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Chatty Member
I'm so appalled at how blind and insensitive she is. Unbelievable. Posting them here so people can see what she really is when the stories disappear. Song about deprived children while showing off her entirely gifted room
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Chatty Member
“These baubles have really lasted well” - er, they’re not exactly going to rot or go off, are they? Stupid woman!
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F the dust.

VIP Member
Her tree(s) going anyone here who have posted about not being able to buy certain things, that money is a struggle! Please don't let this vulgar leeches #gifted tree(s) make you feel bad or's NOT about having the best, it's about doing YOUR best! And you're each and everyday!!!!
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Guess who’s back, back again, Trace is back, tell a friend. Out 3 times in one week! Oh the joys of having a husband or mum around 24/7 to parent for you. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
After making such a big point of saying 'I prefer to stay home with my little family anyway' a week later and she's out every night 🤔🤔🤔
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I know you've already said it. But I am in absolute shock that she would do a video boasting about everything she has using a song about children starving.... even the first line of the song in the video she chose to start on was 'the best gift will be life'. I really shouldn't be shocked should I, is she really THAT insensitive and thick? Surely her die hard fans can't even agree with that? Zooming in on her book as well 🤮🤬 possibly one of the worst things I've seen for self promoting. Shameful!

EDIT. I also noticed she moved the camera very quickly when it came to Ronnie's bits and Bob's.... the colour must've hurt her eyes
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If you compare the type of comments that Hinch gets to someone like The Organised Mum, all of her posts are so engaging and relatable (to her followers if not to most people). The comments are actually more like conversations. She's posted this morning about not over-buying at Christmas. The total opposite of what Hinch encourages.
Hinch has no conversational posts on her grid at all. Heavily monitored so no discussion at all. It is literally gush over me or get off.
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New member
Honestly, same. I used to really like her. I’ve got the zoflora to prove it. I used to look forward to her little stories and her and Jamie taking the piss. I thought she was relatable and funny.
But it went from ‘it’s only £2.99 guys! It’s only £1 guys!’ to ‘it’s only £14.99 guys! It’s only £19.99 guys!’
Then it was ‘look what I got sent!’ ‘I’m so out there and normal, I just love a basket!’ ‘I only open my mail once a week!’ and the constant sales patter. I came to this site via MOD and stayed for Hinch. Eyes truly opened, Hinch unfollowed and now I feel much better.

Yep. I watched a YouTube vid on holly & Phillip's show and this was before she had ronnie, showing us what to do with our sink and stove grease. The sink, was relatively natural with vinegar etc and although she kept repeating 'all the best' like a parrot, she sounded relatively normal and relatable. She was her real self & wasnt using harmful zoflora either! I was impressed at 'then Hinch'. Watching the most recent vids of her is completely shocking. Her personality is whittled down to this shallow version of herself- dumb, ditzy blonde 'how could this have happened to lil ole me' act in a higher pitched voice... that's not her! Wth. The transformation is astounding and quite sad.

I'm hoping a lot more hinchers will wake up like I did and unfollow the driveling mess of an insta account, leave behind all the toxic products and start approaching more intelligent accounts with different and natural ways of cleaning and housekeeping. Someone mentioned a few threads back that you could use essential oils and tbh I was flabbergasted. Why isnt this method blasted more in our faces than bloody flash products etc?! Where are the influx ads for natural home products that we could make in our own kitchen at home? And what's more, I'm 24 and I'm so bothered that I didn't know about this until now🙃 What with our planetary crisis, this is the step we all need to take. Not buying endless amounts of plastic tat we do not need, and products that pollute our water supplies and kill our sea. I suppose with the newer generations, companies exploit our laziness and Grinch knows this, she isnt dumb as she makes out to be, she is outright ignorant and a two-faced snake.. sorry for the long post!
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Do you think once she has put her tree up on grid and I leave a comment like hmmm 🤔 yea it's just ok nothing special .... I will get lynch mobbed and blocked 🤔🤭
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Well-known member
Oh man, today is unbearable. I agree with the person who said they could see $ signs in her eyes. It’s so strange and true. Even with the filter.

