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Ha ha, she’s a sulky wee mare today, I’m loving it 😄👏🏼 This is the content I’m here for.

I agree with some of you on here, I reckon she’s building up to having those crappy extensions taken out because she’s realised everyone on this thread is right about her hair.
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Is she for real? Banging on about weight loss when eating disorders are topical all over the internet and media at the moment. She's thick AF.
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Some kids nap, some don't.. point is P does NOT and meldrum has never EVER spoken about putting P down for a nap. Her being a savage child, a bad child's, a hard child, having something medically wrong with her because she'd wake screaming all night every night and the CIO sleep training that she does didn't work on her, she's spoken about how P wakes at 11pm every night asking for food and how it's musical beds every night since she's been 15 months. But P being is a stroller in the middle of the day sleeping because she's tired is proof that she is capable of sleep and point to a shit routine. If she didn't sleep, she wouldn't be asleep during the day. Period.

She is getting on my bloody nerves and as a grown woman who wears woman sized clothes I am getting an overwhelming need to tell her what's what when it comes to giving a toss about her kids and not caring about her bloody clothes from the CHILDRENS section because she's "so tiny" or her HAIR and SKIN more than the kids she's birthed.... Bragging about being same size as a child, fitting into kids clothes is just rubbing it into people's faces that she THINKS she could pass for a teenager and we all know alee loves it... is basically sexializing a kid and it freaks me out. As a grown up surely you understand that being the size of a child is not something to flaunt? that having curves as a mother of 3 and and escape belly is normal, natural, healthy?? Rebecca you are a size 12, don't even lie. Get yourself a nice size 12 top mate.
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Poor Poppy 😭, if she's happy to insult her child so publicly goodness only knows how she speaks to her in person.
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Can just imagine what she was like flouncing about the shops, tossing her barbie hair, looking round to see if any of the young men were eyeing her up, look at me hot mama MILF boss babe!!
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I fully admit to ‘letting myself go’ in the last year. A baby, lockdown for the majority of the year and just being in my 30s has saw me pile on weight & generally age.
But my priority has been keeping us safe & healthy and trying to keep my kids as happy as possible throughout this crazy time. Now we’re getting back to normal my appointments are booked for hair, lashes, brows, nails. I’ll start working out and actually get some new clothes instead of living in forgiving loungewear 🤣 I’m just happy we’re all healthy & happy, there’s plenty of people coming out of this with bigger problems.
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This is so wrong on so many levels.
View attachment 557168
This infuriates me more than anything, my third child is harder work than the first two, mainly because of autism, she doesn’t sleep, we have school refusal, I do daily physio with her, but that’s life. I didn’t choose to have a third, I had a surprise 13 years after my second child, but I wouldn’t change it now, and as a single parent I don’t have someone coming home picking up the pieces so I can swan off for a walk or soak in the bath, and I don’t refer to her as savage or feral, begs doesn’t appreciate how bloody easy she has it. I wouldn’t swap with her though, I love spending time with my kids, and my kids have their privacy which is priceless
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Lee may aswell have a tattoo on his forehead that says “wipe your feet on me” he’s that much of a doormat. She has zero respect for him. She says she misses him and looks forward to him coming home but that’s got nothing to do with him as a person or him as her partner - she doesn’t miss him, she misses someone else being at home to do everything so that she doesn’t have to lift a finger. If they had a cleaner, a cook and a full time nanny she wouldn’t care if he was away working forever - she doesn’t care. I cannot stand lee and think he’s a joke but Jesus Christ - she’s making an absolute arsehole out of him. He’s away from his kids for weeks at a time and for what? What’s the game plan here? Is this ridiculous set up going to continue forever more? Him busting his balls away from home while she does absolutely fucking nothing to contribute to the family and has no shame in publicly making a fool out of him by sharing how little she does and how she has no intention whatsoever of ever lifting a finger to help?

She’s taking him for a fool. He’s a mug. An absolute pathetic fool.
🙌 This exactly!!

