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LOVE how she said she can put her books away to stop Ronnie ripping out the pages. Even he knows they are shite 😂😂😂 go on Ron you little mini Tattler!
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Don’t know about you guys, but when I’m feeling a bit ‘flu-ey’ the best way I find to make myself feel better is to empty and clean out my kitchen cupboards, not forgetting to clean my kitchen worktops at 4.30pm just in time to start the evening meal. Then I nip out to the local clothes bank to deposit all the bin bags full of clothes I’ve spent the ENTIRE day clearing out cause I just couldn’t stop 🤪. I also make sure my germy hands all over the handles without any gloves on, just for good measure.
Dont you know HINCHING is the cure. It's the cure for depression and anxiety, flu, Covid, chlamydia, you name it, it's the cure. According to that eminent scientist Queen Sophie of Maldon.
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The Ron and hen thing is aggravating enough but now Ronnie is literally just bugging the fuck out of Henry and it’s all going to end in tears, they have no bond, Henry tolerates Ronnie and it’s glaringly obvious to anyone with half a brain cell... why is she not teaching him to leave the poor dog alone and some boundaries ?! I know a lot of people here don’t like SS but at least Rex and her dog actually go about together voluntarily, one isn’t forced to be with the other and they sit together and interact happily without food involved
Exactly! Even the thickest shit can see when an animal, especially a dog loves a human being.
There is 0 amount of affection that that dog is giving back to that child.
But that's what baffles me in that laughing it so rediculous way! it's so clearly obvious. there is 100-percent 0 emotional response coming from that dog.

Also notice her comment that she first posted about Ron and hen wasn't from a person but her typed qoate and that was to kick everyone off "yeah yeah I see too, I love them together" posts. She then kicked off a wave of responses by just putting a treat out there to fuel the army response messages.
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Here’s a thought for you Zoph (Not that you’ve read here since 2019!)...

Prove to us that Henry really likes Ronalongadingdong by sitting child down without any food snacks for the dog and film the dog approaching the child for a cuddle!

Can’t do it??

Perhaps.... just maybe...... Henry doesn’t actually like his “brother” at all!!!

Geez she is a dozy bint 🤦‍♀️
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Why is she letting Ronnie slap Henry?! She seriously pushes it too far, there’s a dog and baby being cute and then there’s asking for an accident and when that dog snaps she’ll only have herself to blame......

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Chatty Member
I reckon the clothes she dumped - (yes dumped Soph!) Were the clothes scattered on her kitchen floor....the ones she claimed were washing!
I used to rag all the dirty washing out of the basket as a kid thinking I was the next Neil buchanan making a giant art attack
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Hello I'm fank you
So she is saying she's woken up feeling like she has some kind of flu but she's chosen not to actually describe her symptoms and instead asks for advice on what remedy she should use? Makes me wonder what sort of tablets she's taken if she's having to ask for advice.
I don't want to speculate on her symptoms but the correct and right thing to do would be to seek professional advice on whether to get a Covid test if she really does have symptoms. Surely that's not up for negotiation?
Also while I am here, can anyone tell me when Henry was last out at a restaurant and chose himself a nice roast lamb from the menu? I just can't for the life of me remember and it's puzzling me because clearly after his bad mood yesterday he can distinguish between lamb and chicken?
Like it’s even in the fat fucks mouth long enough for it to taste it. Doubt it even chews it. Swallows whole like a snake.
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Imagine being so well off that your shopping sits in the carrier bags for days, & when you can finally be arsed to unpack them they’re full of stuff you don’t actually need.

She’s already got enough cloths & Rose Wasteland to last her a life time. I’d put money on those cake tins never being seen again, as her idea of baking seems to be wrapping stuff in Jus Rol!
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I would 102938291010920110% rather watch that than the boring ass mute kid and fat hound combo and listen to that hideous song one more time, I think I know what soundtrack they use to psychologically torture prisoners in Guantanamo bay now #2manteam
It’s like the episode of American Horror Story - Asylum (series 2 I think?) where they just play that ‘Dominique’ song over and over as a torture method 😂😂
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Just had to send an email to see if any of the newspapers want the story of her being a Covididiot yesterday... She really has pissed me off with her actions!!
I’ll let you all know if any newspapers email me back 👍
I really hope they do. What she did yesterday was irresponsible and crass but sadly I think she'll just carry on as normal and like every other fuck up she's involved with, it'll go unchallenged and unaccounted for. 😠
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Sadly i think she only takes Ronald to Baby wotsit so she has more content! It's so obvious as she has that stupid mobile stuck to her stupid grimacing face. As for flu, omg she is a joker!! With flu you cannot move, it's not a cold or feeling slightly off, she is such a hypochondriac and princess. I shouldn't worry Zoph hunz because you have Jaydawg saggy joggers and your shrewwy old ma to rally around you and it's not like you have to worry about time off work or losing pay! Btw your content is utter crap and you are the most laborious, tedious and dull person who ever walked the earth.
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I am shocked watching those ronnie and Henry stories.

Henry is giving every signal that he doesn't want to be bothered. He's doing the whale eye to the toddler and putting his paw out like that is him signalling stop, keep your distance.
Then he moves to get off the bed and the toddler blocks his route and continues to grab.

Sophie please if you are reading here, please please stop this nonsense before your toddler gets bitten.
You think it won't happen but it will. Henry can't speak to express his discomfort so he is signalling with his body language.

Your son will get bitten and you will have to remove Henry or have him euthanized.

Why would you encourage this? If henry snaps, you will lose valuable seconds because you are behind your phone several feet away
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Woo ! Nothing like some penne for lunch prepped by a woman with flu like symptoms. Will she add tuna ? Chopped Tomatoes ? Can barely take the anticipation.
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Her inspirational quotes sound like the ones they use in pyramid schemes multi level marketing schemes. Today we'll smash it? Smash what? She sure is good at grooming her cult army.

Love the book placement during the morning routine. 😒

That dog and Ron are an accident waiting to happen.
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I’m just gonna have to mention that outfit choice one more time😐😐😐 grey prison joggers and black heeled boots🤢 my god it hurts my eyes!!!!!

Yessss what an earth is that outfit? Who puts boots with joggers? Reminds me of my music teacher back in school, she would wear adidas track pants with shoes. Always made me cringe🤣
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Just in case no one already has found them. Parenting 101 through a screen 😶 sad really that she takes everything else on board that gets said here but not the actual important stuff like product misuse, neglecting a dog, risking a baby feed a dog and general other crap pet ownership and parenting.
The sad thing is the session is only on for 35 minutes and she’s spent probably 30 minutes showing off in front of others, overacting and shrieking to get noticed just in case on the off chance nobody noticed her and time being behind her phone. The only actual time spent off it was probably when she twice posed (unnaturally at that) and then the couple of times she posed as wanted to appear like she was actually taking an interest which we know she probably wasn’t🤦‍♀️
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You know what screams donation? A pile of wet festering loose clothes that have been stuck in the bottom of an out of use metal bin for a long time. If she wanted to get rid that bad, she should’ve just dropped them at her local fire station, they then redistribute clothes to family’s who lost all theirs in a fire. She’s an absolute melt 🤦🏻‍♀️
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