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Don’t worry there are a whole herd of us out here feel the same 😂
I’ve never plucked up the courage to say “heaven? Are you sure? Cuz my great great grandad said old Mabel was a bit of a goer back in the day. Single handedly kept up the morale of an entire troop towards the end of the war effort...”
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Her last insta post I KNEW she would be celebrating her first year of parenting not his birthday. She’s totally that type. All that tidying... can’t be that hard to host for 6 😉 can’t be that much tidying surely. 😂
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Chatty Member
I don’t know what’s worse. The one who says “our ronnie” or the one who wrote his name across her sink. Both need equal amounts of mental help.
Let’s face it most of them are just doing it for a like or comment off old Hinch and they reckon mentioning doronron will do the trick bloody arse kissers
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If I don’t see pictures then Jenna you ain’t really a neighbour I’m sorry, this has been done before. Waaaaaay too many times 😂😂
You don't want anyone putting themselves in an awkward position though. Taking pics of someone else's back garden would be a no no for me. Out the front though is a public space!
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You lot are cracking me up today and we haven’t even had any content to rip yet.
Can’t wait. 😂😂😂
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I’m sorry if this has been mentioned, but I can’t not address the way she cut the cake like it was a piece of ham?!?!!! By those portions she would have enough to feed the village of Maldon!
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Chatty Member
Can’t believe she’s not put a photo up of the three of them for his first birthday...🤔
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I’m miserable and think that about people that wish their dead relatives happy birthday on Facebook. I don’t mean a memorial post I mean one pointed at them “dear great,great grandmother, today you turn 157. Have a great day in heaven”

like I say though, I’m a miserable cow.
I have a relative who tags people.....


😑😑😑😑😑 she is unfollowed

Newbie here and loving this thread. Pass the popcorn.
Not the stuff Hinch prepped though. Be a bit chewy by now
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Knowing how much the Hinchers love her, and the fact that she claims to love them back and owe them everything, wouldn't you think she would save her live, for those who missed it, to watch later? Or at least let them know in advance that she was going to do a live? She knows they miss her lives & would be excited. It's things like that, that I find strange 🤷🏻‍♀️ Unless she is so nervous that she doesn't give notice because she wants to keep the numbers as low as possible, to not be seen by as many people?

I'm clearly a bad parent as I have never in 16/17 years had all printed posters and signage for birthday parties, but do these bits now just go in the bin? They are clearly single use and its not like you can fold them up to put in a memory box. Just seems like such a waste. Although on the other hand, I do get that when it's your child, you get excited and want to make things special. Maybe there will be another section of the loft dedicated and appropriately labelled "1st Anniversary of Being a Mummas" with "Ronnie's 1st Birthday" written underneath in a smaller font for storing it all.

I'm not sure whether the claims of 30 people are true or not.* Would she really risk it? Especially after making such a song and dance when doing the prep yesterday about making just 6 of everything because there are "only 6 of us." But....that big cake, a whole dining table and a pasting table seems excessive for just 6 (1 being a baby).

*I should say, I do really bloody hope that Jenna is real, that she is an actual neighbour (or at least knows the neighbour).
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"We ended the day the same way we always do" Yes, with you gazing at yourself in the camera because you love yourself THAT much.
Fancy looking like youre wearing a wedding dress and outshining your son at his own first birthday party.
No pictures of Jamie I see and I noticed she conveniently left out pictures of the guests!
Also thats a VERY big cake for only 6 people, especially when she was so stingy with the size of the slices she was cutting! Lets face it Ronnie wont eat much, so is she actually going to be that wasteful and throw it all away? Or is lardsnomes going to eat it?
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Popcorn ready

Chatty Member
She looked very nervous, and looked like I feel after a family party. There may not be many there but you are on edge trying to make it perfect.......It completely drains you. Yes she is a twat and does me head in. But I think she looked lovely in the frock. And just looked tiered she as been up all week early.

ohhhhh shit I best get off here before I’m hung drawn and quartered lol 😂
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So fiancé and I have been getting to a place over the last 5 days where our relationship was getting back on track (if you saw my last post, he told me he wanted to break up with me last week) - anyway, just having our tea and I was telling him about the hinchy and Ronjonlonglegswithhisfeetzzzz show extravaganza today and he comes out with "aw, I feel sorry for her. She can't do right from wrong - bless her"

Is it my turn to dump him?
Throw him in the bin
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Active member
Wonder if the neighbours been told not to talk to us either by hinch or the press , I get the impression she’s not very well like in the street any way
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The cheerio sand is because I assume she is worried about poor Ronronblesshim eating it but yet it’s okay to slowly cause him long term lung damage with all her zoflora and constant chemical mixing? #goodone
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Chatty Member
That’s a whole new level of batshit crazy. That’s #tatshitcrazy what on earth goes through someone’s mind that they think this a good idea to the point it actually doing it and posting publicly on SM? Hincher’s army are barmy alright. 🥔🥔🥔
Agreed! At what point would ANYONE think ' I know, I'm gonna model someone else's kids face out my fucking mash potato'. I just. Dont. Understand. Someone fucking help the woman 😳
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Staying 🤣
Joe???? Is that you??? 🤓 are you one of us 🤷‍♀️👍
Joe 😂 Please say you mean swash? Yup!! its me guyyzzzzz i'm done. I throw the human named towel in! My cover is blown.... Yes the one you see sliding on and off backwards, forwards, slow mo, clicky fingers anyway you like it, yep that cover it has been blown 💣
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I’ve asked the question on her IG but will probably be ignored/deleted/blocked.

Glad my first post about Jenna seemed to be so useful 😂 used to be a big fan, but then she had the kid and I just genuinely have 0 interest in babies. I liked the cleaning and some of the home decor things she would get, but that hardly features on her page anymore.

I also don’t like people who lie and think they’re above the rules. I don’t care about the shape of her baby’s head, and we don’t see every single thing so I don’t see how people can make a judgement about her life and what type of mother she is because it’s all a facade for social media, but what I don’t like is reposting content several times over and blocking people who don’t agree with her.
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