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What the f did I just waste my time reading 😂

I did find this gem though. Size 5 foots!

@Wotsit following from last thread, I found where the strange posts started. It was Jan 2020 posts by PrincessPinky. Everyone just take it all with a grain of salt, I’m sure it was all to create a distraction on tattle. The thread did end early.



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She's going to be needing the tranq gun with all these celebs/influencers revealing their pregnancies.
Gemma Atkinson has just announced on Instagram.

Where's Mad Ma?
I just seen that . Literally everywhere. Does anyone follow Lucy fallon who played Bethany platt in coronation street. She is another one who have gone quiet. She’s due around now. I think she is trying to be another Molly mae with the dream emojis . Angel baby . Even the neon cloud light in her nursery

They also did confetti cannons and something else yet acted surprised each time 😂 😂

I agree though she did look disappointed I’ve always thought she wanted a girl (a little dolly) reminds me of when she Ronnie and claimed how amazing and easy it was just like playing dolls 🙄
Because she’s up her mums arse I think she wants that with her girl and also bet mad ma wants another granddaughter
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😂 think I need to carry out a risk assessment

Is Greedy encouraging people to write TADAH lists? 😆 You can’t have anything can you hinchy 😆
No honour amongst thieves 😂😂 Hopefully they’ll all end up burying each other’s influencer “career”
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A bit Kate Moss to the party

Ad for the book. ASA been in touch?


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Fair enough, but these alpacas are a lot larger than dogs/cats etc
Each to their own but why would you want one of these roaming your indoor space.

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I 100% agree. I think it’s insane that she allows them in the house and I am in no way saying that her behaviour is acceptable. I was talking about the cleanliness element only. Growing up, we often had orphaned lambs that would sleep next to the aga until they were strong enough and then they would be back in the barn. We didn’t allow fully grown livestock to roam the house. But the dogs were always pretty messy, living on a farm, you don’t often have clean dogs. I think it’s a disaster waiting to happen having the camels in the house as fully grown males, who are territorial and can be aggressive.
I was simply talking about the cleanliness aspect as all animals can pass on parasites and diseases in some way or another.
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Did your head fall off halfway through too?! 🤣

I still dont really know what went on other than two people being a bit strange with random, no sense porkies.

Wish we could change names though! There was one that made me howl in that thread with 2 letters missing. Forgive me, can't remember it now my head fell off reading it all!

MY GOD! I’ve just spent an hour reading this old thread. I wasn’t born back then you see…
I always wonder who could slotha be in here. I’m pretty sure she’s got an acct and is active.
That pinky woman reminded me of parttimemum whatever her cunty name is.

anyway thanks for that! 👏😊🥂
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So, playing devil's advocate here, but, apart from how fucking dangerous it is to have livestock roaming freely in your house, is there any difference between allowing Henry and an Alpaca in your home? terms of cleanliness?

Henry poos and pees outside and then probably rolls in the camel/fox/chicken shit and runs on the grass where they have weed. Unless they are cleaning up after Henry everytime he poops (which i doubt they are) then there's a chance he will run through it and have it on his paws. Plus Henry licks his own balls and then licks Sofas face! And then they allow him on the sofa and beds. The Alpacs probably roll in their poop and walk in it...but then so does Henry. I 100% think she's a knob jockey for allowing those animals in her kitchen. But in reality is it so different than allowing Henry to lie over everything when he has free access outside also?
Don't get me wrong she's insane letting them in the house when they pose such a threat to her little boys. But in terms of cleanliness is there much difference?
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She had plenty of surgery and non invasive treatments to look the way she does now - that’s far better than when she was a morbidly obese teen. She knows it. She loves herself and doesn’t think she’s ugly at all, she loves the filters because that’s how she thinks she looks like.
she’s only posting this story for her fans (mostly obese and on the rock&roll) to tell her she’s gorgeous. Her fans are only that and those who created micro home accts - sort of MLM scheme really. So they’ll all back her and tell her she’s fab.

We know she’s a cunt.
On this note, I’ve been wondering for a while if any of the photos she’s got up around the home are ones we’ve seen and are filtered?
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Chatty Member
The Hinch bath board and products is a real come down after Molly-Mae’s decadent smorgasbord of high end items on her latest YT video 😂
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Swedish chef

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Ron has a speech delay don't know how people are saying he hasn't, he didn't utter a word until he was 3! I have one child NT who was saying mama dada baba etc from 10months and was full on sentences at 18m and I thought she was a genius!! Turns out she is typical for her age, but I only had my son (who is autistic) to go on, I don't think she made up his speech difficulties, he's 4 in June, he can name objects and parrot words but he isn't able to converse, I have an autistic child, and I'll say once you meet one child with autism you've only met one child with autism,everyone is different,it's a huge spectrum of different abilities and disabilities, I have always believed Ron to be autistic but who knows what he's like when he's not on camera, autism is so much more than speech, alot of people have very little knowledge of autism, my son speaks fine now, but lacks in back and forth conversation too, he was delayed but was at a much better level than Ron is at 3 1/2, so it's not all based on speech, he's probably pretty high functioning and will improve with speech in time, he has also had intense therapy, that alot of children don't get because of long waiting lists and lack of money, I think she will reveal his diagnosis when the price is right for a book deal or TV show or something.
I could be completely wrong because as I said people with autism are so different, no two people are the same. But it's kind of silly when people say he can't be autistic because he has words now.
I think maybe there maybe some confusion about the term invisible speech needs, it covers a wide area relating to communication, the ability to be understood and understanding others. Ronnie does display some evidence of ND, the issue is as others have said, we shouldn't even know about this if Hunch respected her child's right to privacy. She is an appalling parent and so is her useless husband. I believe the reason she shared the 'his journey' is because she is a narc and an ableist. Shit patenting does not cause ND, however her complete inability to protect and nurture her children, certainly does not help. She needs cancelling.

He can't come compare, what he doesn't have 😆😆😆😆
Why is Vesty looking At his todger, is he comparing sizes?

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The declutter thing does my need in declutter 13…

Bring in at least 6 new things she won’t use in a beauty box subscription 👍
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