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VIP Member
I find it really belittling for her to go to her old house and clean the sink...why would you do that? It’s nothing other than a reminder to the people that now live there that it will never be theirs and they’ve accepted charity off of her. I find it out right rude to be honest. It’s just rubbing it in their faces.
It has to be her sister living there. She couldn’t lord it over anyone else like that so publicly and get away with it.
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Hinch broke her toe. Went to London, did some other shit, never mentioned it again and was fine the next day.
Went to hospital, got oramorph, went on Chris Evans, had a late night insta-fest, flew to Scotland and her whole footz disappeared!
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Well-known member
A person’s weight and facial features are LITERALLY THE LEAST INTERESTING THING ABOUT THEM! I like to know what sort of a person they are.
Take Fauxphie for example:
Is she kind? No
Is she truthful? No
Is she caring? No
Does she put others before herself? No
Loving to children? No
Kind to animals? No.

Is she a beggy, bragging narcissist who is haemorrhaging followers because her bullshit is not relatable? DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER.
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Missy mop

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Why can’t she eat her own chickens eggs?? Is that not the whole point of having your own chickens? Giving them a better life and having your own free range beautiful eggs 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️? She’s off her rocker that woman!
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Can we all start calling her Sophie Dolittle please? It’s a double whammy because she’s an animal whisperer and also does fuck all 24/7 🤣
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Well-known member
I absolutely detest the 'we are exactly where we are supposed to be' shite. She just cannot see how arrogant and entitled it makes her sound.
Yesterday, I was at the funeral of a childhood friend who ended his own life. Were his children and wailing mother exactly where they were meant to be Hinch? 🤬🤬🤬

And re shit story, my kids have a combined age of 40 and I only have 1 shit story for each of them. One as a baby with bad nappy rash and being aired, and the other during potty training!

She gets deeper and deeper into her delusional life every day. I honestly think she cannot distinguish between truth and reality.
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Sorry but why does she think every outting they have is an absolute disaster with the kids?? Yes kids mess around and shit happens(literally!) But she's never had one nice thing to say about a day out with the kids. All she fucking does is complain about them.
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Chatty Member
Why is she so obsessed with shit. Why does every story of early mornings or days out involve shit. Its fucking weird
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Cassy Role

VIP Member
Oi. Lurking sheep. Sophie reckons she “starts work” at 8am. Do you think she does really?? Whilst you’re trying to get your offspring dressed, breakfast-ed and to school as well as getting yourself to work on time are you worried that Hinch is trying to do the same?? Or is she just pretending??


“starts work at 8am” indeed. Sitting on your arse facetuning yourself is not work. Patronising cunt.
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Sorry if this has been said already, I’m just catching up. Her moaning about the boys when they’re out and about and saying how many imaginary disasters happen makes me think she does this because she actually hates going out so much (probably because she doesnr get recognised 😂) and just wants to be at home with her animals & mummy and do fuck all. Like, she always says how happy Ron is when at home, how being at Not a Farm has been so positive for him, how he loves the animals and has routines etc and Len also. So the narrative that they love it so much INDOORS AT HOME, plays well for her being a lazy munt. If that makes sense 🙃?
“You all moan that I never leave the house but LOOK at what happens when I do. It’s ALL your fault and I’m never going out again…”
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Well-known member
So if naughty Ronnie (it’s always poor Ronni e, isn’t it?) dropped her phone in a pint of Coke, what the hell is she filming and uploading on?

Also I know she’s trying to be relatable, but that just comes across as disrespectful to your partner, they’re trying to talk to you and you’re just having a strop about some made up crap that happened at lunch.

Edit - typo
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VIP Member
Ahhh fgs. If we are descending into satanic panic and masonic cabals then I'm sidestepping this thread for a bit. I can't be doing with that level of nonsense. Tin foil hat time...
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VIP Member
How much shite does she buy from AmazON that she has to pause to think about what it is she's just unboxed? Jesus wept.

Hens sorry if this has been shared today but have we discussed this sasy reply from Soph?!?!

Also...starts work at 8am?! Ahahahahahahahaha....
Fuck oooooff does she start work at 8am. What fucking work? Editing a reel? Get fucked.
And if she does, who gets the kids up and ready for pre-school? Who does the school run? When does the dog get walked and who does that?
Fucking fuck off.
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Chatty Member
Not to stick up for Inch but I think the 11 stone comment he made was due to them being lighter and therefore the go karts can go faster. If you listen to the end it finishes with him saying something like I'm 16...I assume he's 16 stone and therefore was too hefty for the go kart to go fast 🤣🤣🤣
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Wize Owl

VIP Member
Happy Teeny Peeny Thursday Nusty Hens 🐔💕

Jimbobgetajobnob with a news update 🤭
(Volume needed)

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