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Do you know what? I know it’ll be no great loss to her but I’ve finally unfollowed her. I used to really like her I admit but what exactly is she getting all this money for! She does nothing and if you dig about what real cleaning did she ever really do apart from wipe stuff to Neyo tunes in the start.
I get she has had clever marketing and her looks have helped buy by god what a sinfully boring existence. Covid has only highlighted how she has such an empty life.
I feel lighter already. I feel like I’ve got my braincells back
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It’s terrifying me, I’m due to pop anytime 😂 You pastry trolls need to chill with the birth horror stories 🥴😂 I’ve got my butter (went with lurpak in the end) packed and I’m ignoring my midwife (what does she know), ive had a hot and cool bath, I’ve been laying on my back and scrubbing the kitchen with elbow grease, I’ve also been sick so know baby is okay, what more do I need to do!!!!
Make sure you have a decoy to leave the hospital so you can leave via a different door so the paps don’t get you..

have you got a holiday home to go to after birth to escape the paps have your house extended?
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Omg why has she posted her husband in the bath. I’d never do that to my husband. I’m beginning to think she’s losing it. She sounded so hyper this morning with the laughing. It’s not normal.
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She posted at one point to say that she had less time to go in the pregnancy than she'd actually been pregnant and that was within a couple of days of the big announcement. Oooh Soph, it's a real page turner this story of yours 😂😂
Exactly. That would mean she’s past the 20 week mark. So you’re telling me she kept this from her dad for roughly 5 months just so she could do the announcements at Christmas?
Personally I don’t think she’s had the baby. That’s a pretty big deception and I’m not sure her hincers will be ok with that. I totally understand having the baby and staying in your little new born bubble for a week or two before making an announcement. But she’s been showing pictures of her bump like she’s still pregnant. Why go through all that? What would it achieve? She definitely knows the sex of her baby and I think she’s due in a month or 2 but I don’t think she’s had the baby just yet. But stranger things have happened. My sister was telling me of an Instagramer who had her baby in January but didn’t mention it in her stories or anything then on Valentine’s days was like ‘my little valentines born 24th Jan blah blah blah’. So for like 2 weeks didn’t mention she had the baby just so she could do a Valentine’s Day post. I can see Sophie doing something like that. Her gender reveal will either be on her birthday or Valentine’s Day.
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It's the same constant dripple isn't it? Ron pushes dog food into room, Ron feeds dog, Ron pushes dog food out of room. Henry runs to her, Ron runs to her. Henry jumps up on couch Ron climbs on couch. Absolute crap. Might aswell have filmed it once only ever (months ago) and hit replay every bloody morning.
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I have no fucking words except Laser Pen! What the actual fuck? Ronnie is not a performing monkey he's a child. Absolute disgrace of mother.
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Egg parcels

Chatty Member
Of all the things you can teach your toddler....the names of colours, make fairy cakes, build a tower, the list goes on. Hinch on the other hand teaches hers how to bend his legs and put food in a dog bowl 🤦🏼‍♀️
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The way she talks to him is so odd,I appreciate you being in our world.?? She sounds like she’s penning a letter to a fan or something not her baby son...she is seriously lacking in the art of communication 🤣🤣
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I really hope Jamie tells her she is so wrong to post a picture of him and Ronnie in the bath, and when I say tells her, I mean I hope he goes to bloody town on her and makes her take it down. It's a complete invasion of privacy and as much as we all know he's a fame hungry arsehole, I'm sure he wouldn't consent to this. If he did, then he's lower than pond scum.
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I’ve been wanting to say this for a while but been wary of coming across in the wrong way. So my preamble is I’m a believer in ALL BIRTHS ARE TRUE BIRTHS. As I’m a believer in fed is best etc. Etc.
I think she will have a c section this time. I think that her previous birth shook her. I think she was shocked at how hard labour would be and how it’s not like in the films. I imagine she hadn’t prepared with any classes and just assumed her body would know what to do - whereas these days you can access amazing classes to help you focus your mind and body.
I just have this gut feeling that she somehow believes that having a c section will be easier for her this time (I reiterate I do not share this view!!) and that she can control more of the birth by having one. Horrifically it also give her an excuse to be bed bound after (even though all the women I know who have had c sections - especially for second or more baby- are cracking on with life ridiculously soon after a c section.).
There’s so much sofa time. I don’t know. None of it sits right. We’ve all commented on the sofa time. She’s hardly preparing herself for birth by being active, fit and healthy. I just wouldn’t put it past her to have the completely ignorant view that she can just sit on her backside for 9 months and then have her c section.
I hope you know what I mean and by no waaayy do I think c sections are EASY. I think they are bloody hard!!!
Tbf she's probably got a surrogate and she's wearing fake bumps. Wouldn't put it past her the freaks...but no being serious, I reckon she's gonna share the reveal around her birthday and when I've googled it its in about 2 weeks? Then it's all go go go and baby will be here by mid March.
She honestly knocks me bad at how much of a lazy cow she is. You can tell she absolutely stinks of shit. I'm all for chilling but her sofa literally has the shape and stench permanently engraved cos she's never off the bloody thing.

