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Well-known member
Fine, say you're not able to reply to the pathetic sheep, but to say other people only reply because they have someone to do it for them!!!!! Fuck of Grabecca you vile nasty bitter cow!!!!! It's always got to turn around to you, woe is you. God forbid you reply to the very people who are buying your filthy dirty rotten cast offs so that you can afford to paint your kitchen and get your nails done!!!
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There has to be an ad hidden somewhere amongst the camping weekend otherwise lazy ass wouldn't take the 3 kids in a tent on what is set to be a very wet and stormy weekend!
There is no doubt in my mind that this camping trip is an advert for something! They don’t get out of bed unless they are being paid for it and they aren’t exactly the “let’s go camping even though it’s pissing rain!” Type of family.
Just wait for it - advert incoming...!
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Active member
I think it's time for her to stop vlogging altogether and just be a normal mum. The girls won't stay young forever. Especially now Lee is going back to work and they will have his income. She is so different to how she was 3-4 years ago when I started watching her. Such a shame. Get out while you can and before you invade the girls privacy even more.
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Damn fucking right. He did nothing to educate and or help his wife in her persistent cock ups. He just runs and hides when shit hits the fan....back he comes when money and freebies are being given. He is an absolute piece of shit!

Notice how he’s been pretty under the radar since liftgate? It was 100% him who edited the infamous birthday vlog - the trip to the Fairmont hotel was blatantly a freebie that he blagged and was blogging for over the weekend. I bet he edited it and shoved it online and when the whole liftgate thing transpired she blamed it on him.
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Why are comments disabled from

She’s an absolute bloody tit.
She knows perfectly well what time the gym opens she goes often enough!
“Oh what a dick”. Oh my, yes you are in so many ways!

If she was going to do cardio and abs and was 25 mins early for opening and had friends coming at 9.30 (?) why not do the cardio outside before she could get in. Go for a bloody run? Do some HIIT exercises, jumping jacks, sprints, side to sides, high knees?

She could do so much more to promote the accessibility for women working out in gyms as it can be intimidating to go for the first time or anytime.
But she doesn’t.
I don’t think I have ever known anyone who loves themselves more than she does.
If she was chocolate she’d eat herself.

Don’t get me started on the kitchen makeover. I have a construction company and there is no way she and Pat did all that work with 3 kids, whilst still living there, on their own themselves, without professional intervention, in that time.

She is full of shit!
I had my kitchen doors painted professionally ,2 painters.... it took them a FULL WEEK !!!
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Peggy Lee

VIP Member
Have you been blocked?
Not yet!! I don't normally comment about her appearance but I am so furious with her for selling stained washed out clothing like she thinks the peasants will be grateful for her daughters cast offs I hate the way she is treating her followers, I am a bit annoyed at them also for swallowing her BS have they really not got it yet?
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VIP Member
Bloody hell!!! She’s awful! I hope every mummy vlogger who has always responded to their audience and does it on their own stands up and says so! How dare she make such a blatant put down remark.
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I still feel like lee is the kind of person to comment on and pressurise a woman about their weight/blondeness/clothes etc.
Also their ability to make pretty stripes in the carpet with the hoover 🙄😂
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Bubblegum & Rosie

Well-known member
1 bag for joke Reb. We all know you will flog as much as you can to the sheep!

Jeeze if she is selling clothes with stains on it I dread to think what might be going to charity 😳😳

If someone buys that single boden sleepsuit for £5 + £4 p&p the sheep are more deluded than I thought! You can buy a pack of 3 BRAND NEW sleepsuits at a supermarket for £10 that are just as nice! Do they actually think she is a celebrity!!
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New member
I think what annoys me the most is the bounce back from “rock bottom” a couple of weeks ago
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Chatty Member
not sure why I went and watched her latest vlog but can now say ive seen more of Rebs crotch than ive ever wanted to see. Im surprised Pat the twat hasnt screenshot that bit and put up one of his what a babe posts up!

Also so she was going to use friends, her parents, Lees mum to help out with kids, in the vlog she said she has arranged with a friend to share childcare at gym and now this morning on insta shes got a babysitter??? which is it one of them??? all of them???? maybe she will timetable them all to have the kids at varies times of the day and she can just go back to doing sweet f all!!!!!!

