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Answered above I’m honestly not saying she should give him a Big Mac 😂 promise
My partner is very good with foods, I can assure you we would t give our child a Big Mac
Oh no I didn’t think that but you just can’t compare an avocado to a Big Mac. Although I’d definitely have a Big Mac over an avocado 😂😂🙈🙈. End of the day hinch knows nothing about nutrition she only giving Ronnie what she think he should be having but has no idea why he’s having it. He definitely won’t be eating those things as a toddler. He will be living off beige food.
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Did anybody see the story a moment ago? She took the label of a cleaning product? I’ve been back to try and screen shot and can’t see it. Incredibly dangerous to remove safety labels off a cleaning bottle especially with a young child in the house who could ingested it... I really despair 😩
I saw one when she took a label off because the bottle was going in to the recycling 🤷‍♀️ Was it that?

Ronnieblesshim has got slag Bol, I mean spag Bol for dinner tonight. She’s been read here. I soph you massive twat waffle!
I was going to make spag bol tomorrow now I don’t want to 🤣🤣
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I think it’s good to have dreams and aspirations.. shes in a very privileged position to be where she is, and perhaps not worry where the next money is coming from, having a house husband is ok for a while but you need space too that’s prob why she was eating her shitty excuse of a lunch alone. But announcing shit on your Instagram what you want in life is just boastful and self entitlement. She wouldn’t be where she is if not for them sheeple. She needs to remember that and eat some humble pie.
I do follow SS and ok she had a new kitchen but I don’t feel she rubs it in ppls faces. I would think SS is fairly grounded tbh. Hinch looks like they need to have nice cars on the drive to give them the status they are better than everyone else. I mean an evoque and an Audi yet eats out of a fucking Pyrex jug come the fuck on!
I see a twig heart in a story of that CMAA that had tagged homesense, far enough make shit for your house but having paid possibly 15k for a new kitchen don’t cheapen it with that. It wasn’t sanitised before painting so I doubt it will hang there long we won’t see it end up in the garage. All that’s done is cause another trend

And all I really want to know is
we need the photos 😂😂😂
Find them lol quick
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I'm feeling guilty now, my boy is 2 weeks younger than Ronnieblesshim and doesn't crawl or cruise. He just rolls!

I'm feling
They're all different and do things as different speeds. One of my girls didn't crawl or roll and just sat there until she was about 18 months old when she started bum shuffling, she didn't walk until just before her 2nd birthday when she just got up and off she went (I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't been practising when we werent looking lol). Don't feel guilty! And you'll probably find your little boy is doing something that other babies of his age aren't doing because their brains have been focussing on learning to crawl or stand.
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I was thinking that her life hasn’t really changed that much since lockdown. For a couple who don’t work and are wealthy with a young baby all they did before was go to supermarkets, the cheap home shops and her parents house. They both drive too but don’t seem to actually enjoy their lifestyles from what I see, it’s all around staying in that grey house! I don’t know how on earth they can be together 24/7 it would cause a strain on any relationship. I feel a little sorry for Ronnie as he doesn’t seem to see other babies except Rex occasionally. I wouldn’t swap my life for hers!!!
Don't forget when she's got her boat and all those begged paid for visions, she'll keep us all entertained on the gram with those jaunts.
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So having pretty much got away with breaking lockdown rules, she’s now showing off a load of expensive beauty products she never uses without a care in the world.
It must be nice to have really expensive lotions & serums just lying around your house never being used. She has so much money & gets gifted so much stuff that she doesn’t appreciate anything.
They all look new to me

It doesn’t matter either if it is or it isn’t. Im only here for the hinch banter
You said you didn’t agree. As I don’t either so I was responding to you
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Yeah my partner is really good with nutrition etc, he did his own diet and lost 13 stone (before we were together) helped me lose 5 stone so we both know what foods we will and won’t give our baby, i home cook everything so I’m just kinda shocked at the stuff (& portions) she gives him its awful

p.s. I make my own Big Mac sauce happy to give you the recipe x
I’m sure you know that a healthy diet for a baby is VERY different to a weight loss diet for an adult :)
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Imagine if one of Hinch's family catches the virus, do we think she'd admit it for the sympathy, or carry on pretending everything is fine in case someone (Tattle bastards) brings up the fact she's been having them over for barbecues?
Totally for the sympathy.
No two ways about it.
would set her frantic ferals foaming like pink spray on a kitchen worktop.
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He would’ve ended up with salmonella if he ate those eggs this morning. She could’ve made him scrambled egg. Poor boy must’ve been starving after a puree
Why didn’t she give Ronnie one of them avocado eggs? No wonder he’s eating 2 breakfasts if he’s only eating purée. And did her and Jamie share a plate?!

Also, does she still have that fireplace in her living room? I stopped watching for a while.
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Worse than Bing is Waffle the dog! Mrs Hobbs gets on my tits & the parents are so sickly sweet, I had to sit through it with my granddaughter before lockdown.
My daughter is OBSESSED with Waffle the Dog. She wants to watch it everyday and every time she watches it she asks to start from the beginning again.... And the fucking theme tune is permanently stuck in my head!!
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I’ve seen a silicone mat in sainsburys, never thought of that tbh. Do you get any flavour through the food? None in aldi yesterday. I want Paper for lining tins. Everyone’s turned into bakers since lockdown lol no flour
No they work fine
tbh They are only used for cookies and fish fingers lol

ETA - make sure it's a baking mat not just a normal silicon mat - there is a difference I think, check the label lol
sorry further eta - it seems they are all fine but best check x
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