She has absolutely zero conscience. Lee is a wet blanket but he works hard off shore to provide the lifestyle she wants ( ok he probably does too) and she does NOTHING. OK so shes a stay at home mum, that’s 100% fine but if that’s what you’ve decided for your family then BE a mum. Do stuff with your kids, dont call them savage and demonstrate frequently how much you resent them. Without your kids Beggy your instagram/YouTube career would NEVER have happened.If you’re going to exploit your kids at least try to pretend you like them online!
I have been a working mum and SAHM and when I was a SAHM I pulled my weight by doing the housework cooking, a lot of the gardening, home admin stuff etc (like most people) cos my hubby works really hard and travels (pre Covid!!) a lot! I could never sit on my arse every single day doing nothing but look at myself in the mirror and film myself making endless cups of tea!
I have never seen anyone so lazy in all my life.
I cannot see Lee wanting to continue this work life for the next 20 years while she sits at home doing fuck all!! “A normal job is not for her“ (quote)-no cos she rode the waves of YouTube for a few years and did very well making lots of money doing really very little. Lots of freebies and lots of holidays and minimum effort- that’s the job she wants!!🤣🤣
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I'd love an hour to spend in the afternoon dicking about with my hair, with my new £500 hair styler whilst my kids are at school and I don't have a job to go to. So relatable....🙄
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Is she being serious a almost 4 year in a stroller WTF !! Why does she even still have a pram/buggy ! I'm actually in shock and disbelief. If the kid is tired why drag her to the shops.
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The only reason she got where she was at the peek of her career is because of her looks. It's how, at 15 she "bagged" herself am adult boyfriend, how it got her a group of pretty friends in uni and then a hoard of online fans. Without her looks she's just an unemployed, unemployable mother of 3 with no ambition, drive or literally anything!
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Lee’s been gone 5 minutes and she’s already moaning..
She’s not the only person with a partner who works offshore the way she bangs on you’d think she was a single parent!
Least Lee has a nice rota.. I have friends who’s partners work away for 8-12 weeks at a time and they don’t moan they just crack on with it
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That’s the face of someone who is never happy and will never be happy. It’s the face of a spoilt brat who only ever sees what she doesn’t have. Her glass will always be half empty.
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So Rebecca has 112k followers, only 6 have commented on her current post and she can’t even be bothered to respond to any of them? Hardly a thriving business is it? 🤔
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This. She's got nothing to 'go back to'. I think the same about Lee - he needs to grow a pair and tell her to get a grip and get a life. My husband would have the balls to be completely honest and blunt with me and I'd no doubt thank him for it.
It’s just such a complete unbalanced and unfair relationship. I can’t stand lee but good grief anyone looking at him can see that he is an absolute mess of a man. He’s working himself to death off shore, sacrificing time with his kids, so that Rebecca can waste her life away at home not contributing anything financially and doing what looks like the absolute minimum with regards to parenting/house keeping. There’s just no need for it. He doesn’t need to be doing what he’s doing - she’s got 5 days a week where she hasn’t got the kids at home, there’s no excuse for her doing nothing like this. Lee is such a wet wipe.
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So she’s so teeny tiny now she’s wearing clothes from Zara kids?! Age 13-14?! Seriously!!! She’s been bleating on about putting on weight ( like many of us during lockdown!) but 1 trip to the gym and she can wear child size clothing?!!! Must be the eleventy billion calories she burned!!!
Seriously I have my doubts that a child age 13-14 is same size as an adult 8!! She looks bigger than an 8. Obvs she’s not massive by any means but I find it hard to believe she’s fit in that!!!
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Surely her purpose as parent and semi solo stay at home parent is to be the best parent she can be and keep a tidy organised clean house both of which she falls down on she just can't be arsed.
I don't know when I started following her when florrie was small if she was better or if was an act .
She would take girls places.
She would clean and cook.
She appeared to have freinds then.
I think some did ditch her and only kaths the really close freinds.
Her friendship steph bit odd as they seldom see each other.

Things changed when Lee quit job, poppy was born and then the move to murder mansion.

I can't see how she can go back several holidays a year, pt and all the other things regular meals out, nicer car all on lees salary.
She can’t. They were only living that lifestyle because it was all being given to them for free. The holidays they went on were all free - even the holiday to Florida they went on with her parents when they conceived Poppy was paid for by her parents. Nothing they have had or done has been earned or paid for by them. I think that fact is what’s killing her buzz now. We are coming out of lockdown and while everyone else’s life will start to return to normal, hers won’t. Her life will be exactly as it is now - dull, boring and with nothing to do because she hasn’t got anything to fill it with. She needs to pull her head out of her arse now and seriously get with the program- this is her life, I dunno what she’s expecting to happen here but she needs to grow up and just get a grip. I’ve never seen anything like it, it’s ridiculous. How Lee puts up with this shit is honestly beyond me.
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That was literally the most boring boomerang I have ever seen, and that is going some considering this is Beggy’s thread.

I mean, what does she want in response...?
“OMG, you’re so amazing, you’ve started your washing machine!”
“OMG, I wash my sheets on Tuesdays too!”
“You are such an amazing mum, you wash your children’s sheets!”
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