Come on what do you know??? Do you think she’s had the baby???😳
Her neighbours can't stand her so I don't think she'd get away with having a secret baby. Unless she shuvs it in a bag for life when leaving the house(nothing would surprise me)
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Why on earth would you post a picture of your son AND your husband in the bath? This really is attention seeking at its finest isn't it? A personal family moment shared with millions! She is just the worst creature ever!
Looks like 2 totally different bath times too 😂 then again who remembers her staged photo of her and Ron in the bath 😂 😂 she had a bikini on which is of course totally normal right when bathing!
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What the actual fuck is that cake? She obviously didn’t follow the recipe she shared because WHERES THE FUCKING BUTTER!!! Why can’t you do even the simplest things right 🤦🏻‍♀️
She’s done it for attention, she’s done it so all her sheep will laugh hysterically when they point it out and how she’s ‘ made my day ,or Soph never stop being you ‘ and then she will laugh magically and say ‘ oh yeah silly me, what a silly sausage ‘
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What the actual fuck?! Let’s put the eggs in whole just to take them out to crack them, who has time for that! Oh yes Princess Zoph who does fuck all!

Also she just loved getting the ingredients and measuring it all out. Here’s a thought, how about Ronwonton does that?? God forbid the kid is allowed to do anything other than feed the fat dog, look out the window and sleep.


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So a family trip out to collect paint according to her list.
Non essential and downright stupid in the snow. It does not take 2 adults and a toddler to collect a pot of paint.
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Cucumber and eggs

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Trigger warning...

I've lost two close people due to mental health failures! She does absolutely nothing to help anyone with mental health. Ive had mental health issues since early childhood and pnd on all 3 of my pregnancies. I now work on a mental health ward, to help others like myself. She just massaged her own ego by saying drs want to bottle her up and prescribe her! I wouldnt dream of telling a patient to have a cold bath or clean their rooms to cure their anxiety! Child mental health last week, not one post from her at a time where childrens mental health is probably at an all time low and parents are probably worried. Soph one day it could be your son with mental health issues, especially the way you pimp him all over social media.
One of your followers may have reached out to you suffering with pnd, you just glossed over it until you were offered big bucks to talk about it!
I watched something last night with Meghan Trainer who felt guilty that a big fan of hers had ended her life, she felt guilty that she had missed something or could have done something to prevent it. Of course she wasnt to blame but she makes sure she reaches out to her fans and offers support where and when she can.
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Just been wondering to myself... how will they both feel if baby arrives sporting Jamie's original nose?
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Trigger warning...

I've lost two close people due to mental health failures! She does absolutely nothing to help anyone with mental health. Ive had mental health issues since early childhood and pnd on all 3 of my pregnancies. I now work on a mental health ward, to help others like myself. She just massaged her own ego by saying drs want to bottle her up and prescribe her! I wouldnt dream of telling a patient to have a cold bath or clean their rooms to cure their anxiety! Child mental health last week, not one post from her at a time where childrens mental health is probably at an all time low and parents are probably worried. Soph one day it could be your son with mental health issues, especially the way you pimp him all over social media.
One of your followers may have reached out to you suffering with pnd, you just glossed over it until you were offered big bucks to talk about it!
I watched something last night with Meghan Trainer who felt guilty that a big fan of hers had ended her life, she felt guilty that she had missed something or could have done something to prevent it. Of course she wasnt to blame but she makes sure she reaches out to her fans and offers support where and when she can.
This is what gets me, shes "all about children charities" and yet children's mental health week and not a word is said. She could of spoke about charities out there that can help and probably could do with a mention from the likes of Hinch but nope she's not bothered.
Childrens mental health is so important and yet so unfunded. My youngest daughter is lucky enough to be under an NHS psychologist due to crying "she wanted to die" "ill jump off a cliff or in front of a car" and " life would be better without me" all at the age of 7 (due to living in constant pain daily, luckily she's in a good place atm and adapted well to her health and disability so doesn't cry this now) yet I know some that aren't so lucky. And here's this prick talking about it so loosely. Saying a cold bath will help... tell your what!! I wish it bloody did.
She only talks about it to gain sympathy and followers to give her money.
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I know we all know this but everything is so self centred with her. She has an opportunity in this article to share HOW people can get support for PND. She could share what people could do if they are struggling with pregnancy during the pandemic. Point them in the right direction. Be an advocate for every woman having the right to a safe birth etc etc. She could have a powerful voice. But every single word is centred on her and how she feels. Not even how her heart goes out to families who haven’t been able to meet newborns etc etc.

I could write an entire essay in response to that article.
I think the PND thing in her book was purely to test the water and see which way she should go with this baby in order to get the most exposure she’s such a narcissistic idiot.

I look forward to Ronnies book when it’s released about being used to make his manic mum money because she was desperate to be famous. Going into detail about his first birthday where his mum arrived in a huge ball gown and how he was lead to believe a dog was his sibling and he was made to feed the dog daily. The time he got shoved in the rain whilst his parent filmed from inside the house.
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