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I had a traumatic birth with my first. When I got pregnant with my second they offered a c section based on my mental health. In the end I had a vaginal delivery and it was a much better birth experience than my first. What stands out for me about hinch is when she said of her birth experience about how much she was screaming. I know she’s also claimed it was “easy” but I don’t buy it.
I wish every woman to have a positive birth experience. I truly hope she does have a good birth experience. What actually upsets me (having had a difficult birth with my first) is her yet again claiming her life is a Disney film.
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Ridiculous that she wouldn’t let Ronnie help make that cake. Or why not make fairy cakes he could help with the whole process and decorate them differently at the end. She drives me insane. All the time and resources in the world and that poor boy isn’t allowed to do anything but “play” at household chores. I get that we only see snippets of his childhood, she’s clearly moving from cleaner to mummy influencer but surely that’s all the more reason to show off all the wonderful things he could be doing on her stories. It’s so bizarre and infuriating. She could give so many parents ideas for toddlers and she just has him pushing that container of dog food around. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr 🤬
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It’s terrifying me, I’m due to pop anytime 😂 You pastry trolls need to chill with the birth horror stories 🥴😂 I’ve got my butter (went with lurpak in the end) packed and I’m ignoring my midwife (what does she know), ive had a hot and cool bath, I’ve been laying on my back and scrubbing the kitchen with elbow grease, I’ve also been sick so know baby is okay, what more do I need to do!!!!
The only thing I can tell you is that 10 seconds after your baby is born you instantly forget the birthing process and how worth it all was .
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I know we all know this but everything is so self centred with her. She has an opportunity in this article to share HOW people can get support for PND. She could share what people could do if they are struggling with pregnancy during the pandemic. Point them in the right direction. Be an advocate for every woman having the right to a safe birth etc etc. She could have a powerful voice. But every single word is centred on her and how she feels. Not even how her heart goes out to families who haven’t been able to meet newborns etc etc.

I could write an entire essay in response to that article.
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If Hinch didn't constantly contradict herself in regards to every area of her life then this thread would not excist. We doubt her words as they do not add up, we question her as she is always tripping herself up or someone else in her circle tells it differently. She has lied about how she rose to fame and we can only pressume that she is jumping on the Mental Health band wagon. I sincerely hope she isn't struggling with mental health but her words do not ring true.
I remember when she jumped on that bandwagon. If you watch her This Morning appearances. The first time she is on her persona is so different (actually a lot more natural and likeable) there are no exaggerated nerves, no mention of her having anxiety but they do mention her being invited to Ireland to do a talk for a mental health charity. Phil pipes up that ‘some people’ clean to help their anxiety, again no mention of her MH at this point as she apparently just thought it would be fun to upload some entertaining videos of her cleaning her new wee house. Low and behold next time she’s on TM she suddenly has anxiety and that’s why she cleans. 😡 So contrived!!
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Is Jamie simple? Mans? Fuck off you wet wipe.
I thought I'd take the piss earlier, my son come downstairs earlier and I said hello my beautiful mans, just to see a reaction to see if people think it sounds as fucking stupid as we all do and I'm not joking he looked at me like I was a pile of dogshit. And that's from a 7 year old, people .
* Oops edited to say my husband was a bit like eh? That's from a bloke who doesn't listen aswell.
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Egg parcels

Chatty Member
So apparently Ron doesn’t listen to her, maybe if she put the phone down, got off the sofa and actually acted like his parent then he would show her respect and listen to her, I mean he’s a toddler and they are arseholes 😂 wait till he reaches the terrible 2s Soph, you’ll but pulling out your ratty extensions 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
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Delicate Flower

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Does she even speak to Tracy
She must do at some point considering she lives in hinch’s loft

I’ve been wanting to say this for a while but been wary of coming across in the wrong way. So my preamble is I’m a believer in ALL BIRTHS ARE TRUE BIRTHS. As I’m a believer in fed is best etc. Etc.
I think she will have a c section this time. I think that her previous birth shook her. I think she was shocked at how hard labour would be and how it’s not like in the films. I imagine she hadn’t prepared with any classes and just assumed her body would know what to do - whereas these days you can access amazing classes to help you focus your mind and body.
I just have this gut feeling that she somehow believes that having a c section will be easier for her this time (I reiterate I do not share this view!!) and that she can control more of the birth by having one. Horrifically it also give her an excuse to be bed bound after (even though all the women I know who have had c sections - especially for second or more baby- are cracking on with life ridiculously soon after a c section.).
There’s so much sofa time. I don’t know. None of it sits right. We’ve all commented on the sofa time. She’s hardly preparing herself for birth by being active, fit and healthy. I just wouldn’t put it past her to have the completely ignorant view that she can just sit on her backside for 9 months and then have her c section.
I hope you know what I mean and by no waaayy do I think c sections are EASY. I think they are bloody hard!!!
She’s bloody delusional if she thinks a c-section is the easy way out, I had one, I found it a lot harder than I thought it was going to be afterwards, I started to do too much soon after, I soon realised I shouldn’t have done, I didn’t lay on my sofa all day though
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Is there an article quoting from the SS podcast?
Jamie picked up on the signs of PND and read up on it, but now he didn’t, and didn’t know what was going on? So which it??

and BS her mum saw her on a story and told her she was pregnant.
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Gemma has common sense. Why would she potentially put her family at risk when she could wait a few more months to do it safely. It also shows that Sopha only cares about herself and the money to be made.
Also Stacey and Hinch know they have a sell by date. People may not care about them in 2022 so they need to bring stuff out ASAP. I guess with Gemma she knows that she will still be here next year doing what she’s doing. I don’t think hinch will have a massive following next year. Of course she will still have her crazy Hinchers but I think everyone else will be bored of her.
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The photos and videos of him in the snow are making my heart hurt. He looks so..... There's no excitement. There's no squealing from excitement (my kids are GIDDYYYYYYY in the snow) He's so used to being thrown in a pram facing his mother or stuck inside with his 5 toys that he just doesn't know what to do when he's finally set free for a run around. From a mother of 3,it's actually painful to watch.
Then the videos just now, he's not even acknowledging his own mum when she's screeching at him, he's literally looking and walking straight past her .. He's such a beautiful little boy, she doesn't deserve him. And ffs she's really pushing Roo isn't she? I haven't heard her say Roo before until last week. Not only is she bored of her son she's bored of his name now too.
I would again be inclined to believe he has a hearing loss. The 'ignoring' her when she is squealing at him. Looking straight past her. My daughter was the same who was diagnosed as deaf when she was 3. And the babbling and screeching at his age. I don't wish anything bad for him just saying I notice the similar signs.
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