baby NOW or forget it.
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Chatty Member
A "BABYMOON" 😂 FOR A YEAR 😂😂 I can't. These aren't real people living in the real world, do these people walk among us?! I was ringing and messaging people to come see my daughter in the hospital before I'd even had me tea and toast. I must have sent about 30 "I've had her she's amazing come see for yourself" messages and they did, I got balloons, cards, little outfits for her, someone bought my favourite Starbucks order, it was lovely! Imagine being so miserable and missing out on that celebration
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Chatty Member
I'm getting very tired of nearly every thead there at the moment talking about the cost of living crisis, and posters having to drop in that "of course they are higher earners and financially ok". Most of the time when these threads are discussing money tips it just isn't relevant in the slightest. Why are they all so desperate for people to know they aren't personally poor?
Well, I am actually considerably richer than you and I often tell people so they know how nice I am spending my time helping the little folk. So as someone considerable richer than you, my money saving tip is to put tin foil behind the radiators to stop the heat leaving the room. I don’t do it myself, being considerably richer than you, but it’s a good idea for people not as rich am I am. 🤑
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Little Miss

Well-known member
This was on a thread about her husband worrying about to bonding with the baby because their exclusively breastfed. Most of the replies were saying that he’s lazy, selfish and childish. Apart from this which is just disgusting.
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I, too, look incredible in skinny jeans and am frequently stopped on the street, by people amazed and agog at my stunning beauty. It's a burden, to be sure.
But are they also suprised that you look so young, despite having two hollow-legged teenage children (both at private schools for the gifted) and the long hours you work at your job that pays a six-figure salary?
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