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Protect our kids? She can’t even protect her own the fucking waffle. Everyone’s too scared to say anything incase they get hate (which they will because everyone admires kirsty and would kill for her). The embarrassment of a woman her age acting the way she does, especially on live for thousands to see. EEEEEK .
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You’re not getting the point 🤦🏼‍♀️ I honestly don’t know how you can sit there and think what you’re all doing is raising awareness. Of course that group wasn’t going to be positive and I highly doubt anyone joined thinking that. The point is that what you’re doing isn’t the right thing and at this point it’s making a mockery of victims.

Do you think the doxxing is okay? And don’t come back with “well Lucy does it too” because we’re not talking about that. I hope your friends and family are never wrongly doxxed or bullied in this way.


(Also keeping the name in as it’s not their actual name)
They will never get the point, nobody but them is allowed an opinion on anything.
misty, Kirsty & co.. we are saying your not raising awareness. Your doing it for financial gain and clout. If you want to raise awareness of child abuse etc why is the money not being given to charities that support abuse in children where victims will benefit from it? I thought the whole thing was “for the kids” seems more like it’s to line your own pockets. And that’s not jealousy sweetheart, it’s speaking facts. Going on about L&B being begs when your no better for it. Pot, kettle springs to mind there.
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Biggest fans 🤣🤣
This isn't fan behaviour, its sheer disgust and disbelief that someone could be so brazen and nasty about innocent people.

Answer Kirsty, you claim you raise awareness, reciting a couples phone number at every opportunity is raising what awareness?.
Dressing up as someone, how is that raising awareness?
Your tattoo of a " trend" that you started is raising awareness of what?!...
Having a back screen of mock photos of lucy and Bryan raises what awareness?...
Accusing people of being behind mod accounts raises what awareness?.
Outing INNOCENT peoples family's and social media raises what awareness?!...
Outing and verbally abusing anyone who mods for lucy is raising what awareness?!.
Outing people who gift lucy is raising what awareness?!...
Whether Bryan does or doesn't see his child raises what awareness?.
Asking people to find people's dates of births is raising what awareness?.
Telling someone who's son has passed that your going to dig their son up and smoke him is raising what Awareness?!..
And of course- you only go for Lucy so what about the points above that don't involve lucy directly, how does that raise awareness?!..
Doxxing their gp, how does that raise awareness?.
We will wait ✋️
The whole digging Jo's son up was another reason I'm not supporting her. No normal human being or mother would think that yet alone say it. Jo is clearly a vulnerable women who hasn't had the right levels of support for losing her son. Kirsty should be ashamed.
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I actually think L has asd and is definitely on the spectrum.. child like,still collects toys ect..

Kirsty and crew go look that up your actually bullying someone who has the mind of a child!! Your vile!!
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Can someone please explain why does Kirsty tell everybody not to watch Lucy but she sits there watching her? Where’s the logic in that. She stopped doing her housework purposely to watch Lucy 🤔
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hopefully some people from that group will have a read of this thread and come to their senses 🤞🏻

anyone that supports Kirsty and co are bully supporters.
They are saying on the group we have nothing better to do yet they are literally in the same sort of group it’s just on Facebook 😂
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Does anyone know what Lucy has done? I really can’t find a legit answer because it’s all clouded with bullying, I heard Bryan was at a house party a couple of years ago and handcuffed someone to a radiator and he sent pics to a girl who was underage, that’s horrific and he is disgusting for doing that, if that is true he is a ponce, but I haven’t seen anything that Lucy has done? I seen she realised Bryan had done wrong and is sticking by him but i it’s really don’t think anyone is in a position to say she supports ponces she was clearly shocked and upset and questioned him about it so she obviously doesn’t agree with that behaviour and I agree she should leave him but she does have mental health and learning disabilities and I think she relies on Bryan and doesn’t have any family or anyone else so it is a difficult situation for her, but I don’t think she deserves to be labelled a ponce or ponce supporter over it, I n No way condone any poncy behaviour I have 4 kids and 2 are teens so it does sicken me but surely the police will deal with it and know bout it and so far I am yet to see any evidence of Lucy also being a ponce or doing anything to warrant the hate
I personally have never seen a scrap of evidence that even remotely implies Lucy has committed any wrong doings. It’s become a hate cult and people like Kirsty and Simba are to blame. All she’s guilty of is being a bit of a grifter and not being the brightest crayon in the box. But she’s harmless. I feel sorry for the girl, I really do.
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Hello kirsty little message for you and your mods it’s time I dox all of you let me actually get the right information before I dox them I’m not called kat smith. And I will dumb aload of information about them let’s see how they like it much love RB x
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Can’t stand that northern bint, he voice goes right through me. All acting mother of the year but they ignore their kids to sit on live! Kirsty must of made a few hundred quid easily last night in gifts
Easy £500-£1000 last night with the types of gifts she was getting, I didn’t last night but in the top right corner now it shows all the people in that live plus the amount of gifts sent I wish I’d clicked on it now to see!

even when the kids are there she’s still live, like slaves she never moves, a bit like Lucy 🤣

Northern nobhead “ Kirsty’s watching Lucy because she’s gathering evidence” gathering what evidence?? She’s not a copper, these bunch of vigilante got nowt better to do
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I think it’s important to state that WE ARE NOT SUPPORTERS L&B as I’ve seen the tattle page mentioned quite a few times in Lucy’s live. We are here because we do support bullying and in any shape or form. If L&B are what people say they are I hope they are prosecuted and face the full force of the law however I do not believe in Tik Tok vigilantes and dragging poor innocent people along for the ride through the endless doxing.
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anyone catch simba, holpol, porsche and owen harassing jo coffey in the early hours of this morning? i dont exactly like jo, but watching this clearly mentally ill, grieving woman be bullied by these genetic freaks is sad to see. another irrelevant creature, cara mossman (one of simba's mates) was being racist to mixed race people too.
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I simply dont understand why all of them just dont block each other & let the police do their job, if there is any case to answer to, i am sure the police are better equipped to gather their own evidence into the Lucy and Bryan accusations, than a bunch of dressing gown stay at homes chatting on their sofas 12 hours a day, repeatedly saying "follow my gifters guys" or "mouldy willaaayy"
Any case there is, will probably never make it as far as court because of these vigilanty wanna be's in Kirstys live and on that fb group
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Surly if your kid was kicking off and you were live you’d end the live, and sort the issue out?
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FML are people falling for the “cry me a river” act, watching all the gifts roll in !! I’m 35 and my childhood was shit but that’s my shit to deal with not strangers on an app and that northernbint christ her tongue couldn’t be up Kirsty’s arse anymore soon it will be coming out her mouth !
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It’s all just really strange now. If lucy was to actually disappear off of tik tok they would soon be asking when she’s next online or trying to get her out the wood work for entertainment. Half the people on that Facebook group are there for drama not for the reason of getting them off social media and Kirsty is only “running” all this because it gives her attention, which by selling her dirty clam packet we all know she craves. protecting kids? But can’t protect her own? Nah don’t sit right with me
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