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Jamie you're not funnyyyyyyyyy... Get a job and piss off you cringey cheesy nobhead.

A fucking adult sized sponge, I'm off guyz
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I wonder if she is showing less and less of Ronnie due to it becoming more obvious that he may have some additional needs. It is literally nothing to be ashamed of.

On another note, I really don't understand why Inch doesn't work. Even the most famous of people have spouses that work. When he does eventually go back to work, how will he explain the gap in his CV. Will he say he was a stay at home dad? Manager to his wife or just Mrs Hinch's little bitch.
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I truly belive Ronnie hasn't done anything like that. He's still strapped in a highchair to eat so he can't run off and make a mess (Don't come at me if you're 2 year old is its just opinion and I think he's MORE than capable to get a booster seat and sit at the diner table) she still feeds him so he doesn't make a mess. He's never alone incase he does something cos she wants a Instagram perfect home instead of realistic. When they go to a park they don't just sit on the bench a few meters away and let him mooch on the equipment for 5 minutes,let him breathe, let him be independent. He's constantly got a shadow. I don't think he knows how to be cheeky, he's just a puppet.
My kids are not naughty in the slightest, they're sooooo cheeky. My girls are divas. Sassy. Proper payback for me being a little cunt as a kid, they're just amazing kids and I'm so fucking blessed and I'm so in love but I'm only 28 and I'm defo going grey from them lol.. Ronnie seems quiet and just a bit lost 247, very robotic.

He had a good job, I think he's actually a very clever bloke with so much potential in the job he had.. He left to do a years break. Never been mentioned since. He's too famous to work (so Sophie thinks) she's defo the one not allowing him work, it's pathetic. He's nothing but her BITCH now.
This. Also you’re right kids that age are cheeky. They’re not naughty, they’re kids doing exactly what kids should be doing.
My heart breaks for how restricted Ron is. He’s going to grow up with anxiety because of the way they’re parenting him.
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Don’t hate me for this but I actually like SS, I think she does do a good job with her kids personally. Yes Rex is covered in mud half/most of the time but personally I don’t see an issue with that, his a happy little boy that loves to play and explore. I’d rather have my children covered in mud and loving life, than have my kid in designer gear head to toe, looking miserable as anything and to afraid to play like Ronnie is. Yes SS has messed up with a few things like the hospital and the other bits, and I cannot defend that in the slightest, but then we all mess up somewhere along the line with parenting our children, there is no such thing as a perfect parent! Only issue is with SS at the moment is she is turning into a bit of a hinch, which I’m starting to see more and more! (Like I said don’t hate me for this, just my personal opinion! Doesn’t mean I’m right or wrong)
I think on the whole SS just has a bit more likeability about her, her kids look happy and she can take the piss out of herself which is more than can be said for Hinch.
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Well... Her making out with Henners on the couch is NOT what I needed to see today.

Why doesn't she get that close to Ronron? Even Lonnie is always at arms length. Be honest or fuck off man
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I think she struggles because she hasn’t got a naturally maternal bone in her body and she doesn’t actually know what to do with the kids she’s had.
She certainly doesn’t have a lack of support with a stay at home hubby and a mum on call.

I reckon soph would have been happy with just a dog. She's had the kids because that’s what’s expected of her in her social circle and family. Jamie probably wanted kids and we know she said she hoped to have kids “to connect to more of her fans” so probably her agents said it would be good for her brand.
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Maybe an idea to put some colouring books or crayons in the table for R rather than her books. She is so self-centered it's so crass!
She also has the magazine with her face on it there to make matters worse 😂 I get being proud of something you’ve achieved, but Christ. I don’t even have my degree framed. Although I probably should considering it took a hell of a lot more effort that her success 😂
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Omg I love you for saying This my 13 month hasn’t either! And I’m so sick off other mums being judgey thinking that’s weird what you doing wrong! ...... some babies don’t sleep through get over it I wana scream !!! I’m just on a setting of default tired I’m almost used to being permanently a zombie 😂😂
I always remember when my child was little and i would tell my friends how they weren’t sleeping through and how exhausted I was etc, and all they could think of was to say, “ah my child sleeps for 13 hours” or “I put them down and they go straight to sleep” and other general bragging….wanted to karate chop the cunts to the neck 😡
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I don’t get the struggling! Hubby went back to work 2 weeks after I had my second! We had 2 under 2, I had a section and lived in the middle of nowhere! No family on tap to help out at all! But I got thru it! There were days baby would cry toddler would cry and then I’d cry! But we managed! This struggling crap irritates me! She doesn’t know the meaning of the bloody word! 😡
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Just caught up on the last thread so ‘sorry for the random post’ 🙄😂

