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She has spent more on a trip to get her hair done, than she did on presents for the girls for Christmas.

She really thinks the world revolves around her
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I didnt really fancy Dubai before she went but she has definitely convinced me to give it a swerve.
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She will be on her phone, girls will be in kids club and Lee will be watching other women from behind his sunglasses.
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Podcast episode 4...Utter pish.

Rebecca Meldrum thinks it's awful that commuting is not considered part of your working hours as you're 'basically working'. Clueless, absolutely fucking clueless.

Lee tries to suggest some improvements to make the podcast more interesting, Verruca Salt shuts him down in flames. 🙄
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I might get ripped for this
But I love Dubai
Can’t afford to go to Dubai every year so go about every three years
it costs ££££’s to do all the things that Dubai has to offer, there is no ‘low budget’ options
But you know this
I do things in Dubai that I could never experience anywhere else which is why I stay where I stay, Atlantis or Jumeriah Beach and I will be honest, I do do all the luxury things like the brunches, restaurants, jet ski’s, boat trips and such but I do it for myself not for the gram
I don’t even have a personal IG account
She is totally deluded if she thinks that she could do Dubai on a lemonade budget
All you can do on that is basically the same as you can at home! Like someone said why go and stay at a Hilton ? That’s not luxury Dubai
May as well go to Tenerife!
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The podcast is possibly the worst thing I have listened to. They have zero chemistry, and they talk about complete drivel. Going on and on and being ‘newbies’ on holiday or ‘feeling safe past security’…meaningless. It is very clear how little she has in her life to keep her mind occupied.
As for Lee banging on about insurance, size of the suitcase and Cosco chicken - I have absolutely no words.
And Rebecca stating that she will feel safe going for a walk because "basically the Government track you the minute you get off the plane"!!! 🤣 Does she think she will be assinged her own Special Agent.
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She totally thinks going to dubai is some sort of middle class status thing doesn’t she ….the Geordie shore lot are there every week,it’s basically Blackpool now love!
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Bloody hell, her posts today. 🙄
Boyfriend Harry with Granda afterthought. The fake podcast review... Reminds me on the. Amazon fake book reviews.
21 throwback ...... Reminding everyone she has not worked a day in her life unless you count the student job at Banchory Morrisons where she was a spoilt lazy madam. She couldn't even stick it out.

Let's remember that this (ahem) successful life and happy, contented lifestyle is down to 2 men. Her father for throwing his cash raising a thicko bimbo with fuck all life skills and a point & laugh reputation in Banchory and her gullible, equally thicko husband whom, like many locally 'landed on his feet' offshore gain with the help of the old man trying to sort her mess out .....

Let us again for a moment imagine where the 'successful' woman would be without either of them pandering to her?

I'll leave you to mull that one over when you check in Binny....

I doubt she even remembered until Facebook memories told her. 🙄
Totally agree. Growing up my dad always told me never to be in a position where I was reliant on any man. Always have my own savings, always have means to support myself etc. If Lee walked away tomorrow what would she be left with? Half of what they have, half of nothing = nothing! And literally no means to support herself or kids going forward. No skills and little to no real life experience of anything in the real world. The thought of that would literally keep me up at night.
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I’ve just gone to take one for the team and listen to the podcast…the stupid bint has uploaded the first one again instead of a new one (apple)! Oh well…I tried 🤪
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Maybe if she hadn’t swanned off to edinburgh for 3 days she wouldn’t be sad at L going back offshore so soon 🤷‍♀️
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Slept in for what? You're on holiday you silly cow 🤦🏻‍♀️
Unless part of the travel MLM means she should've been in some timeshare presentation 🤣
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Why is she such an openly brazen cunt?

Maybe you don't like making pals on holiday, fair enough, lots of people don't. But why broadcast it so proudly as if it's some flex?
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