Also interesting that this woman shows us everything I mean everything in that vlog she showed us her crotch and ass close up but didnt put in even a few seconds of actual painting.
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And there she goes again; encouraging her devoted audience to part with their hard earned cash on things they had hitherto not even realised they needed!! Even though, by her own admission, Mrs Meldrum is tightening her own belt and won’t be spending any money herself unnecessarily! This instaflogger industry really is the pits! It’s about time the regulations caught up with it but slowly, slowly more articles are appearing in the press, questioning the ethics and morality of it all. It really is not a job to be proud of!
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No doubt it will all become clear in the long awaited "Vlog" she is obviously contractually obliged to make and it'll all kick off again 👀🍿
She'll have learnt nothing.
The company will be inundated with complaints, rightly so.
She'll cry and play the anxiety card.
She'll blame her demise on "the trolls are shouting so loud the brands have no choice but to listen" 👈 her exact words!!!
She'll say she's taking a step back
She'll sulk for a few days
She'll be back with a load of #AF links a back to school video, new nails and a different colour hair 🙄😴😴😴
She never learns! She will get caught out, again, and then blame everyone else. Same old story. I know people will say we shouldn't worry but it infuriates me to think she gets away with lying. She has no regard for how all the lies and bragging make others feel

I bet Grandad and her mother have been roped in to do the painting whilst she mooches around doing bugger all. She did say on her Instagram that she was up until nearly midnight with Lee painting the doors🤔. Do we believe it or not?😏
It's not just the doors, and there are lots of them, what about the architrave, the kick boards, the sides of the cupboards and breakfast bar, the tiles...... there is no way they have done the work without a lot of help
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Well-known member
Bloody hell!!! She’s awful! I hope every mummy vlogger who has always responded to their audience and does it on their own stands up and says so! How dare she make such a blatant put down remark.
Could not make her up. Why not just make the statement on her own behalf without then dragging in other influencers and insinuating they have assistance and throwing them under the bus. Have never had an issue with other influencers responding, just this lazy mare, who has had untold assistance over numerous months monitoring, deleting and blocking.
She is a total disgrace to other professional influencers and I hope they in turn 💩 on her, as much as she has done on them.
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VIP Member
Her kitchen made her miserable! Wow, just wow!! First world problems right there!! You utterly spoiled out of touch twat ( I know Rebby loves calling us that) does she realise that sitting in her £600k house moaning because her perfect working ( dated yes but still good quality) kitchen makes her sad! Goes to a food bank, sees how people struggling to eat, yet still bleats on about this?? HOW can anyone like her? Serious question to anyone who watches her/supports her and is in here browsing, please, how can you not question this?
OK... I've given myself a shake having said their kitchen was OK. My temperature has been taken and as I thought I'm in for something... I knew I must be unwell when I was actually complimenting her for a moment... I've taken myself off to the naughty corner, given myself a serious talking to, poured myself a gin and promise I'll be better in the morning 🤔
Once a cocunt always a cocunt... Princess Pinnochio is the gift that keeps on giving with her greedy, grabby, shady selfish behaviour. It's an ad you muppet! 😂
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I remember a long time ago on Guru Gossip it came up that the Saccone Joly kids pics had been used for that stuff, and also people taking the pictures and roleplaying families with them. Not a single fuck given by the SJ's and they continued to pimp out their kids to fund their over extended lifestyle.
It's disgusting. In 10 - 15 years there's gonna be a whole new generation of mommy dearest type of exposés on these youtubers by the children who had their childhoods stolen and pimped out so their parents could swan around on the internet instead of getting a job.
As a parent, I find this abhorrent.
The idea that images of my children were being used in this way makes me feel physically sick. It’s repulsive and makes me angry, tearful and absolutely terrified.

What the fuck is wrong with these people (“influencers”) that they can just shrug their shoulders and carry on regardless? I want to slap them around the face and make them see sense. Like, honestly, a pedophile is looking at photos of your CHILDREN and doing god knows what to themselves. It’s horrific. 😡
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I really don't think that photo of the eldest in the wedding gown is at all appropriate for sharing to a world of creeps, psychos and mad fans. UNBELIEVABLE. 🤢🤢🤢
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