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Chatty Member
@Minkeh and @noonecaresaboutyou Im right there with you! Love putting washing out to dry and smelling it after! We may be saddos but we’ll never be as sad as Zoph! 🤜🤛
We can be saddos together 😂

I don't think anyone can be as sad as her 😂

Guyyyssss what the fuck was those video's about, you know the one where she was 'cleaning' her face.

Reminded me of the playground bully, who picked on you and wobbled her head, pulled some ugly faces and pointed the finger 😂

Maybe Hinch was the school bully?

You are not Beyonce hun so do us all a favour and stop! We are all embrassed for you but if you wanna continue acting like a tit for our benefit then go ahead 😀
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You didn't make anything you daft bint, you just put some tiles on the wall!

I thought she had some grand plan for these tiles?! Wasn't she fussy about them coming off in one piece? Now she's smashed them up and begging for ideas what to do with them 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
She probably dropped them and they smashed stuff now needs a new master plan
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I thought he’d moved out at one point because he was hardly there at all! She could have booted him if she had PND or something and she was always on her own day and night. Very strange.
Nah, he alluded to her having it when they did Stacey’s podcast which I’m not sure she did but if she did, he defo helped her through it from what was said. He actually came across really well on that if I remember rightly.
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I’ve just been thinking randomly back to the comments made the other day about her ma being at hers, when she went to visit them ‘both’ why was she holding a sign that only said hello grandad? And why was it only her dad that we could hear speaking to Ronnie? I deffo think her crazy mothers round at hers to supervise all 3 children!
The mum might of moved in with her other daughter so she can look after Abby. The sister is an nhs worker isn’t she?
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I think the real reason she refuses to move is because she has to be spitting distance from her parents. They’ve made the house too large for the plot it is in & no doubt it’s a bit of an eyesore on their block. More money than she knows what to do with & she keeps saying how much she loves fields. Would make sense to buy land and build your own (that’s certainly what I’d do if I had the money)
But no, they’ve ruined the house they had making it a weird, impractical lay out. And don’t even get my started on that ridiculous drive thru.
The grey abode has the exact same house minus the extension and the difference is unbelievable
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Not necessarily. If there’s another parent at home to look after them they’re expected to be at home. If they’re mature and sensible you can even leave them at home by themselves (although I’d certainly have some qualms about any of my Y7s staying at home to be fair, but they’re mostly mad). Sending them to school is literally when you have no other choices.
My daughter is Y7 (one of the older one as her birthday is in September) and I occasionally leave her home by herself but not for long periods. I am working at the moment as I work in the NHS (although not front line) and her school have said she can go in, however my partner is able to work from home so we're doing that.
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Do you know her married surname or whatever family surname (Hinch's maiden one) for the sisters you're looking for?
This is her Facebook. Her married name is Gosshawk. I’d imagine her maiden name is barker but they was a Rumour that she wasn’t Pa Barker’s buy that’s never been confirmed so not sure if she had the same maiden name as the rest of them


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His little feet look really swollen in this picture too. I don’t have kids, so I don’t know what their feet are meant to look like? They just seem really bloated to me 🤷🏻‍♂️
My wee ones feet were like that - the first shoes had to be on the widest fitting bless her. No issues with walking etc though.
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Chatty Member
Seriously.....WTF is that her vegetables storage rack....what’s vegetables are there that’s ate able and does she actually realise that you can’t just pop round to the shop here & then or whenever you feel like it to do abit of food shop......? And that’s all the bananas shes got for 2 adults and a baby soon to be 1 who can also eat bananas oh wait forgot she doesn’t have the time to give fresh fruit & veg......I’ll rather be with a dog than have her as my wife.....😮😂

Yes this! Both my daughter and husband leave them at the bottom of the stairs when theres a cupboard less than inch away. Number of times ive almost broke my neck
The amount of times I come home with my girls and the front door slams right back at me 😂 because he leaves his shoes right at the front door lol and you don’t see me flung them out the door......what a bitch.....does she knows that he lives at that house that his paid for.....? And shes done fuck all to the house apart from accepting freebies and clean on top of cleaned surfaces🤬🤬


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If she’s an nhs worker, then her daughter will be at school as she’ll fall under the child of a key worker category
She may be at school, but even for key workers the advice is to keep the kids home if you can, so if Ma Barker is round to look after her then she may well not be at school.
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