Also, hun, don’t forget to check that letters basket for the one slipped through your door from your fed up neighbour.


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Would anyone else not find it exhausting to have these tradespeople in and out of your house multiple times a week doing stuff? Garage people, loft people, fire people.. I guess if you don't have a job it might be a bit easier?

That fireplace is absolutely gross though. And they've not even bothered to fit it properly. How embarrassing.
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Active member
Does anyone remember when she first showed the stars, she said ‘ I don’t know if I’ve paid too much’ oh lo and behold the stars were gifted. You paid fuck all and will be earning even from a swipe up.
People need to wake up and smell the coffee.
This woman is like an STD, she just won’t go away!
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So a concert. Of a very popular singer. Sold out. Thousands of people squashed into a small, hot, sweaty, loud space. Hinchy where’s your anxiety??? Is it in Traces’ handbag? Did you leave it on your fireplace? I don’t have anxiety but I’ve been to many concerts and even they make me feel nervous. I fear getting hemmed in or feeling ill and having to get out. What a bullshitter she is. Bet they were free. Because if she’d actually bought them wouldn’t she be going on about it for days? I get so excited on the lead up to a concert. Countdowns etc on my fb. She is a beggy, vapid cockwomble. Boils my piss. Rips my knitting. And anything else I can think of. She’s not even famous 🤢😡
I totally agree, there is one thing I will never comment on and it’s peoples mental health, even hinches BUT it’s hard to take her serious when she says she has crippling anxiety and then goes and crams herself into a sold out gig venue. I do actually suffer with anxiety and also dreadful ptsd, I went to a sold out gig a year ago and it was deadful, the months leading up to it I looked at layouts for the whole venue, worked out where I could stand and where my nearest exits were, talked myself out of going a trillion times. Now I know every bodies anxiety is different and of course not as severe as mine can be at times but for a woman who has made her name from “staying in and cleaning her house coz she’s anxious” to “radio shows, good morning appearances and sold out gigs” idk, the anxiety has just seemed to magically disappear. Mad that isn’t it.
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It’s taken me all week to catch up on these threads. I’ve been falling asleep most nights at 730pm after putting my boy to bed I’m that tired. He’s been crying all morning teething again.. I’ve just cleaned upstairs whilst he’s asleep but kitchen is still a mess from last nights pots 😂 but I don’t want to risk waking him up. My cat pooed in the bath this morning so I’ve disinfected that 😂😂😂 I’ve washed my hair for the first time this week gross I know 😂😂 my horse is injured so spent all week after work cleaning him up on my way home along with looking after my clingy son who is mortified at the fact I’m back at work and now will no longer sleep in his own room 😩😩 the mum guilt gets worse every morning I drop him off. all her Christmas shite is pissing me off I’m going to have to do my Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve after I’ve got my Christmas bonus as money is tight. I want lights in my garden but I can’t justify it. I was going to buy my son a stocking but my mum said I can have my old one 😂 she doesn’t have a clue what real life is. Wonder how much she got paid for that shite radio interview. And that video of Ronnie and Henry. One day when Henry’s had enough and took a chunk out of Ronnies hand wonder what she’ll do then. Plus the fact she has time to work on that “bond” just says what she actually does with her days. Fuck all. Get a real job. And what is that fireplace. And those stars !!! 😤😤😤😤😤
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If you compare the type of comments that Hinch gets to someone like The Organised Mum, all of her posts are so engaging and relatable (to her followers if not to most people). The comments are actually more like conversations. She's posted this morning about not over-buying at Christmas. The total opposite of what Hinch encourages.
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Mrs Pomadour

Well-known member
What is with people putting silk roses on a Christmas tree, I just get my decorations and chuck them on in no particular order, all colours and have no theme and I don’t give a flying fuck 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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Jamie will pop up at some point 🤣 I thought she was at her freebie friends event having bonding time with sis and niece and then he literally poked his head around Monica’s front door 😭
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