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I think she can’t return it for one of two issues. Either she bought it second hand from somewhere or it’s not legitimate.

I got my airwrap at Christmas (took a good few attempts and a LOT of YouTube watching to get the knack of it) and the instructions inside my box look completely different to hers. Bottom pic shows my instructions. Plus the airwrap has been out of stock for months, and still is.

Do you reckon Richie is a tattle bastard? 😂 View attachment 537117View attachment 537118View attachment 537120
Her instructions are in Chinese.. I called eBay earlier and I’ll call it again
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🙌 This exactly!!

She has absolutely zero conscience. Lee is a wet blanket but he works hard off shore to provide the lifestyle she wants ( ok he probably does too) and she does NOTHING. OK so shes a stay at home mum, that’s 100% fine but if that’s what you’ve decided for your family then BE a mum. Do stuff with your kids, dont call them savage and demonstrate frequently how much you resent them. Without your kids Beggy your instagram/YouTube career would NEVER have happened.If you’re going to exploit your kids at least try to pretend you like them online!
I have been a working mum and SAHM and when I was a SAHM I pulled my weight by doing the housework cooking, a lot of the gardening, home admin stuff etc (like most people) cos my hubby works really hard and travels (pre Covid!!) a lot! I could never sit on my arse every single day doing nothing but look at myself in the mirror and film myself making endless cups of tea!
I have never seen anyone so lazy in all my life.
I cannot see Lee wanting to continue this work life for the next 20 years while she sits at home doing fuck all!! “A normal job is not for her“ (quote)-no cos she rode the waves of YouTube for a few years and did very well making lots of money doing really very little. Lots of freebies and lots of holidays and minimum effort- that’s the job she wants!!🤣🤣
Honestly- the fact that she has actually said “a normal job” isn’t for her is frankly as ridiculous as it is arrogant. Who says that? Who even thinks like that?! For the vast majority of the population, going to work or working in any capacity is an essential building block of normal life. It’s not an optional extra that you can just cross of the list because you just can’t be arsed. It’s not like they are so wealthy she has the luxury of not needing to work - because if they were then Lee wouldn’t be busting his balls off shore and missing out on his kids for weeks on end.
she’s so unbelievably spoiled. And she’s just living in this fucked up fantasy land. I genuinely do not understand how or why lee puts up with this, it’s a major issue as far as everyone else can see - what an unfair, unbalanced and unnecessary set up - she sits at home all day doing nothing to contribute to the family because she just can’t be arsed and has such a high opinion of herself that she actually believes she’s too good to work for a living while she happily lets lee work himself to death on a fucking oil rig.

What a sham of a marriage and what a joke they both are.
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As entertaining as it was to watch, why upload it? Why share it? The panic in her face and voice as it was approaching school pick up time and her new toy wasn’t giving her perfect hair and she would look a mess was concerning though. Although I highly doubt any of the parents at the school would actually care about anything she does or says
Yes as I lead my class out of school at pick up time and look around the yard, I definitely spot the parents who don’t have perfectly air wrapped hair. I’m certainly not shattered, thinking about the staff meeting and the mound of work I have to take home and do ready for tomorrow. Christ she’s a vain imbecile.
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I would feel sorry for her if it’s wasn’t for the fact that she takes ZERO responsibility for anything! The reason her YouTube/Internet career went down the toilet is entirely due to her behaviour. All the freebies, holidays etc that she got meant she could maintain this above average lifestyle but it was all fake. Her REAL life is the one she’s living now: no job, no Hobbies, not many friends it appears.
All the times they were going places and doing things were gifted or paid for by someone else! Now shes had a taste of that life, nothing else will do. She sees a normal entry level job as beneath her. She thinks she’s some online marketing /PR expert I think cos she had a bit of success with Youtube(Mostly down to channel mum who spoon fed her everything and dropped her when the shit hit the fan!!).
The reason she feels meh isn’t lockdown- her life hasn’t changed due to lockdown much- because she never goes anywhere (except walks with the dog!) or does anything now anyway Since her spectacular balls up of her online “career”!
She’s bored but the only way out for her is something she doesn’t want to do -work! She has said herself a “regular job is not for her”!
Well this is her life then - no holidays no trips anywhere and a husband who is away often. She isn’t prepared to make the changes to achieve the fantasy life she wants so shes stuck. And she knows it! But still too lazy to change!
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Just wait until those girls are teenagers!! I have 3 kids and when they were little my OH worked away. It was tiring but I bloody loved it. I would go back to those days in a flash! Dealing with exams, hormones, boyfriends, friendship fall outs, being mums taxi, driving lessons, messy bedrooms and en-suites with make up and all the laundry of 3 adult sized teens! And I have good kids, kind, supportive, well behaved on the most, who don’t bring trouble home, because they have been raised by a dedicated mother who didn’t/doesn’t spend all her time trying to escape them on dog walks and gym sessions or eye fucking herself for hours into the phone ! God only knows what S, F and P will turn out like. I actually hope they give Beggy absolute hell, that would be nice payback!
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*Sells Tropic shite to followers

*Tropic dump her, she starts using different skin care brands.

