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View attachment 647343I seriously think her sheep have mental issues. “She’s an inspiration” fuck the fuck off! Practically pissing themselves over the fact she’s a member of the same group they’re in 😳 I think she’s just trying to claw some more sheep back into the pen after a few have escaped with the tide that seems to be turning 🙈 desperate melt
I actually despair for the world my son and his generation are going to grow up in when numpties like Hinch are considered inspirational figures. Intelligence isn't valued anymore, it's how well known you are and how many likes you have on bloody Instagram.
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Listen Zoph ya twat!
Single parents with zero help find it easier than you're finding it. Get a grip!

Also, talk to this child properly, this one might be able to say Mum before he's 5 then! Jesus woman, you need help in the head!!
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If that's the only photo on Jayyymees phone then Ron definitely did not have it. If my daughter has got hold of mine they'll be 100 odd photos (little kids always seem to hold the button down so it takes multiple photos 🤣)
Well at least it proves that ’Handsnomes does have futz’
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Chatty Member
Right, I’m going for a bingo!
I think as of Monday she will be back on insta full time, Stacey is getting too much exposure & Hinch knows if she doesn’t return then all her sheep will waddle on over to Stacey!
I expect she was hoping for another few weeks but her engagement figures are shit so she needs move now or that’s game over for her.
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You know what, soooo many single mothers with no help whatsoever, manage to interact and have proper days out with their little ones! She is just fecking lazy! She has all the help in the world. Parents, sister, and a friggin husband who doesn't even get off his fat saggy ass to go to work like everyone else. He is there 24/7. Theres zero excuse!!!
Her and SS are worrrrrlds apart!
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She didn’t even look like she enjoyed that licking fest. She was grimacing the whole way through. He didn’t want to lick her. She didn’t want to be licked. Yet they continued with it for a good 30 seconds. I’m confused. That was quite possibly the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen her do….

God forbid she wake up and say “morning everyone, up bright and early ready for the day. Going to get ourselves out for some adventures.” Nope. Poor poor Sophie rose who is so sad she has to snog her dog.
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Does anyone else feel as tho when she was small and hardly known she had to make the effort and now that she’s blown up for what we’ve bizarre reason (don’t we all clean? Why aren’t we all famous?) shes got lazy because now she’s made a name for herself she’s got it all. Does she not realise that she still has to make effort? Takes 2 mins to post a pic on your grid? Unless she sits for hours thinking of what shit caption she can put next. There’s many women with two kids who ARE struggling, she has poncy prick assisting her 24/7 and she only has to put a pic on the gram? Honestly winds me up (hence long rant, sorry guys!). She needs to realise how bloody lucky she is for what she is in life and she hasn’t worked hard for it no matter what bollox people come out with. I know because I have a large Instagram platform myself, I know it’s piss easy to get followers quick. Takes 2 seconds to film a story, put some poncy quotes on your story, whack a half arsed pic on the gram and done.
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Stop promoting fucking useless dangerous SHIT you pair of ARSEHOLES
If you need to put your baby down put him in a Moses basket
They have handles so you can move it about
It’s a safe sleep space
Mine is second hand and was from Aldi and the mattress cost me £15
There is really no need for all this ridiculous shit

(although I do bath my 13 week old in the lounge but in my defence we don’t have a normal bath yet and our kitchen is tiny and super old fashioned whereas our lounge is lovely and recently done up. I’d rather sit on my lounge floor and bath him than my bathroom floor or at the kitchen sink)

I do find it quite odd she baths Lonnie in the lounge when they have two bathrooms upstairs
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I think he does.Trained actor,real life skills.He grew up in a tough part of London.Local acting school saw alot of the kids come good.The Kemps,Linda Robson,Pauline Quirke,Kathy Burke,Natalie Cassington,Gillian Taylworth other names escape my addled brain.

Hoppin, can I call you that😘
Problem is,I can only dispell all the nonsense in her lapsed "memoir" and the podcasts.Do I have access to photographic evidence?Yes I do.
As for Fiddlydiddlyyahoolovesapool-it's not her thread?😒
Do I have photographic interest?Maybe I do.
So let’s start a Freda thread. Come on guys make it happen 😂
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Shes scared to come back to insta cause then all her sheep will know shes lied about lonnies age 🤣🤣🤣
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She has her priorities all wrong. Poor Ronnie cast aside while she cuddles that fat spoilt mutt. 😓

I also don't believe she was sleeping sitting up, it looks like she was pretending and I don't know anyone who sleeps with their thumb up. She's so smug.

My leather sofa is 13 years old and in better condition than Sophie's grey velvet one.
I’m betting yours isn’t covered in desperation and spaniel smeg
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It's heartbreaking how so out of tune she is with her own son. It's just not normal. I do just want to give him a cuddle because has he ever had a real cuddle? a REAL cuddle. Off her..... He defo has off Jamie but has he off his mam? My 8 year old always says he loves cuddles off dad but there's nothing like mamas cuddles.
My 4 year old come over to me earlier and was sat cuddling me so tightly, I was stroking her back. No one said anything for a few minutes it was just a in the moment cuddle. When she had enough I said oh that was so beautiful, I love you. She always grabs my cheeks so hard pulls my face to hers and goes OOOOOO I LOVE YOU!
I hope Ronnies experienced that 💔 it makes me feel a bit ill at the thought of him not tbh
You just know she’s never done that with Ron. She can’t seem to interact with him normally and it’s heartbreaking. She’d be more likely to laugh at him if he came over for an impromptu cuddle. I remember him kissing her once and she was shocked.
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It’s just mind boggling that she’s shared a video like that. Like she’s nose to nose with that lump of lard licking her face… I’ve never seen her remotely that close to Ronnie with that amount of natural love and affection it’s so strange and so sad. These videos just make it so apparent that she has no genuine connection with her actual first born 😔
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