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VIP Member
she comes across as so incredibly smug.
people give her advice etc and she is so rude with her responses at times.

oh so her husband has a severe peanut allergy so do his family and that’s why a “doctor” has suggest they wean this early to rule it out.

weaning isn’t just a go as soon as they hit a certain age they themselves have to be ready and he isn’t.

she’s so desperate to force milestones on him hence the incessant need for him to sleep through and “working hard” to hold a rattle
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I'm struggling to get my 5 month old baby to sleep tonight. Not one single cell in my body thinks leaving him to cry would help. I try to be open-minded about parenting but this just feels too far, there's a reason crying it out is so frowned upon these days, we know the damage it can do.
My baby’s 5 months too & I was pregnant the same time as her; even in pregnancy with the Doppler and trying to induce labour; now it’s the early weaning, the unsafe sleep when he was a baby, sleeping in his own room, leaving him to cry etc like she’s doing the complete opposite of all the guidance!
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my baby is i think a few weeks younger then hers and what is she doing !?
he isn’t even sat up whilst she’s feeding him
he is showing no signs of readiness for weaning.
she should not be sharing this “weaning” journey as it’s actually dangerous
also if he is being weaned because of allergies surely they’d have some kind of ladder to follow not just any old purée (my little one has cmpa and when weaning will follow the milk ladder)

Imagine weaning your baby before they’re even 4months old because you want a brand deal with Ella’s kitchen 😵💫 granted, she hasn’t said that but could she make it anymore obvious with all the tags.

My baby is a week younger than hers, and he is nowhere even near ready for foods. Never mind what his gut is actually doing at this age either, they’re just not ready yet. I’ve never known anyone so obsessed with trying to make their new baby grow up so quickly. Bizzare.
she’s so desperate to be an influencer hence why she tags golddiggerltd in her posts
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Imagine weaning your baby before they’re even 4months old because you want a brand deal with Ella’s kitchen 😵💫 granted, she hasn’t said that but could she make it anymore obvious with all the tags.

My baby is a week younger than hers, and he is nowhere even near ready for foods. Never mind what his gut is actually doing at this age either, they’re just not ready yet. I’ve never known anyone so obsessed with trying to make their new baby grow up so quickly. Bizzare.
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I don’t often judge people on parenting but I can’t with this woman, and to think she literally paid to have this child! 😩
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Feeding him in his slanted bouncer, it’s such a choking hazard.
If she had done any research at all she would know this. I refuse to believe any repeatable doctor has advised to do this, especially not for a nut allergy. I’ve friends with allergy babies and they have had to follow specific weaning ladders. He’s crying in the bumbo seat because he’s TOO YOUNG. The mind absolutely boggles.
he is eating any old purée so i don’t believe she’s following any allergy ladder. she probably hounded the doctor relentlessly tbh but the evidence around weaning early because of allergies is kind of hit and miss. she’s so annoying and shares such dangerous parenting at times
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sorry but why does she have concerns over a nut allergy? i had my six week check and never once through the about mentioning possible allergies. she’s so so desperate for him to be independent
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She claims it’s because it hurts her back but she’s ok to go out and about and on fair ground rides so not sure 🙈
😂😂 my back kills but i couldn’t imagine feeding my 7 week old little girl like that each to there own and all that i suppose

It's like she wants him to grow up so quickly, always pushing for him to be in the next size of clothes, in a routine, watching Disney films etc. Just enjoy him. 😟
when he had his vaccinations and he obviously was clingy and out of his routine she was so so desperate for “the normal service to resume” like jeez just enjoy him being so small
plenty of time for him to be in a routine and grow up
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Also… while I’m here.. it still really really annoys me she never puts ‘ad’ on stuff that’s clearly an advert with her discount codes etc. Might start reporting her. lol.
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I don’t care what she says. Absolutely no health care person would tell her to give her 3 month old baby food!
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Riled me up her saying babies are manipulative lol. Is she okay 🤣 honestly why did she even bother having a child. God help her when he’s a toddler when he can get out the bed himself. 😵💫
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I’m SO glad nobody has bought into this go fund me shite!!!!

tell me your begging without telling me

JEEEEZE the 2nd hand embarrassment I have is so real
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Why did she have this baby? All she does is moan about how much sleep she’s not getting and rush him to grow up …. She had more time off when pregnant than she’s had off whilst he been born
Does she listen to any guidance at all? Early weaning, desperate for him to sleep through so upped the oz of milk now she’s putting him to sleep in his own room he’s 4.5 months old!!!
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She said the advise is from 4m, she started weaning him at 3months 😂 make it make sense!

Let’s be honest, she’s weaning him because she’s desperate for him to sleep through, she can’t cope with the night feeds. She thinks feeding his belly up will make him sleep more.
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she is so aggravating
so desperate for him to be in a set routine
she also sometimes comes across as incredibly smug , i remember when someone said something about breastfeeding and she instantly got on the defensive when all the person gave her was legit advice
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Remember a while back she said she wasn’t sure if she was going to show Harrison’s face anymore because of all the weirdos on tiktok and insta… well that lasted long, I think it was about a day
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I honestly think she’s delusional. ‘Harrison slept through again’ but in fact he didn’t, he woke at 1am for a feed therefore did not sleep through!?
I’ve had a look at the ‘sleep coach’ and she charges hundreds of pounds for a few weeks of her ‘services’. I hope for Harrison’s sake he starts sleeping through and settling because at least then he won’t be being left to cry himself to sleep without his dummy or his mummy for comfort :(
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just baffles me why she rarely picks him up to feed him , always in the breastfeeding pillow or whatever that is.

i completely get a routine is great etc but he is two months old , my little girl is only a week
and a bit younger and luckily she sleeps well through the night etc but i never forced that routine etc.
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