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Don’t think the party is at anyone’s house, looks like there is two posters in the background of sticker sisters photo (see dodgy arrows for where I mean) & those handles on the doors aren’t what you would typically get in a house.


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Approx £40 - she just bought 1 of her range I think. I use the term bought lightly.

It was an advert, she either didn’t pay or put it all back.

people are using food banks to get food on the table and this idiot is out here buying more chemicals to add to her existing stash
Thank you. That is a lot of 💰 x
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Bit of a serious post today from me lovelies 💔

I’ve just got home after what has been a horrible 24 hours visiting my father-in law. Tuesday night my husband got a phone call from his mother with some sad but also horrific news and asked us to come over.

His father is in hospital and their beloved collie Charlie had to be put to sleep. Why? Alpacas!

My husbands dad is a farmer and has bred alpacas on and off when he took over his parents farm almost 40 years ago. 6 years ago he decided to get more alpacas and that’s when he got Charlie.

Charlie and the alpacas grew up together, spent every single day together. Despite this, Tuesday evening, the alpha male lashed out and went crazy which resulted in Charlie getting crushed and his dad getting badly injured trying to save him. Charlie was just lying out in the sun when he was attacked. Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to be put to sleep and my father-in-law is in hospital with a broken jaw, not to mention countless cuts and bruises all over his body. He is absolutely heartbroken.

I’m sorry but I’m extremely angry today, knowing that Sophie Hinchliffe portrays this ‘floofy, best friends’ narrative for the world to see. ONE, yes ONE ‘floofy’ killed a dog and put my father-in-law in hospital. Out of the blue, he just flipped. Yet she puts two little kids and other animals to run freely with THREE of them!!

I knew they could be dangerous but seeing what one of them has done to my family has made me realise just how much 💔

Please Sophie for the sake of those precious little boys of yours, stop putting them at risk and protect them. Start treating the alpacas as livestock, what they actually are and stop playing Snow White for the sake of instagram, engagement and money.

Sorry for this depressing post lovelies, I couldn’t not say anything 😣
Oh god This is horrifying. I’m so so sorry this has happened to you all
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VIP Member
Imagine how busy she must be feeling at the moment? Trains, hotels, 4 hr meetings, cars to other scary meetings, this is a lot to take in for a busy working mum. And on top of all that she needs to conjure up a bit of mum guilt too because isn't it Lonnies birthday party this weekend and here she is, miles from home having to be mega boss babe when all she really wants to do is just be at home, planning a party with a theme that fits her narrative but she's doing it because everything she does is for her boys! Apart from the basics of respecting their privacy and keeping them safe from unpredictable and potentially dangerous animals, everything she does is for her the boys!
You’ve got a bingo coming me thinks!
Also on topic of those freebies in the hotel room. She was banging on and gushing ''guuuuys I don't actually know if these are for me or not?'' (she knew full well they were, the lying boastful cow)
Yet proceed to rummage round in it all, taking it out the bags and opening the tissue paper and putting her finger through the macaron without 'supposedly' knowing it was for her.
Who does that? If I'm not sure I make sure before I start helping myself to stuff.
Such a lying little bitch. Always has to play the coy, ditzy, omg I don't know guys! Card. Fuck off. Hope the freebies give you a rash.
Surely she was given them at the event!?
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I'd say she is breaking gdpr regulations:

She is running a giveaway. She is being a touch careful with her words but she says "I want to give this away" and "Just pop your address in the box if you'd like to [receive this box of stuff]". She's collecting addresses which are classed as personal data under gdpr regs and she is doing so for the purpose of running a giveaway.

As a small business she does not have to keep as stringent gdpr records as a larger organisation must do. However if she passes any data onto a larger organisation ie LookFantastic, Ymu etc then she becomes liable for tighter record keeping. It is also advised that even small businesses follow the rules as closely as they can to protect themselves if they get caught with a data breach as the fines are seriously high.

When running a giveaway a business she should do the following:

Understand and document what data you collect
Get implicit consent for data collection
Implement procedures for data requests
Update your own privacy policy

More info here -
And here (for larger organisations) -

So, she's running a give away:
She's not asking for consent to store addresses and she has to store them to be able to choose a winner
She is not saying if the addresses will be used for any other purposes eg used to work out some demographics of her followers
She is not saying how long she will keep the addresses for
She is not telling anyone how they can get their address removed from her records.
So who does this get reported to🤔
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Trolloman's sister posted this earlier, wondering if she's talking about going to Lonnie's birthday in the evening?
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
I probably missed it but did she say the party was today? I know she said this morning she had lots to do today which probably means opening a couple of bags of crisps but if Rex has his party today maybe Lonnies is tomoro?
It’s probably tomorrow 🤔

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Chatty Member
Is it jimbob at Greyskull though? Could be her dad as why would he take them there in the evening otherwise? Also I bet jimbob demands to be taken to all the posh hotels
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Chatty Member
One of the other cleaning accounts(also moving more into the realmsof qvc but do actually do cleaning) I watch was gifted this today don't know if I'm allowed to name them
But then in the next breath she was saying how she'd accidentally put the filter on and she couldn't cope with it it wasn't her and she would be to embarrassed to bump into anyone she actually knew and not look like that,felt like some serious shade being thrown she then went back to her normal self

Any one else feel gretal looks more like hinch then the blow up sex doll?


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