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Chatty Member
I imagine she doesn’t give a shit about the kids it’ll be more about anxiety for her and which “chums” she can stand with on the playground!!!!
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Chatty Member
I think what she tortures herself doing is drooling over hair photos of really pretty girls wanting to be just like them. The same hair on someone else won’t look the same on her!
Dangerous advice about layering up on multiple gut vitamins. And “research shows” - what research??? You’ve done a quick google search and drawn your own conclusions? She is an absolute crank!
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VIP Member
She’s fully fucked off her real engagement ring for the Christmas cracker ring 🤣🤣 she wants to be rich so badly it’s painful
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Rebecca Get. A. Job. You vapid, chubby loser. Trouble is the only jobs she would be offered would be supermarket shelf stacker, and she thinks that’s beneath her. I don’t think she is bright or amenable enough to be put on the tills or do customer service. No shade to anyone earning an honest living in retail - been there myself and was glad to be contributing to the household through honest, hard work. Honest and hard work are alien words to this grubby grifter.
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So she dairy free!! Does that include the copious “lemon tops” she scoffs down her (fat) neck at every oppprtunity??
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My favourite parts of tonight's reel. Can't believe she films content dressed like that, so half arsed and one of her eyes in another postcode. Wonder who the latest poor company is who have chosen this Vicky Pollard look a like to promote them, embarrassing.

Su su many questions which she managed to delete, aye whatever you say Bins 🤥


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Phil I Buster

VIP Member
OK, why no pictures choosing it, getting it custom made, picking it up etc etc. I’ve had jewellery made in Dubai and always been able to do that.
She films and documents and posts all the crap under the sun, but not this????
Exactly. I said similar at the time. Not much to make a reel out of when it’s a gumball ring that arrives from China in a Jiffy bag 🤷🏻‍♀️🥴
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To gain 5lbs of fat she’d have to have eaten 17500 calories over her maintenance calories. That’s 4375 calories OVER maintenance each of the four days.

How can she have been on a weight loss journey for so long and not know about water retention, sodium, or heck - even needing a big poo.
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button moon

VIP Member
She will get herself an online diagnosis. They mean absolutely nothing in the NHS, bits of information may be sifted out of it but realistically if she has got to this age and managed school etc, formed relationships she is not Impaired enough not to get a job. She can run a YouTube channel and Instagram... makes a mockery of people with real struggles dues to being neurodiverse. I am also an RMN who specialises in this.
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Chatty Member
Oh god the hair chat
When will she realise the colour isn’t the issue
It’s the length /texture /breakage
No hairstylist can make your hair like that baggy
Move on
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Why does she need to go to Edinburgh for 5 days on her own? She's surely not going to actually help her sister is she? Binny hates kids.

So she's basically not back at home for nearly 3 weeks. Edinburgh 5 days, Morzine 1 week and then Majorca 1 week.
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Phil I Buster

VIP Member
Where did this idea that she gets money from her parents come from? I know there’s been inheritance drops here and there, but in relative terms her father isn’t a mega earner and certainly not hugely different from a lot of men his age in Aberdeen(shire). Unless I missed something, we are talking about a very comfortable life for Narrow Footbed and Mr Narrow Footbed, but hardly Ian Wood/Jim Milne levels.

I can’t imagine her parents giving her cash every month or what have you? Perhaps clever accounting and gifts of cash every now and then to mitigate inheritance tax, but she’s hardly an Ecclestone daughter.
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Well-known member
Who's watching the kids when she does a mad dash to the shop before school?
Probably the same person who watches the kids when she’s at running club and walking Bertie in the evenings whilst she ‘solo’ parents. The woman is utterly delusional, she’d not last a day in the real world.
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Chatty Member
If her hair is so dark it’s black, is it not now time to accept that she isn’t blonde and is never going to be the blonde wee Lee wants her to be? Time to move on and deal with life!
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