Saw some talk about her potentially having PND and was curious (I don’t have kids) but if this is something she struggled with before wouldn’t it be much easier for those around her to pick up on it this time, or even herself? Also, wouldn’t her health visitor/ GP or whoever be keeping an eye on that as presumably if she had it before it would be in her notes etc? Suppose it won’t matter to her she’ll love the speculation.

The nonsense about her saying she’s on maternity leave is ludicrous. Yes you’re entitled to maternity leave (if you admit this is a job) so either actually go on maternity leave and stop posting whatsoever, or stop fucking talking about it and post as normal? Absolutely bizarre is she just on maternity for doing ads? That takes the same effort as what she’s still posting now? All you’re doing is pressing a button to upload a picture am I missing something? Would be like us going on maternity and not posting on tattle 😂

Lastly, I’ve never known anyone to get hair extensions and then pile their hair on top of their head like that every day, even when they’re dressed up and out, what is the point? 😂 she looked so old fashioned in that pic @fannysjohnny uploaded, why not just get them taken out and have a haircut that’s more manageable for your lifestyle it just looks terrible like she never washes
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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Most people agree too! Not everyone likes your tacky ways Grinch!!!
I’m a cleaner for a living the women walks round chopping all the cushions! Drives me mad! Told her if I caught her chopping one more I’d do the same to her throat 😂😂 fuck paying good money for cushions to ruin their shape.Just cause some bint on insta does it
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That dog lick is the closest thing to a shower she’s had all month, I just know it.
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I literally can't find a picture of my boys when little without either holding a toy, riding a toy or a toy in the picture near them.

Makes me very sad that ron doesn't seem up have any 😔
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That's standard for kids ain't it, they always draw on the walls at some point! Crayons and pens definitely not allowed in the Hinch household. 😏
Whilst this isn't the same because we did let them for a reason, we were decorating my bedroom last month, I stripped the wallpaper and let my kids draw some bits on the bare wall and we put all our names and the ages, date etc then we'd wallpaper over it just in years to come when we strip the walls again or even maybe sell the house in the future then people will get giggles when the walls are bare, and my darling 3 year old daughter drew a really pretty rainbow, cute right? My 4 year old daughter drew a person with big boobies and my 8 year old drew a big poo and a willy✌
but they have drew on walls when unattended with pencils and pens a couple times when they were younger, what kids haven't. Poor Ronnie doesn't know what a pencil is
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🤦‍♀️ where is your bath from/where is your rug from/where is the blanket from....fuck the fuck offffffff!!! what a bunch of kiss-arse weirdos that message them - do they not have google??! Theyr desperate for some acknowledgement or engagement with wayne & waynetta hinncchhhCliffe - i honestly had no idea there were so many gullible people in the world!!? 😂
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How are you still standing? My LO woke up every 45 minutes until about 13 months I thought I was going to die. That’s something else Sopha never talks about, Ron’s sleep! I don’t have many mum friends but when I see/talk to the girls from my NCT course we always end up talking about sleep or the lack thereof!
I cosleep. That’s the only way I’ve survived. I whack a boob out and go back to sleep.
She can’t talk about sleep because she has never dealt with Ronnie waking. Inch does it. God forbid her precious sleep is interrupted. She wouldn’t be able to handle it. I consider myself tough and it’s broken me.
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How old is Lonnie now? He’s a cute kid. That fucking voice though. It’s like nails down a blackboard.

Is she fuck struggling, She shouldn’t be having after pains this long after either, Mind she’d say anything to get her “huns” attention and sympathy.
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