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Cucumber and eggs

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Why does she need more storage for 3 bloody people? She is absolutely beyond! Spending because there is something seriously lacking in her life!! What a way to live! Shes absolutely reckless and such a bad influence to her followers!!
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I don’t know how to post this and block his face as the point of my post is his face and seen as she’s put it out in public, it’s just a copy of what she wants out in the world for all to see.... but how can she be hysterically laughing when he looks so u happy?! Her laugh just gets more and more fake and staged


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Add in some mash and you’ve got yourself a vom-worthy Hinch-pie 🎉

I tried to warm up milk in my kettle to make hot chocolate when I was 18 and living away from home for the first time 😂that smell will stay with me forever 🤢🤢😂
When I lived on my own, I once tried to make a pot noodle in a kettle , like actually in a kettle 🤪
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I wondered this too, she probably thinks it's the easy way out. Rolling up to hospital in her ratty extensions, rolling in and rolling out with her baby. Ronron will probably be on vacation to Freda's though for the first 6 weeks, so she wouldn't have to worry about picking him up or doing anything else! Sounds like the kind of decision she would make. Can't wait to see how this all goes 😂😂😂😂

Again, I'm all for getting baby out safely however is best for mum and baby. I nearly died having an assisted birth! However if I was to have another I'm not sure I'd elect for a c section or not as I understand it's supposed to be horrendous the pain and recovery ❤
I lost 2 litres of blood, wasn’t told if my baby was alive for 3 hours as it was a ‘different department’ and then burst 4 stitches trying to look after daughter Alone. C section not the easy way out some think So your right theres its not easy. Was so painful to get into sitting position I stayed sat on edge of bed all night with midwife saying lay down but also being 3 hours late with my painkillers. I didn’t have the luxury of a partner at all, drove my own arse to hospital 😂. I don’t wish my experience on anyone although would do it all again tomorrow for my girl, sorry to hear you had such a horrific experience, you just know if god forbid hinch did have a rough time she’d straight up lie!
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That cake sliced was 100% shop bought, you could tell by the jam and buttercream. Why is she like this? What a sad pathetic existence
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How much furniture does one person need? She really is a twat. A twat with too much tat.
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or JusRollWithIt

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Anyone know how @shadyessex33 is? He’s been quiet a while. Hope he’s ok
I noticed too but didn’t want to call him out as last time we did, he came out covered in paint from updating his bathroom and sent his blood pressure up I’m sure with more work for Nigel. Hope he’s ok, probably just bored to tears with her x
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Dani Dyer this week has has her spawn in for a photoshoot in Essex. They are all as thick as shit.
I’ve said this before throughout this pandemic I’m amazed common sense is not that common. These so called ‘influencers’ all live in the same world where they can do whatever and go where ever they want, covid is not a thing in their world 🤷🏻‍♀️ They all have a shelf life and it will soon run out.... well fingers crossed.
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I’m calling her posting about her natural water birth in the next couple of weeks after this thread, she will be all about peace and calm and will “debunk” everyone saying she’s having a csec and continue on her instamummy blogging pitch she seems to have evolved into since the cleaning flipflopped
I agree the transition from one child to two is hugeeee and so fucking overwhelming! I left my son with my mum, pregnant at 10pm to go to the hospital and was home for him waking up at 6am the next morning with his little sister in a basket. I near on had a breakdown trying to juggle two little people and also making sure my first born wasn’t left out at all and when he was showing signs of not coping well with a newborn baby taking up all my time I had to try and turn that around for him. It’s emotionally and physically draining for a long time until you have a solid routine. My relationship suffered so bad as did my mental health. So even if your birth is great, quick, straight forward as such, the home life part might not be so “easy going” all she seems to do is lie on her back, why not prepare a young boy for a newborn baby who’s about to arrive completely unexpected and unknown to him?
she most definitely will not show any of the lows I can guarantee it now, she will brush everything under the carpet and make out to her sheep that she’s basically Wonder Woman again and nothings even changed. I feel sorry for Ronnie for these months ahead😣
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Could i just mention that i love grey (blue too) and i don't follow any trends etc. and over the last 25 years I've always used grey in my homes, so when it became popular i was a bit miffed buy hey ho! I think it's the way Sopha uses grey and it looks OTT. Then again she has a huge mix of styles; bling, skandi, country and farm house, modern, pub style, bus stop chic.
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I thought that article was really boring in the Sun.

She always has to mention trolls, so what ? You put yourself out there in the public domain, not everyone is going to like you end of! People who are martyrs really boils my piss.

I'm sure not everyone likes me and vise versa That's life ! Deal with it !

Stop using it for content now Soph, its fucking boring 😴
The way she goes on about trolls so much like it’s her safety blanket!! Whatever she does she can cry troll. Nobody cares she gets it far less worse than many others and actual celebs I hate how she plays the victim she over does it like selling her book saying it’s my time to speak out its my time ALL she does is make out she’s trolled all bad!

If I was trolled I wouldn’t be sharing my every detail and deffo not my child!
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I’m sorry but I don’t get how baby kicks make her jump and laugh, my child is wild and is currently kicking so hard, but I’m not sat here giggling like a school girl tho, I really don’t get how it’s funny, I’ve never once felt that way, is that normal for pregnant women to feel that way and am I missing out on something???
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It’s snowing and she feels like a kid again. No excitement for Ronnie to be experience proper snow? As soon as I see those snowflakes I think how excited my kids will be. Not how excited I am?

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I just wish she had one endearing feature. It was lovely to see, what we thought was a genuine woman proud of her new home, pottering about, cleaning, so happy with her first home BUT. There is genuinely nothing real about her. BUT... would anyone of us Tattlers really want her life...NO. I am on my second gin, hence the capitals.
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