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Have you got a link - the BBC has so many accounts!

But I did also see this and the comments are sadly what I expect of too many people who have no understanding of how damaging the use of filters by influencers can be for vulnerable people. But if filters cannot be regulated then children need to be much better educated about what they are seeing on social media.
Sorry, have been out all day being a tend mum to my tend child. It was in the BBC breakfast Twitter account. Will see if still there and link.

ETA link
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She can't plug her Ninja air fryer if she does that. And it might take a little more effort.

Her new management are definitely trying to get her to take a new angle aren't they? And that angle is shit and outdated as well...
I think her
Thank god someone else spotted this 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lol I did too 🤣 the whole video came over as if she was in a right strop 🤣 still showing those stupid camels though 🙄
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Chatty Member
There……fixed it for ya, Sopha…….hunnnnnay 🤭

View attachment 2176356
Sofas new back to school picture 😜.. absolute double of her horsey bestie😂
No. She's gone to Morrisons because of the supermarkets in Maldon: Teshco is blacklisted since they dropped her, Aldi and Lidl don't stock her shite and Asda is only a small one.
She wouldn't venture out of Maldon so Sainsbury's is out of the question and HBs probably didn't give her a pre-paid card just to buy her own crap.
Was it not pocket money day off fiddle for her 😜😂
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I watched the clip on Sloth’s stories regarding signing the petition.

It doesn’t go straight to the petition but rather this woman’s (I admit, I have no idea who she is) linktree where there is also a link for an Amazon wish list.

Why are these people always on the beg?

I also have no idea what it is the petition is actually asking for other than reform.
That’s what I couldn’t work out. What does Hinch know of SEND reform and difficulties? 🤦🏼‍♀️
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I don't have kids, so please don't pile on if I'm wrong, but why the fuck would someone who constantly moans about their kids not sleeping not have a routine for them? At their age, shouldn't they be settled in bed at 8:30, not being piled in the car for a stimulating drive down to look for boats?
They probably drive them round in the hope to make them fall asleep. Which is fine in the day, but not for at night.
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I am in fucking absolute kinks at that pastry monstrosity 🤣🤣🤣

I wonder why she didn’t want us to see the explosion inside the air fryer because she just fucked a load of ‘chesse’ (besht sellin aufor) and fucking PASSATA into a folded clump of pastry 🤣 Fucking passata! One of them looks like I did watching it, fucking horrified!

The spoon of herbs nearly killed me off I swear to god 🤣🤣 View attachment 2177073View attachment 2177074View attachment 2177075
chesse? Did she have to override autocorrect to spell it wrong? 🤦🏻‍♀️ smh
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Soph, we are already well aware you're a lying cunt, but there is no way Febreeze has been in your life since you were a child at your parents house. Flash, Lenor, Fairy ... yes. Febreeze? Fuck off.
That came out in 1996 apparently 🤔
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Hinch babe when you read here later. Yes, it’s tricky when you have two young kids close in age to navigate “birthdays and sharing”. But it’s possible. What we do is make a big fuss with the sibling about buying a present from them to give and making a card. We now have no issues from the older one about it being the younger ones birthday because they love the idea of GIVING and see that there is joy in giving. The younger one is getting there with this notion too - because it’s been modelled a lot.
They’ve also figured out that any toys, once opened by the birthday child will end up in the playroom and open to play with by all. So just chill and wait patiently 😂😂.
We called it that the playhouse would be indoors. Ronnie will be playing with it as much as Lonnie. She should have just accepted that anything she gets Lonnie at this age won’t ever just be for Lonnie.
Yes! That’s how we do it. My girls live to choose and give presents as much as receive.
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Guys have any of you seen Makeup friends insta? She’s also doing a giveaway. Suspiciously similar products to the ones Hinch gave away yesterday. They both work for look fantastic. However, at least Georgia hasn’t asked for peoples addresses on her giveaway.
Plus I think Georgia started her give away before Hinch. Nothing original as usual 🙄
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Bit of a serious post today from me lovelies 💔

I’ve just got home after what has been a horrible 24 hours visiting my father-in law. Tuesday night my husband got a phone call from his mother with some sad but also horrific news and asked us to come over.

His father is in hospital and their beloved collie Charlie had to be put to sleep. Why? Alpacas!

My husbands dad is a farmer and has bred alpacas on and off when he took over his parents farm almost 40 years ago. 6 years ago he decided to get more alpacas and that’s when he got Charlie.

Charlie and the alpacas grew up together, spent every single day together. Despite this, Tuesday evening, the alpha male lashed out and went crazy which resulted in Charlie getting crushed and his dad getting badly injured trying to save him. Charlie was just lying out in the sun when he was attacked. Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to be put to sleep and my father-in-law is in hospital with a broken jaw, not to mention countless cuts and bruises all over his body. He is absolutely heartbroken.

I’m sorry but I’m extremely angry today, knowing that Sophie Hinchliffe portrays this ‘floofy, best friends’ narrative for the world to see. ONE, yes ONE ‘floofy’ killed a dog and put my father-in-law in hospital. Out of the blue, he just flipped. Yet she puts two little kids and other animals to run freely with THREE of them!!

I knew they could be dangerous but seeing what one of them has done to my family has made me realise just how much 💔

Please Sophie for the sake of those precious little boys of yours, stop putting them at risk and protect them. Start treating the alpacas as livestock, what they actually are and stop playing Snow White for the sake of instagram, engagement and money.

Sorry for this depressing post lovelies, I couldn’t not say anything 😣
This is horrible! I'm so sorry that this happened. I hope he recovers soon.
Soph, take note, they are unpredictable livestock, not oversized dogs!
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Fucked if any of us know 😂🤷‍♀️

How amazing is that account though?! Going back to Hinchs after watching Leah is like having sharp nails driven into your eardrums whilst being hit in the face with a spade
Thanks for that account, how relaxing it is and stunning house. Completely opposite to Hinch
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Can’t believe Ron wasn’t in the posts!! Cruella Soph must have made him stay in his room till golden child got all the attention!!
Poor Ron being pushed out 😡
If it’s one of your children’s birthday they’re there when the others open their presents!!
Fucking fuming with Cruella & Werzel Hinchciffe leaving him out 🤬🤬
Maybe he isn’t even there! Nanny and auntie taken him with them after the party
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