*Sells overpriced Arbonne fizz sticks to her followers. Package costs hundreds!

*Gives up Arbonne after a few weeks.

*Videos herself taking some own brand Vitamin C. Cost? Pennies!

*Sells Lumi to followers.

WHO is buying this shit???
They HAVE to be vulnerable if they are buying from her 3rd MLM.
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Why do these silly tarts insist on dry humping their face with those stupid Lumis. Her skin is a mess.
Can we just talk for a minute about her eyes?!!!
One is away to the shop, and the other one is on its way home with the change!!!!
What is going on?!!!!!

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Not one ounce of me feels sorry for her, she's an absolute joke. This is all her doing and quite frankly it's just laughable now. "it's when you like, when you feel you've got no purpose" - err, you are 3 little girls' mother for starters. The rest of the world is slowly getting back to life, going out, business opening, people back to the office - she has nothing like this to even look forward to. Her LIFE is lockdown.
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Argh, I *hate* the fact that what I'm about to say may be seen as sticking up for Beggy - but hear me out. My husband also works away for weeks at a time, and after having him at home, those first few days after he leaves really are daunting, and I've found even more so for me after having my second child.

I absolutely adore my children, we have fantastic times, they are wonderful wonderful children, but it is relentless. The constant feeding, cleaning, washing, ironing, ferrying around, teeth brushing, meal making, dishes, bath times, stories, bedtimes. Everything is on me - everything. It's hard to explain unless you're in that situation, and I don't think she explains it particularly well, but I do sort of understand where she is coming from. She doesn't go about it the right way - there are days I get to bedtime and realise I haven't bloody peed that day because I've been so busy with the kids and I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm certainly not sitting on the sofa sipping hot cups of tea.
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This is so wrong. I am actually disgusted. She doesn’t deserve that beautiful wee girl.
My mum, sister, husband, actually anyone who cares for my children would be calling me out on this, I can’t believe she gets away with speaking about her children like this.
And Rebecca - children are what you make them (exceptions with additional needs obviously). You made that poor child ‘savage’ by laughing & using her ‘naughty’ behaviour as content instead of dealing with it and teaching her from the start. You have created her ‘sleep issues’ and also she clearly does a buggy and from 7pm every night.

I can’t wait for those girls to hit teenage years and get her back for every vile word she’s posted to the world about them.
Agree. This crosses the line and her parents/Lee should be speaking to her about this. Genuinely think she needs help regarding this - she had got herself into a totally, spiraling, negative thought pattern re Poppy and she needs help to break that. I am also a bit worried about what it being said out loud in th middle of th night when Poppy wakes up
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I'm super shocked at the awake child asking for food. That girl needs porridge before bed and a LOT of it if she wakes every night at 11pm for food. Is this a thing? Is it normal/common? Its not a thing in my home or my mates so I might just be a bit "unaware" of this being a struggle for parents. Mrs M never mentioned it before she just said P has sleep issues.
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Chatty Member
Yep! And she (and you) would be right. She’s lazy, she can’t spell or type coherent sentences, she has no management or organisational skills, no motivation, no track record of sticking to anything, she can’t work well with others......etc. etc. Even if she was able to get an entry level job in a shop, factory, cafe or whatever (unlikely, since there are probably teenagers who are more experienced that her), she’d never last. What a pathetic situation to be in.

BTW, I am NOT calling stay at home parents who don’t work ‘pathetic’; if that is what works for your family, then brilliant. I gave up my career to be at home with my children and it was the best decision ever (although I do some work at home now). But she doesn’t even do that well/at all!
she is not the average SAHM. I’m personally a SAHM who is also studying an environmental degree for when my children are at school I will be in that sector. We are very lucky my SO is in a very well paid job so I have this luxury. I had a newborn this time last year and I sat on my sofa with her in my lap doing my final assignments of the year and eventually my online exam (ta covid). The average SAHM is balancing all the family plates, their own hobbies and interests, maybe a side job, studying degrees or vocational courses. “Me time” is last on the list for most stay at home parents but not beggy. She’s a lazy bitch basically. Wants to do the bare minimum and will use “everyone needs a full cup” type bullshit to justify it
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Ruby’s mum

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View attachment 557147

Yeh because I see all the dog walkers at my park with a whistle. And the price tag left on the dog treats so everyone knows there high value ... pretty sure bog standard ones do the same
Not wanting to defend her but high value doesn't mean in money terms, it means high value in dog terms. Giving the dog really tasty treats like bits of sausage or cheese or something instead of a boring biscuit so that it encourages them to come when called. And using a whistle can be a great way to retrain a dog that has become used to ignoring verbal commands. Right, I'm going to go for a lie down now, back to criticising her later!
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