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VIP Member
Not being able to nap has come as shock to her. I can count how many "naps" I've had on one hand since my 19 month old arrived. šŸ™ƒ
All she wants to do all day is lie in bed napping and reading! Why she has had two children is beyond me
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Whatā€™s the deal with her ā€œbusinessā€? Sounds like a pyramid scheme although sheā€™s claiming it isnā€™t , is it a thing sheā€™s paid to do and is like a rep for or what?
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Absolutely ridiculous her stories today šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ she canā€™t even hold her head up properly, saying itā€™s only a bit of baby porridge every few days doesnā€™t make it ok.

Wouldnā€™t surprise me if sheā€™s done it just to try and get her to sleep better
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Iā€™ve unfollowed her this morning, I think some of the ā€œparentingā€ advice she gives out is quite dangerous
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Active member
She struggled with infertility and had IVF to have a babyā€¦. Just for her to want to rush everything along? Let him be a baby? I have a 9 month old and im so so sad its going by so quick. Sheā€™s so desperate for him to grow up? Sheā€™s very ā€˜mum
Knows bestā€™ and going against any advice šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.
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Iā€™m confused cos she said this afternoon she would leave him for 5 mins max crying but sheā€™s just said heā€™s been crying for 40 mins. Poor little love
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VIP Member
I canā€™t cope with her pretending sheā€™s besties with Anthony Costa. Thatā€™s not the flex you think it is Kelly
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VIP Member
Not even 4 months old and she's got him on purƩe! What on earth, his poor digestive system.
itā€™s absolutely ridiculous
he is being weaned early because his dad has an allergic reaction to peanuts
no medical professional has okayd that without her relentlessly hounding them i can imagine
she thinks she knows best
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Chatty Member
My baby is a week younger than hers, and he is nowhere even near ready for foods. Never mind what his gut is actually doing at this age either, theyā€™re just not ready yet. Iā€™ve never known anyone so obsessed with trying to make their new baby grow up so quickly. Bizzare.
It is bizarre, I just don't get it. I've got a baby just a few weeks younger and already feel like time is passing too quickly, I want to hold onto each stage! Whereas Kelly seems to see it as some sort of sprint race. It's really quite sad to see.
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This is the baby she so desperately wanted ā€¦ā€¦ who the hell leaves a baby that young to cry himself to sleep for 40 mins šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°
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