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Jesus, this woman is ripping my knitting, she is sooooo FUCKING boring. It’s like bloody Groundhog Day for the last umpteen years 😡🤬
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No danger it’s real. Absolutely no danger at all.
OK, why no pictures choosing it, getting it custom made, picking it up etc etc. I’ve had jewellery made in Dubai and always been able to do that.
She films and documents and posts all the crap under the sun, but not this????
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She has not been using symprove for years and years, what an outright lie!

Her calendar looks so empty for a busy mum of 3. Poor Poppy having to go and have a blood test and her mum isn't anywhere near to take or be with her, rotten parent she is.

The sheep are starting the see the light, good. Binny has been allowed to get away with this shit for far too long
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I did notice she liked this!!
If I was Lee’s mum I would be pissed that my son was missing time with his girls growing up working offshore so his lazy arse wife could faff about online all day & go to jazz & coffee with chums (shudder writing that!)! I imagine she has questioned Binny’s lack of working & perhaps that’s caused issues.
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The bench press she's doing is with a 15 kg bar. Hardly impressive for someone who goes to the gym "regularly". Don't get me wrong- exercise is good and it's not all about the weight you can lift etc but she bleats on and fucking on about being healthy, moving more, cold showers etc whatever her fucking latest fad is asnd never ticks to anything. Now she's downing every supplement out there without having the first clue what its about and all those fucking protein shakes too- a bloody body builder doesn't eat as much protein as she does!!! Rebecca your body can only process a certain amount of protein every day- the rest your body gets rid off. My PT told me this who actually is qualified and knows what he's talking about. She has absolutely no clue what's she's talking about and frankly is fuckign dangerous to anyone stupid enough to think she actually has brain and know what she's talking about. She just bandies the latest "buzz word" about like Bio- hacking- she has NO CLUE!!!
Honestly- no wonder her and that other twat waffle Beggy Hobson are managed by the same company- they're both as thick as shit and will sell anything with no loyalty and don't care if they're promoting sunscreen while looking pink as a fucking cooked lobster!!
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Chatty Member
Right ya bastards

I’ve never been on the side of “she gets her lips done”
I know there has been many a debate on this with the injection holes, puffy lips etc butttttttttt

This is all the proof I need


also, i ain’t taking any health and beauty advice from someone who is 35 but looks 55



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Looks like another bag of scrunchies and bad decisions to me 😂


Is that Wee Lee on the Richmond sausages in the bbq vid?
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I’ve never seen someone display such little joy in their face when interacting with their children. When they enter the room her face remains completely resting bitch. It’s weird.
I always think it’s because Florence was the only one she really had out of love. Poor Safiyah was unplanned. And the wee one who I always thought was the most spirited god bless her was born out of greed and a need to make Instagram money.
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It’s amazing when the money was rolling in and she was in her height of her career there were zero signs of being neurodivergent however now the kids are older and there might be an expectation she gets a job - she’s all over it!!! I actually think the downfall has probably caused some sort of mental health/trauma for her which she needs to get addressed! She is such an awful example to those girls
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I know her kids are at school so 'should' know better but did she really lose a bag of things including tablets and medicated cream and she found it in her kids toys???!!! And that doesn't bother her at all??

What if they had friends round to play (I know, I know, a bit of a stretch) and someone else's kid took a tablet??? Or her little nephew?

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Ruby’s mum

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Rebecca Get. A. Job. You vapid, chubby loser. Trouble is the only jobs she would be offered would be supermarket shelf stacker, and she thinks that’s beneath her. I don’t think she is bright or amenable enough to be put on the tills or do customer service. No shade to anyone earning an honest living in retail - been there myself and was glad to be contributing to the household through honest, hard work. Honest and hard work are alien words to this grubby grifter.
Can you imagine her in a customer service role? Dealing with complaints? Difficult customers? She would either flounce off in a huff or be in tears in moments! 😂
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She’s been back from Majorca for 5 minutes, the symprove magically stops working, she’s researched a new product, ordered, tested it and made an ad for it already. Yeah right.
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She is NEVER happy. At home she moans about needing sunshine- well you live in the wrong fucking part of the world you moron- Its Scotland. It rains a lot. I've lived there! It can be beautiful but it does rain and is often cold. She's lived there practically her entire life, so why moan?!
When she's on holiday she can't wait to get home, when she's at home she wants to be holiday!
Maybe if she had something that resembled a life with meaning and interests and substance she wouldn't feel lie this. She's a boring person with a boring life and she is bored too!!
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I imagine she doesn’t give a shit about the kids it’ll be more about anxiety for her and which “chums” she can stand with on the playground!!!!
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I think what she tortures herself doing is drooling over hair photos of really pretty girls wanting to be just like them. The same hair on someone else won’t look the same on her!
Dangerous advice about layering up on multiple gut vitamins. And “research shows” - what research??? You’ve done a quick google search and drawn your own conclusions? She is an absolute crank!
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